Sportemon Go AMA Transcript

SportemonGo is a NFT-augmented reality sports trading platform with innovating products.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Sportemon Go!

Today we have Ricky and Corey, Co-CEOs of Sportemon joining us

Pleasure to have you guys here 🙂

Corey Jackson:

Thanks for having us 🙂

Andrew (BSC.News):

Of course, man the community loves you guys!

Never seen anything like it

Ricky Jackson:

here guys

thank you Andrew, we have an incredible loyal community

Andrew (BSC.News):

I see! Well I am very excited for this AMA and to learn more about your project

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway 🙂

Sound good with you guys?

Ricky Jackson:

great, looking forward to it

Corey Jackson:


Andrew (BSC.News):

Awesome so to get things started

1. Please give us an introduction to yourself and the idea that started Sportemon Go

Ricky Jackson:

Hi Andrew and everyone at BSC, I am Ricky Jackson co-founder of Sportemon GO and I am here today with my co-founder and son Corey Jackson.

I have 30 years in the sports industry across every facet of it, from being a professional sportsmen with Australian Football to managing 500 elite global athletes and selling 220 million collectible licensed products.

In addition I did the first ever Fantasy Sports in a digital format in 2001 with The Telegraph UK newspaper and our we created ESPN Football game with over 4m player. I also own a sports betting affiliate business in the USA, UK and Australia.

My son Corey has worked alongside me for the last 10 years and together we have wrapped up all the experience into Sportemon Go in a digital blockchain platform.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Okay wow

That is quite the resume you got on you Ricky

Ricky Jackson:

yes 30 years will do that lol

Andrew (BSC.News):

So being that Sportemon Go is your project, I am very excited to hear about it, and I am sure the community is as well

Yes haha

2. What is the purpose of Sportemon Go, is there a mission/vision you are trying to accomplish?

Ricky Jackson:

Sportemon Go was founded in 2021 by both Corey Jackson and myself. With illustrious backgrounds in sports media, marketing, iGaming and sporting software. A father son pair envisaged the creation of a platform to stand as a world premier in NFT augmented reality sports collector trading.

Looking to revolutionize both the interactive gaming, NFT collectible and broader sport experience industries, Sportemon Go will enable its users to find, buy, hunt, collect and trade NFTs of their favourite sporting heroes in both the real physical and virtual world and in real time.

Creating the perfect synergy between our current world and the metaverse, participants will be able to interact at stadiums and sporting events like never before.

Sportemon Go is funded solely through its own cryptocurrency, a BEP20 token leveraging a smart contract on the Binance Block Chain network. We aim to take Crypto direct to the 99% using Sports as the Trojan horse and by making it easier to purchase through a variety of mechanisms so that the sports fans, the 99% can buy with confidence and easy online, by card, by fiat direct to SGO, other pairings and back out again.

This SGO native cryptocurrency will power the entire economy within the platform allowing users to purchase NFT collectibles, form their ultimate team, participate in mini games, earn rewards and much more.

Our goal is to be the worlds best tokenized sports platform in the world

Andrew (BSC.News):

Yeah for sure. I think that the world of sports itself could be the catalyst that influences other platforms to lower the barrier of access for non-DeFi users

Ricky Jackson:

totally agree mate

Andrew (BSC.News):

Especially with the billions and billions of dollars that are in the sports industry worldwide

Ricky Jackson:

yes and we plan on being the Billion Dollar Game Changer

Andrew (BSC.News):

So to unpack some more there regarding the sports industry and getting non-DeFi users on board

3. The sports industry has a ton of money in it, how do you plan on directing that revenue towards your project and DeFi as a whole? How have you lowered the barrier of entry for non-DeFi users?

Ricky Jackson:

Great question, we are targeting our marketing primarily at the sports fans, the players on our platforms and are doing this by signing elite athletes, teams, sports organisations, player agents, and other sports community partnerships.

We then segment these fans and develop product exclusively for them and targeted at them.

As well as product for the crypto, NFT investor markets, we create product for the fans. And after 30 years and highly successful affiliate marketing businesses, we know where the fans live, what they like, what values, prices and product/services they respond too and how to give to them.

We have a global mass audience vision and approach but a local community execution, in local sports, stars and language.

We have a global mass audience vision and approach but a local community execution, in local sports, stars and language.

We then use traditional money products and convert that to SGO crypto currency and are in the process of this with Indacoin integration, Debit cards, Apple Pay and Gift Cards both physical and virtual. So we will be in shoppping centres by first half 2022 with SGO gift cards!

Sports fans are our bread and butter we have done it all before selling to Public Companies, Venture Capitalists after a few successful businesses in physical product world and digital world and now doing it in Crypto… it is not new, just new to crypto.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Great answer there, thanks for that.

Ricky Jackson:

Gary Vee said NFTs are going to be bigger than broadcast money to teams and we are going to be right up the top the queue cashing in


Andrew (BSC.News):

Yeah I can for sure see that too

And once the majority of people know how to purchase and trade NFTs the market will be booming

Ricky Jackson:


Andrew (BSC.News):

So while you did touch on it a bit, I want to talk about this a bit more

4. What is the $SGO token? How is it used on your platform?

Ricky Jackson:

Sportemon Go is funded solely through its own cryptocurrency, a BEP20 token leveraging a smart contract on the Binance Block Chain network.

This SGO native cryptocurrency will power the entire economy within the platform allowing users to purchase NFT collectibles, form their ultimate team, participate in mini games, earn loyalty rewards, find or win mystery loot boxes and much more.

Sportemon Go is an all-encompassing ecosystem for real time sports, esports, virtual sports, casino, betting, fantasy and much much more!

The SGO platform which was shown as a sneak peak a few days ago and ready for launch first week of September will be an interactive Social NFT Marketplace, Buy, Swap, Trade, Sell, Store, Albums and Auction for all purchasing and collector needs with each transaction verified by Chainlink VRF on the blockchain!

Every activity within the Sportemon Go ecosystem requires the SGO Token which offers a tokenomics with reflections and loyalty rewards, with unique experience through Virtual Stadium Environments for remarkable AR experience and NFT displays!

Experience Sportemon Go Moments in time across sports, teams, and players

– Game Day NFT and Collector Cards

– Casino and Sports Betting

– Virtual Sports and Augmented Reality

– NFTs, Stickers, Memes, igaming, Prediction Sports

– Social Swap Market Place

The Sportemon Go Revolution is here and it is a #GameChanger

SGO powers some of the worlds best athlete, teams, leagues NFT products and chainlink verifies it, combined with our lifetime of collectible market making means the Token and our NFTs are going to see significant growth in both short and long term with our sustainable high growth model.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Oh so every feature would involve $SGO in one way or another

Ricky Jackson:


The only module on the platform is sports betting and some Fantasy games that require a stable coin SUSD will be introduced in the last quarter for this, however you will still need SGO ot buy it.

SGO powers the platform.

and all utility

Andrew (BSC.News):

Understood, thank you for that

I know you have tons of features right. And they are features that I am really excited to hear about as a sports fan but first, let’s talk about NFTs and the role they play within your platform.

5. How have you incorporated NFTs into your platform?

Ricky Jackson:

Yes, we are actually doing a 20k NFT giveaway right now on twitter…. Buy $100 SGO and WIN a $20k NFT from English Premier League Star.

NFTs are the first product / marketplace we are focussing on and it started this week. We have nearly 30 elite superstar and legend athletes signed from a variety of sports. Their NFTs are being pre-released this week.

The App comes out first week sept and NFT Marketplace is either going to be with that release or very soon after.

This is a high priority for us.

We have products for every price point and collector segment from Digital Trading Card high volume with mystery cards, chase cards and rare, signed etc… through to limited edition and 1 of 1 editions.

Prices vary accordingly and later I will tell you about a NEW never before done product release for NFTs… and it is a GameChanger

Andrew (BSC.News):

And the NFTs that you are giving away, is it like a trading card of a sort?

And what can you do with the digital trading cards? Is it to collect or will it have a utility on your platform?

Ricky Jackson:

yes, a updated digital video version and 1 of 21 edition of a Premier League Superstar

Who we name in coming days, once the EPL clear the release.

Andrew (BSC.News):

That’s really neat man

Ricky Jackson:

there will be a range of things, from collectible, to lucky numbers based on the individual numbers, to unlocking money can not buy activities, tickets to events and interactive. We will also have Decentralised Design Your Own NFT minting for game day experiences and special editions.

Andrew (BSC.News):

money can not buy activities?

Ricky Jackson:

yeah a massive star and going to blow up, when we release it

Andrew (BSC.News):

Please tell us more about that

Ricky Jackson:

meeting superstars and legends, going to premier league, or champions league or world cup games or USA Super Bowl or NBA or NHL, or US Open or VIP to World Title Fight, Nascar etc

Andrew (BSC.News):

I gotta tell you Ricky, that is by far the best argument I have heard for buying an NFT haha

Ricky Jackson:

We have a mechanism and contacts for our NFTs to unlock physical and virtual experiences, that others just can not compete with… we know what fans want and we know how to secure these rights and market them for the best commercial outcomes.

lol me too

Andrew (BSC.News):

So this next question is one that I am very interested in and looking forward to with your full launch

6. What features do you offer on your platform?

Ricky Jackson:

We think NFTs are Moments, Memories and Memorabilia captured as a NFT and then to make that NFT the experience that relieves this

We think NFTs are Moments, Memories and Memorabilia captured as a NFT and then to make that NFT the experience that relieves this

The Platform will be a full 360 end to end fully encompassing sports platform with physical and virtual experiences, NFT collecting social marketplace, igaming, fantasy sports, virtual sports, sports betting, casino and lotto. Plus a full range of fun pathway games like instant win, score a goal, face apps, fandom filters, prediction games, quizzes, polls, and many other activities which you are probably better experiencing… some are free, some a pay2play.

We have a host of modules that we will roll out pretty much for the rest of the year, like Virtual Sports, is 24/7 think ea sports for betting, horse racing, greyhounds, football and other sports… all virtual, all random and all 24/7 with SGO token

Fantasy sports – all the major sports… we had 4m players in 2018 World Cup and around 10m over the journey with Fantasy Sports, that is equal to Draft Kings, except we did it for News Corp, ESPN, Bet188, Unibet, Ladbrokes and other partners.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Yeah so when I started doing my research on Sportemon Go, I thought of it as a mix of Las Vegas, EA Sports and ESPN fantasy leagues

Ricky Jackson:

sports betting will be later in the year with SUSD integration

Andrew (BSC.News):

which I mean is pretty great for sports fans everywhere

Ricky Jackson:

Yes we really hit the sports fans between the eyes with our offering, it is 30 years in the making, and with the brilliance of blockchain to verify it, we are excited

Andrew (BSC.News):


So you did touch on this a bit earlier when we were talking about the experiences fans can win, but I wanted to expand a bit more on it

7. Have you made any partnerships with athletes or sports leagues? If not, do you plan on it?

Ricky Jackson:


We have signed nearly 30 athletes… I think we have announced 20 so far, and will announce the rest once we have contracts finalised and / or clearance from teams, leagues etc…

we also have a NBA top 10 draft signed… and that NFT will be out soon… for pre-release

signed a NFL team

a Pro Basketball Team

and are at contract stage and or close to negotiating deals with many organisations for both NFTs and Fan Tokens

Andrew (BSC.News):

If you can tell me right now that you signed with the Las Vegas Raiders I will buy any NFT I can get my hands on sir

Ricky Jackson:

These partnerships will unlock the experiences I spoke about, we want SGO to be a journey, an experience and financially successful by holding, become a loyal SGO follower, buy, hodl, shill and I reward you with money can not buy… we have also given away free NFTs that are worth more than the token holder token value..


Andrew (BSC.News):

I think I got the hint. All eyes on you @coreysportemon

Ricky Jackson:

we have met with a number of teams, but they are not the one we have signed but i do love their stadium

Corey Jackson:


Andrew (BSC.News):

Either way guys, that is super exciting

Ricky Jackson:

yes really exciting times… in 10 weeks, to be honest i think we have achieved more than most BSC companies in a lifetime… App ready to go, star athletes, Teams, sponsorships and many advancements in DTC etc.. etc..

Andrew (BSC.News):

Yes those are great achievements

So one thing I did want to talk about

Ricky Jackson:

yes pls

Andrew (BSC.News):

As we both know the sports industry is huge. And with your plans on lowering that barrier of entry for the masses, they have to still be educated on the risks that come with smart contracts and DeFi as a whole

So personally I believe that in order to take a big step and getting any DeFi that mainstream appeal they have to assure the public it is safe to use

Ricky Jackson:

Very true and a great point…

Andrew (BSC.News):

So my next question is

8. In terms of security, how can you ensure that users funds will not be compromised as dealing with smart contracts always pose a possible risk?

Ricky Jackson:

Firstly, I think it starts with the education of every one in the sports chain, from the team or athlete to the fans… we explain to them why it is first important to have a fully doxxed team and a little by little about defi… as most of our audience will come in as players first and foremost which is great for token holders, as they do not care about price, and they will need to buy regularly to play and buy etc… so they are less at risk or have less money value at risk, over time I expect many of these will become holders and that will be achieved through education sgo does but equally our community who are very strong, loyal and knowledgeable.

On the tech side we have an exceptional, talented, highly experienced team that have each module working (fantasy is a module, sports betting is a module etc…) and then we integrate these already proven successful modules into a single platform. We are getting Certik audited too and we are very confident in our team with platform security, privacy.

That said we do need to maintain vigilence and put inplace as many protocols as we can and many of these we would not discuss.

But education, tech and talent is the best tact.


Andrew (BSC.News):

Awesome, thank you for that answer

So last but not least

9. Any news you would like to announce here today?

Ricky Jackson:

We are very excited about the Sportemon Go App release in first week of Sept, the early access or pre release beta is about to begin and if the sneak peak a few days ago is anything to go by it is going to put a jet rocket under our chart price.

I am really bullish about this, the team have done an incredible job and with so many roll outs planned on a very aggressive scale, we are very very bullish about this impact on our business.

Second is the NFT Market Place and Pre-Sales is going to be open before the end of the week on our website. So if you are a collector, investor and / or sports fan then the pre-sales is where you want to be, so I would register at


We expect a hot kick off judging by the NFT competition to win $20k NFT that had 13k retweets… and well over $100,000 in buys

and it is still not to later for that… u can go to our twitter page to enter…

last day i think… it was also promoted on BSC twitter.

NFTs are going to be huge, there is no doubt and I am going to announce something that we are first to do… and that is SAAS product for NFTs, where you can buy NFTs on a subscription bases to complete your collection. It will revolutionize how you collect and that will come out just after the app.

SAAS NFT coming after the APP!

Mystery boxes, and special editions dropped on a regular bases over agreed time period subscription… the netflix for NFT

We do have some more news…

we are waiting on clearance for the EPL star, and NFL team so unfortunately we can not announce that yet. But in coming days or week these will be released… so this is the official heads up to the BSC community.

We will also have a marquee star to launch the platform.

That is after announcing Gift Cards and giving away our first one today… imagine see ing SGO Gift cards in 7/11, Kmart and Supermarkets well it is coming in 2022… until then digital is available.

Andrew (BSC.News):

Super exciting stuff guys

and a ton of news!

Ricky Jackson:

and Corey will drop a bomb live after this AMA in the Sportemongo telegram – which maybe our biggest news to date,…. hard to believe but true… so you should all get across there when we finish here.

yeah i get tired just thinking about it… we have pockets full of news and thats what you are seeing in the charts now

Corey Jackson:

I will post below



Ricky Jackson:

So I might leave that news for corey live in sportemon go straight after this one

Andrew (BSC.News):

Awesome thanks guys

For sure go give them a follow to stay up to date on all the latest news about Sportemon Go!This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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