Unityswap – The CHILIZ for Charities

With a novel approach to tokenizing charities and simplifying donations, Unityswap has a potentially enormous market share to capture.

Introducing Unityswap

Unityswap is a project centered around leveraging the capabilities of Web3 into real-world utility, specifically through charity. The team claims to be the first ever charity tokenizing platform, meaning they use blockchain technology to create tokens that are directly representing charities, according to their website.

“We believe that blockchain innovation can create a revolution for digital fundraising. Our goal is to empower charities and help them solve global issues by creating their own automated donation token,” the Unityswap website states.

The project team believes that Unityswap could see similar success to Chiliz, filling a unique niche for a largely untapped market – all while donating to good causes. The project has been audited by Solidity to ensure the security of its smart contracts.

Unityswap Background

The project was founded by Luc Hijdra and Robby Muilman in March 2021 according to their website. The founders had noticed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, fundraising efforts for charity had been negatively impacted by its side effects. With many donations taking place through fundraising events, Covid-19 restrictions had impacted how many events could be held and the number of attendees allowed. 

After noticing this impact, Hijdra and Muilman researched how they could innovate fundraising methods. Their research led them to digital fundraising, specifically via blockchain technology. 

The founders had also noticed that many charitable donors were 50 years old on average, while the average age of blockchain users was around 30. This gave them the perspective that they could reach an entire new audience of potential donors and begin to lessen the age barrier for charity donors.  

How Unityswap Works

Unityswap works similarly to Chiliz, except for charities instead of fan tokens: it tokenizes their fundraising by creating a special token for each participating charity, as well as a save wallet for donations. A full list of initial participating charities will be announced in the near future.


Every token created through Unityswap has a 1% fee which is sent directly to this wallet. This allows tokenized charities to gain donations even if their token is being used for a different utility. Currently the tokens are available for trading on the Unityswap Decentralized Exchange (DEX). The project team states on their website they plan to make them available on a wide range of DEXes in the future. There are also plans to integrate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), with more information to be released in the future.

Their pitchdeck states that charities that are tokenized will benefit from every transaction their token is used. The users of the token can engage in a variety of DeFi services, all while making donations to help improve the world. 

Unityswap Potential Partners

The Potential

The potential of Unityswap is quite large due its unique market niche, the team claims. While other projects in the crypto space have worked with charities, Unityswap claims to be the first to tokenize them. 

This gives them a distinct niche, allowing charities to fully leverage the powers of blockchain tech and take advantage of a global audience. This is similar to Chiliz in that Unityswap is tokenizing something that not only benefits from tokenization, but is also a large enough market that the project can capitalize on as a first mover. Beyond a large market share, the Unityswap target goals also include empowering charities and increasing donations, giving the project a tangible real-world use case.

The way the donation fees work ensures that even just using the token will make a donation, making the fees work towards improving the world – and not just padding the wallet of Unityswap.


Concluding Thoughts

Unityswap is not the first blockchain project to work with charities. However, their tokenization is a unique way to connect a younger generation with donations and philanthropic efforts. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular among younger people in particular. Utilizing this growing popularity to increase both awareness and actual donations for charities is both an enormous potential market share, but also an effort to make a real-world difference using the global power of Web3.

For more information about Unityswap, visit the following links:





Source : bsc.news

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