After the successful adoption of Bitcoin by the Salvadorian government, the whole crypto community has been on the lookout for the next county to follow suit. In a recent poll by Newsweek, more than 10.8 million Texans might support the legislation of making cryptocurrency legal in the city. Newsweek surveyed across ten U.S states and result gathered suggested that 37% of Texans would fully support full adoption of cryptocurrency, while 42% will favor crypto-friendly legislation.
Texas has a population of approximately 29 million; 10.8 million supporters of cryptocurrency adoption legislation in the state is a good shot. Also, crypto mining is on a rise in the state owing to the state’s sources of renewable energy and less regulated power grid. Texas equally holds the third-highest crypto ATMs in U.S states.
With the next election drawing nearer, legislation on the adoption of cryptocurrency in Texas might be a hidden card to gain the support of crypto enthusiasts by any party.
Source : bsctimes
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