THUGS Launch New HOES Staking To Combat Lowered GUNS Emissions

In foresight of GUNS emissions-reducing, the Thugs.Fi team introduced two new HOES staking pools in hopes of combating the considerable reduction in GUNS rewards.

Guns Staking to Pause

For those who are unaware, the first 30 days of GUNs staking has come to an end. Currently, GUNs rewards are paused indefinitely while the new contract is developed. The smart gangster contract executes the current GUNS distribution; the GunDistributed contract will perform the new GUNS distribution to reduce the current block reward. This new contract will reduce the block rewards from 5 GUNS/Block to 0.1 GUNS/Block; this change will take a couple of weeks, as the GunDistributer contract is still not completed. Once the GunDistributer contract is finished, users will earn GUNS at the new block reward of .01.

New HOES Staking Pools

The team at Thugs.Fi was preemptive in keeping HOES staking rewards fruitful. In anticipation of GUNS rewards tapering off, they launched two new HOES staking pools. Users can now stake HOES to earn THUGS or additional DRUGS rewards.

THUGS Staking Pool

This pool allows users to stake their HOES to earn the THUGS deflationary token. The pool consists of 1000 THUGS tokens from the treasury, these will be allocated to

users who stake HOES for about a month. Users who begin farming THUGS tokens must understand the deflationary burn mechanism. The THUGs token has a variable burn rate, higher burns at lower token prices, and lower burns at higher token prices. The following equation is used to calculate the burn: 50% / (Current $THUGS price /  $0.36760313)

THUGS burns are triggered when users sell, send, add and remove liquidity. For users who wish to brush up on the THUG.Fi Ecostestm check out this article

DRUGS Staking Pool

On top of this, a new HOES staking pool for extra DRUGs has been released. This allows users to not only earn DRUGS from staking DRUGS, but it will enable users to stake their HOES to earn even more DRUGS. Hence the “Double Dippin DRUGS!”

Overall these two pools provide multiple options for HOES staking, allowing DRUGS to sustain high yields through spreading out rewards.

GUNS Hype!

As GUNS block rewards came to a halt, lots of people have began speculating when the Thugs.Fi NFT’s will be released. At this point, anyone’s guess is as good as mine, but there are a couple of things to consider. Since the block rewards have been paused, the current GUNS supply is restricted to 3.5 million tokens. This is key to understand as GUNS are a deflationary token by design; upon release of Lord of War Staking (Thugs NFT’s), there will likely be a GUNS burn. It is likely to see GUNS deflationary measures implemented shortly, driving more value to holders. On top of this, there is currently a small constant buy pressure on GUNS token. This is due to the Beefy GUNS/BNB vault, which compounds earnings back into the LP position, buying GUNS for all vault users.

Between a use case, deflationary measures, and buy-side pressure, the GUNS token could be an exciting one to watch from the Thugs.Fi ecosystem. The Thugs.Fi NFT’s are yet to be released, and who knows when the team will push out the contract? Until then all we can do is speculate 😊.

Concluding Thoughts

Users have been able to earn generous yields through the HOES staking pool, rewarding GUNS. The token is finally nearing its use-case, supporting the Thugs.Fi NFT ecosystem. There are all sorts of factors to consider, but it is for sure that GUNS are deflationary by design, and they will be incorporated “soon.” While this is excellent news for GUNS holders, yield farming users may notice a decrease in returns. In foresight of this, the Thugs.Fi team introduce two new HOES staking pools in hopes of combating the considerable reduction in GUNS rewards.

Overall the THUGS.FI team continues to innovate, moving further down its roadmap. A massive milestone release to look out for will be official Thugs.Fi NFT’s, received through the Lord of War Staking contract. While we wait for more information from the team, it may not be bad to accumulate some GUNS if you missed out on the farming.

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