Yearn Classic Finance AMA Recap hosts Yearn Classic Finance (EARN): a utility token for the Yearn Classic Finance platform of the DeFi ecosystem.

BSCdaily – Admin: Hello everyone

Yearn Classic Finance: Hello all BSCDaily Community

BSCdaily – Admin: Are you ready? @yearnclassic_EARN

Yearn Classic Finance: Yes I am ready

Q1: What is Yearn Classic Finance all about? Give us a little summary

Yearn Classic Finance: Yearn Classic Finance (EARN) is a utility token for the Yearn Classic Finance platform of the DeFi ecosystem. EARN has been built with some strong principles viz. Constructive Engagement, Consistency, Security & Reliability. EARN along with being a cryptocurrency is also a platform to enhance, explore and revolutionize the financial system in this fast-growing world.

Our team promises to deliver the best in world-class products for the industry. One of our innovative moves is using a friction less token EarnX as a utility token for the unique physical NFTs, one of that is already revealed i.e., Binance version of Persian Carpets which are unique and one of its kind in quality with premier design and material used. Moreover, we will be delivering these at not more than 25% cost compared to other international exporters with NFT address minted and with unique RFID identifier of the carpet. And all these NFTs already revealed Persian Carpets and others soon to be revealed will have EarnX and EARN token as the main utility token.

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Yearn Classic Finance: We have a great team spread accross different time zones, with good expertise in Blockchain development, Cloud Engineering, Marketing

We have a team of about 36 working round the clock from various locations in building Yearn Classic Finance. The majority of them are working on earNFT marketplace which will be the groundbreaking solution on Binance Smart Chain to easily list buy and sell NFTs. The past work history of the team includes building blockchains, cloud applications, e-commerce websites.

The team lead working on earNFT has almost 12+ years of experience in building e-commerce applications. We have a team consists computer programmers and graduates who are also crypto traders and early investors in Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEO BNB. Good marketing team and have partnerships established with many manufacturers of various unique and antique pieces and other crypto token projects among our partners 2 are listed on the top exchange and all are above 50 million market cap  whose names we reveal as we progress

A part of the team is working on bringing EARN smart contracts on to Cardano, NEO N3 also

Q3: Why did you and your team decide to build Yearn Classic Finance?

Yearn Classic Finance: We choose to build Yearn Classic Finance to provide equal opportunities to all the participants in the crypto space, so we directly listed on than going for IFO, etc. If we have gone through IFO there is a greater chance some will get much concentration of volume in this 10K supply.

In the case of EarnX also made a maximum limit of 2.7BNB worth tokens can only be bought by a single wallet, You can ask that a person can have multiple wallets, but that causes a delay of at least a few seconds where many participants can acquire can participate in the token sale.

Coming to the point of building EARN and EarnX is to have as a utility token for our earNFT marketplace and EARN exclusive version of physically value retainable NFTs one among them already revealed is the Binance version of Persian Carpets, a yield generator, AMM on Binance Smart Chain.  earNFT will be unique in selling and buying and listing NFTs on earNFT marketplace. With EARNSwap we choose to give all tokens that apply with us have a logo on EARNSwap so that their buyers can easily differentiate if they are buying a legitimate or some scam token with the same name.

We choose Binance as the first in exclusive NFT to honor their work in the crypto space in bringing Binance Exchange to the masses and getting crypto mainstream thereby providing many innovators to get their idea a reality and standing with the community when the ETH gas crisis arrived and launching Binance Smart Chain with minimal gas fees.

We are committed in delivering all we have said and wants to place EARN in respectable position in the top cryptos list

BSCdaily – Admin: It seems that gas fees is the primary reason for many projects migrating to Binance Smart Chain

Yearn Classic Finance: True

What is the point of having of such high fees, where a transaction takes $50-100 in spending the whatever amount

If that continues how a common trader or ordinary person can use crypto at stores when it goes mainstream

if this high fees continues, people starts thinking paying with fiat is better than crypto

I personally like NEO’s model of having few percentage free transaction in every block

it encourages all without financial barrier to enter crypto and use as we use fiat now

BSCdaily – Admin: Yeah, and each new user also increase the gas fees for everyone else

Yearn Classic Finance: True, take example of BSC itself, the gas fees when it was launched is way lower than, what they are now

Q4: Let’s move on to my favorite part – $EARN Token. Can you share with us your tokenomics?

Yearn Classic Finance: EARN tokenomics are very clear and available on We have around 11,430 tokens in circulation and 10,700 tokens burned already. Our farms and EARNs(pools) will only produce a block reward of 0.0003EARN tokens, which is around 8.64 tokens per day and 3154 tokens per year. With the products in-line like Exclusive physical NFTs, earNFT marketplace which will have only EARN as a utility token, block rewards producing 3154EARN tokens per year is very minute.

EarnX tokenmoics can be visible looking at token holders’ structure. 5% EarnX tokens are with the team, they will be used only to compensate NFT artists, burns, and ecosystem developments and they won’t be dumped at any cost.

We raised 210 BNB on DxSale for EarnX in less than 2hours and all of that went into LP pools on Pancakeswap. Unlike many other who put only 51-60% of raised funds on dxsale

We are committed to our products and selling our unique NFTs and increase the business of Persian Carpets and others soon we going to release

EARN and EarnX will be the utility tokens of the whole Yearn Classic Finance ecosystem. The majority of EarnX used for buying the exclusive version of carpets will always be burnt.  I say here majority because we have to get the carpets made and courier the buyers, these all have some expenses. Our main aim is not to profit from EARN or EarnX, our goal is to make our carpet business and other exclusive goods that will be revealed soon on EARN have maximum international exposure.

Q5: Great, could you give us some info on Yearn Classic’s token? What are some of $EARN use cases?

Yearn Classic Finance: EARN and EarnX will be the utility tokens of the whole Yearn Classic Finance ecosystem. The majority of EarnX used for buying the exclusive version of carpets will always be burnt.  I say here majority because we have to get the carpets made and courier the buyers, these all have some expenses. Our main aim is not to profit from EARN or EarnX, our goal is to make our carpet business and other exclusive goods that will be revealed soon on EARN have maximum international exposure.

EARN is the only utility token on EARN Launchpad IFO. Buying of IFO tokens can only be done through EARN-BNB LP tokens where EARN will be burnt later. For example, if a new project raises 100000USD then the EARN-BNB LP used to buy new tokens all the BNB will be transferred to the IFO applicant or the new project team and the remaining EARN will be burnt, at the current price of EARN around 1000 tokens will get burnt. This makes us our token price increases constantly and gets huge with very less supply of around 11400.

Another one lined up is earNFT marketplace where anyone can list and sell their NFTs whether they may be video NFT, art NFT, domain names, any kind of NFT. This will have EARN as the main utility token and EarnX as the main utility token for the EARN exclusive version physically value retainable and physical goods NFT such as already revealed Binance version of EARN Persian carpets.

We are in discussions internally to launch a campaign of lottery, where a lucky person gets exclusive version of our NFTs

Q6: For people who are interested in obtaining $EARN? Where can they buy it?

Yearn Classic Finance: $EARN and $EarnX are listed on, EARNSwap, and Pancakeswap. We are in talks with many other exchanges we will be on them sooner as paperwork gets completed.

$EarnX got on hotbit just few hours back

BSCdaily – Admin: Congratulations, great news!

Yearn Classic Finance: Thankyou

few other exchanges lined up will have to wait for the announcements from exchange side

Q7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2021 as a whole?

Yearn Classic Finance: We are working in the direction of giving exposure to many new tokens and new innovative ideas a place in this cryptocurrency space. We have announced that we are accepting EARN Launchpad IFO applications. Buying of IFO tokens can only be done through EARN-BNB LP tokens where EARN will be burnt later. For example, if a new project raises 100000USD then the EARN-BNB LP used to buy new tokens all the BNB will be transferred to the IFO applicant or the new project team and the remaining EARN will be burnt, at the current price of EARN around 1000 tokens will get burnt. This makes us our token price increases constantly and gets huge with very less supply of around 11400.

Another one lined up is earNFT marketplace where anyone can list and sell their NFTs whether they may be video NFT, art NFT, domain names, any kind of NFT. This will have EARN as the main utility token and EarnX as the main utility token for the EARN exclusive version physically value retainable and physical goods NFT such as already revealed Binance version of EARN Persian carpets.

We want any good projects to have logos in EARNSwap ( which will clear buyers’ or sellers’ confusion in checking contract addresses each time if they are buying a legitimate token or some scam tokens. We are making this move to create equal opportunities for all in this decentralized crypto world.

Applications to have the logo for their token on  EARNSwap are already open and anyone can token can apply to this and we place them on EARNSwap and the users will be clear without a doubt while buying the

Q8:  Where can we find out more about Yearn Classic Finance?

Yearn Classic Finance: More details about us can be found on our official website, official Twitter account, telegram, and medium. The details related to all the products are documented and posted on docs on our website.

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