BSCDaily hosts Twindex: #Defi #Twindex #stocks #BSCDaily #BSC
BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?
Twindex Admin: We are good! So excited to be here. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share our story with this beloved community.
BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?
Twindex Admin: Sure. Let’s do it.
Q1: Now to start the AMA, team Twindex please have a quick introduction to the community.
Twindex Admin: Twindex is the fractional-algorithmic synthetic assets exchange on the Binance Smart Chain that allows investors to trade mirrored assets at a real-world price with a variety of assets ranging from stocks, commodities, currencies, mutual funds, and other possible assets.
No collateral, no liquidation, and 24/7 trading.
Twindex is a part of the Dopple DeFi Ecosystem that is run by the same team. As an ecosystem, we’re offering a product suite that covers all of the financial needs.
As for Twindex, we see that trading in the stocks market has a lot of growth potential.
As the world is evolving, more interesting stocks come into the eye, and even more.
However, trading have some restrictions.
What if you know semi-conductor markets are rising but you are not allowed to trade that?
What if you know Vietnam stocks are rising sharp but you have no chance to invest.
Twindex is one of the first movers to solve this problem.
Q2: Who is the team and what do you do?
Twindex Admin: We are a group of passionate DeFi team that comprises blockchain experts, startup entrepreneurs, and international business analysts – specialize in designing revolutionary blockchain protocols.
Currently, we are focusing on fractional-algorithmic algorithms.
Guided by Darwin’s theory of evolution, we aim to be extremely agile and highly adaptive with speed.
While we continuously try to improve on our customer service, our goal is to design innovative DeFi products that maximize profits and minimize the risk as best as we can.
This is extremely important because we are closely connected to market insights.
An example is the surge and rise of stablecoins, we know that there are many flaws in stablecoins and instead of trying to compete with better rates, we innovate a much better product that can adapt according to the market.
The core value we contribute to the community is based on having the need to constantly learn, evolve, and adapt our products so our users can benefit from our blood, sweat, and tears.
Q3: What is a Fractional-Algorithmic Algorithm?
Twindex Admin: One of the most important questions indeed.
The fundamentals of our platform. Fractional-Algorithmic Algorithm (FA) is our unique 2 token mechanism design dependent on what we called dynamic collateral ratio that combines 2 main factors: Growth Rate and Buyback/Re-collateralization.
Based on the “Growth Rate” our automated protocol adjusts the Target Collateral Ratio to find the best ratio among 2 tokens.
An example is our KUSD stablecoin which is partially collateralized by a USDC stablecoin and Dopple’s platform token called DOPX.
The goal is to let the algorithm adjust itself to rebalance the supply of the tokens so that it constantly maintains its equilibrium dynamically, resulting in price stability without losing its peg to USD.
Q4: You’ve mentioned that Twindex is part of the Dopple Ecosystem, please explain more about this.
Twindex Admin: As a whole, we are the Dopple DeFi Ecosystem that has three products namely Twindex, KUSD, and Dopple Finance under one umbrella which we utilize Fractionalize Algorithms in our products.
As mentioned earlier, we started this algorithm with KUSD first to test and confirm our fractionalized stablecoin, then we’ve deployed this token mechanism into Dopple (Stablecoin Exchange) and have proven that it hasn’t lost its peg for more than 40days.
Why is this important?
The success of fractionalize algorithms on the KUSD stablecoin gives us confidence and allow us to implement it to higher volatile assets on Twindex.
Unlike other synthetic asset platforms, users need to over collatorize (at least 150%) due to fluctuations in price, our mechanism design allows users to not need extra collatoral and trade exactly the price in the market.
With that validation, it gave us the confidence to further deploy more synthetic assets into Twindex and till now, we remain confident that our product strategy works extremely well.
To summarize;
1. Twindex – Fractional-Algorithmic synthetic assets exchange for investors who are looking to farm/stake real-world assets into Defi
2. Dopple Finance – Stablecoins exchange and stable farm pools for low-risk investors
3. KUSD stablecoin – Ecosystem’s native stablecoin using “Fractional-Algorithmic Algorithm that is deployed in both platforms mentioned above.
Q5: Does Twindex have the platform token and how would holders get benefits from it?
Twindex Admin: Yes, it’s called TWX. We’re confident to say that we are one of the few platforms that successfully design a solid use case for our platform token.
$TWX is heavily used to partly collateralize the synthetic asset, meaning that the more synthetic asset is minted, the more $TWX is burnt from a market, resulting in a decrease of supply and eventually drive the price up.
As our platform continues to grow and there are more assets in the system, even more $TWX will be burned from the system!
And in the future, we will introduce more $TWX use cases that fulfill different strategies.
Our TWX tokens have risen more than 40% from last week and there’s a lot to come.
$TWX is now listed on CoinGecko:
Q6: Who are the target customers of Twindex?
Twindex Admin: Similar to Dopple.Finance, our primary audience is always retail traders but Twindex speaks to a more sophisticated subset who are more knowledgeable about financial management strategy with higher tolerance of risk.
Some use our platform as a hedge, some just park and hold. But interestingly, in recent weeks, we’ve been noticing an emerging group of family office financial advisors taking positions on our platforms.
While we are still early in the market, we believe that our business model requires economies of scale to be perfected – meaning the more people that use our platform the more we know what we need to design for them.
Q7: What products does the Twindex project provide to users? How can users make money on your platform?
Twindex Admin: To put it simply, you can trade synthetic assets just like how you trade assets in stock exchanges. We offer a variety of synthetic assets such as tAAPL, tTSLA, tBAC, tARKK, tXAU (Gold), tEUR, tJPY, and many more to come. It stands for Twindex though.
There are multiple ways investors can make profits from the platform which really depends on the user.
Our products have always been designed to serve everyone but the difference in risk tolerance varies from person to person.
Here are some examples:
You could be a value investor who invests in an asset and hold it until its value increases
You can trade synthetic assets for capital gain
You can also create assets paired LP and stake in a farming pool to earn additional yield with as much as 30-40% APR
Our fractional-algorithmic algorithm also allows you to arbitrage and instantly gain the difference with “Mint and “Redeem” features
We are working on providing an even more familiar way to trade including portfolios and dashboards.
Q8: What would the future of Twindex and the Dopple Ecosystem look like?
Twindex Admin: As a team, we are brought together with a unified vision to provide financial freedom to everyone. Our goal is to design and engineer the most innovative crypto assets and democratize the utility of our digital financial instruments.
In the past, “high-end” financial products have been segregated and kept for only the rich and wealthy so our mission is to design and innovate simpler and more effective digital financial products for the masses.
I hope to not give away too much but we do have ambitious plans to scale both in our product suite and ecosystem partners.
As for our ecosystem expansion plan, we aim to integrate and bridge into Ethereum and Solana soon.
Check our product roadmap!
Oh and another awesome detail to share is that our hyperchain has been completed and we are in the process of conducting due diligence from both cyber security and partnerships.
And of course, Twindex will later bridge into our own parachain as well.
Q9: Where can we find out more about Twindex on social media?
Twindex Admin: Please feel free to follow us and join our community!
BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with Twindex.
Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?
Twindex Admin: Today we’ve just added brand new tAssets to including the famous ARK Innovation ETF, meaning that you can invest in ARKK on the blockchain now! And thank you all of you for today’s session. It’s beautiful.
BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Twindex.
Source : bscdaily