hosts YetuSwap: a Pan – African decentralized (DEX) automated market-making (AMM) exchange currently on the Ethereum blockchain.
Euclides Manuel: Hello @rachelll88 and all BSC Daily community
I’m doing well, what about you?
BSCdaily – Admin: Me too
I’m so excited about YetuSwap
Ready to start our AMA?
Euclides Manuel: Yes, I’m ready
BSCdaily – Admin: Great
Let’s start with the first question
Q1: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about YetuSwap? What is the essence of YetuSwap?
Euclides Manuel: Sure, My name is Euclides Manuel N’gola Mussassa, I’m from Angola.
I’m on crypto space since 2016 and I’m also the Founder of the Bitcoin Angola Community, the biggest and most active community in our country with more than 13k members.
YetuSwap is a Pan-Afrikan decentralized protocol with AMM and yield farming. We will also launch NFTs and lottery on YetuSwap in few weeks. For now, the community can stake and farm on YetuSwap, everybody can join our protocol regardless of their origin.
BSCdaily – Admin: Sounds interesting.
Ready for the next question? @ngolamussassa
Euclides Manuel: Yes, I’m ready.
Q2: When did you start to develop your project? What are the main obstacles you wanted to overcome?
Euclides Manuel: We started to develop YetuSwap since June 2020, it took 6 months to write or whitepaper and prepare everything for the launch.
We started the ICO in January 4, 2021.
It ended in June 20, and we raised ~ $ US 220,000.
The biggest obstacle was to create an active community. Today we are more than 40k, and our community is becoming more active over time.
BSCdaily – Admin: Such a great milestone.
Q3: Also we would like to know more about your project. What are the highlights of your project and products that you believe will help you succeed?
Euclides Manuel: For being a Pan-Afrikan project we are using a Pan-Afrikan design, we believe that this can differentiate us on the market.
Our community can earn passive income by staking YETU and farm being liquidity providers.
Another highlight of our project is that Yetucoin is the first cryptocurrency of Angola. It was already mentioned on big newspapers, tv and websites of our country.
We believe that we will succeed because of the support of our community, they are really helping us pushing the project forward.
BSCdaily – Admin: I’m so happy to know that.
Q4: So, what are the main benefits do you offer to long term holders?
Euclides Manuel: The long-term HODLERS will get a lot of benefits since we are working hard to reduce the YETU units in circulation.
Actually, we already burned more than 56% of our total supply, and we have a burn program.
In addition to that, we will moon after we launch the NFTs Marketplace and lottery. It’s good also to say that we will launch a centralized exchange in Angola, it will be the first in a country with more than 30 M inhabitants.
Everything to increase the use case of YETU by impacting people’s lives.
BSCdaily – Admin: Thank you for your clear answer.
Q5: Let’s talk about your token $YETU. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of the $YETU use cases?
Euclides Manuel: Sure, talking about the YETU tokenomics- our circulation supply is very low.
There’s only ~ 42,201,605 YETU in circulation, with this supply we can easily go to $ 1 in few days since we launched YetuSwap today.
In addition of the use cases that I mentioned above, there’s a lot of community members that are using $YETU as a mean of payment in their businesses. From factory to online businesses, $YETU is having a lot of use cases in real life.
We are working to increase the number of businesses that accept $YETU, especially now with staking on YetuSwap.
BSCdaily – Admin: That’s great.
Q6: Does $YETU get audited?
Euclides Manuel: Yes, our project was audited by Certik, one of the biggest companies on that field on space.
To those who want to know more about the audit process can read the report on Certik’s website:
The funds of our investors are SAFU on YetuSwap.
Q7: And, where can we buy $YETU?
Euclides Manuel: $YETU can be purchased on YetuSwap, Pancakeswap and Bitmart exchange.
We are working for listing $YETU on more big exchanges next week.
BSCdaily – Admin: Cool
Q8: How will you persuade users to come into the crypto space and invest in $YETU AMA items?
Euclides Manuel: We believe that information is important before investing in any project, this is why we are updating our community frequently about our next steps and we have our whitepaper.
In addition to that, we used to make streamings on our YouTube channel to clarify the doubts of new investors in our project.
To those that want to join the YETU project, we recommend to read our whitepaper and read our FAQ on YetuSwap’s blog, there’s everything you need to know about our medium and long-term goals.
Our investors can also make questions on the group and by email to: [email protected]
BSCdaily – Admin: Thank you for your information
Q9: What is your plan for the future? Can you talk about your roadmap & targets for this year?
Euclides Manuel: Sure!
For this year we will launch the NFT Marketplace, lottery and launchpad for new projects. We will make it in the next 3 months.
In addition to that, we will launch our centralized exchange in few months.
We have a sustainable project, and we still so early, this is the best moment to join our project.
BSCdaily – Admin: Your targets are so clear.
Q10: Finally, where can we find out more about YetuSwap?
Euclides Manuel: To those that want to join our project, can visit our website, which is:
We launched today and we are fixing some issues on fronted, but all contracts are working fine.
Those who have technical skills can already start farming through BSCScan, farming will be available shortly, we are working to allow it today or tomorrow.
And as I said above, we recommend all new investors to read our whitepaper, it has all the information they need to know.
BSCdaily – Admin: Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community? @ngolamussassa
Euclides Manuel: Thank you very much for your support @rachelll88
I would like also to thanks the great community of BSC Daily for participating on the AMA
We welcome everybody to join our project and interact with our community on our group @yetuswap
BSCdaily – Admin: It was a pleasure having you guys @ngolamussassa
Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for YetuSwap
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