Slam Token: Binance Smart Chain’s One-Stop-Shop

The project offers casino gaming and DeFi capabilities in a captivating blend.

Introducing Slam Token

Slam Token is the first project that will incorporate all of the useful features of DeFi and casino gaming into one platform called the Slam Token, also dubbed the SLAMAZON of Binance Smart Chain powered by Decentralized Finance (DeFi).

What is Slam Token?

Slam Token is a revolutionary BSC-based project incorporating both worlds of DeFi and casino gaming. The project has successfully launched three of its products in just the first month of operation—projects including Slam Charts, Slam Swap, Slam Vegas, and Slam Crash.

SLAM Token

The platform aims for the comfort and enjoyment of its users by implementing simplicity to sophisticated systems like its swap platform – Slam Swap – and fun activities through its gaming systems while expanding the earning abilities of users.

Key Features

Slam Charts

Slam Swap 

Slam Casino Gaming, including Slam Vegas and Slam Crash

Bankroll Investment

Project Components

Slam Token majorly targets the improvement of already established systems in DeFi, an aggregation of all of these systems housed under one platform – the Slam Token ecosystem and simplicity of operation, which will drive the needed adoption and utility.

Slam Charts 

According to the WhitepaperSlam Charts is the 2nd product after Slam Swap launched in the first month. It’s an integral part of the Slam Token ecosystem created to serve users.

Slam Charts | Source

The fork of TradingView is entirely free, unlike PooCoin, which only allows specific access to premium users. In Slam Charts, users will be given access to;

Track whale wallets

Convert any crypto or fiat and see the token’s actual USD value on charts compared to BNB value. 

Swap across different chains using the integrated Slam Swap platform on the chart (coming soon) 

Receive push notifications

On the left-hand side of the chart, users can also see the market cap data and LP amount in USD for V1 & V2. By maintaining the free mode access of the charting platform and becoming the go-to tool for all traders, Slam Charts will keep up its revenue through ads and paid collaborations. However, this will not affect the smooth user experience assured by the team.

The platform will carry out the following;

Add all cryptocurrencies into the database, starting with Uniswap tokens and further expansion of the library.

Stop loss and take profit features will be added alongside the integration with Slam Swap.

Alert tool for brand new tokens listing on BSC network

Whale Radar will be implemented for any token, exchange, or blockchain. Ability to directly copy trade whale wallet transactions.

The team has assured users of the release of the IOS and Android version of the Chart Tool during the mid-part of June.

Slam Swap

The Slam Token team is trying to improve upon some of the issues PancakeSwap had in their recent migration. This is currently the number one priority for the team, who want to ensure their user base does not encounter any of the same issues.

Slam Swap

For example, in Slam Swap, users will be able to swap without searching tokens via contract address. The integration of the following features will enable a smooth experience for users:

Auto-Slippage (All coins WIP) 

Auto-Router Selection (V1-V2) 

Simplified UI 

Auto-Language Detection 

Understandable Errors (Soon for all errors)

Token Bridge across blockchain and not just BSC

There are over 1000 tokens added with their listings already updated. The platform will automatically detect the version where liquidity is available for tokens. This will take away the complexities and commands encountered in the PancakeSwap platform. The team has also hinted at the creation of its own router in Q3.

Further plans include:

The integration of an analyzer tool for all tokens on Slam Swap. It will provide data on the selected tokens, holder count, social media following, whale holder details, audit reports, LP info, basic contract scan, and more. This will further reduce the impact of scam tokens prevalent in the chain as project owners will be able to add and verify information on their analyzer score.

Automatic addition of tokens through Slam Swap cross bridge.

Cross-chain bridge, with swapping between Slam Token and Ethereum as an example.

Slam Casino Games

Slam’s first casino offering was the crash game Slam Crash, followed by Slam Vegas. Slam Crash has been live for over one month, and the casino stats are eye-catching. For now, the crash game is under maintenance for version 2 and should be live again within the next two weeks.

Here are the stats so far for Slam Crash

Registered Users: 2.615

Total Bets: 1.631.048

The leading player has won more than 30.000 USD 

More than 25M USD wagered in one month

Rest of stats

A few days ago, the developers also announced that Slam Token signed a deal with a gaming provider for Slam Vegas where they will offer the following:

Blackjack (+Live)

Roulette (+Live)

Baccarat (+Live)

Slot Machines

Live Games (such as Crazy Time.)

Launch of Slam Vegas;

Invite-Only Launch: 20th of June

Full Launch: 27th of June

Bankroll Investment 

With the launch of the Slam Vegas platform, there will be the launch of the Bankroll investment, a unique model for Bankroll profit.  The investment will be made either in BNB or USDT and will be locked for 30 days, after which it can be withdrawn at will. For further information, check the Whitepaper section on Bankroll Investment to get full details.

Bankroll Investment | Source

Slam Token Updates

Slam Token has been listed on WhiteBit as of Monday, June 14th. This is Slam’s first CEX listing – but it will most definitely not be the last.

Slam Token has also partnered with SavePlanetEarth Token to help fund nurseries in Kandy, Central Province, Sri Lanka. The partnership is for a good cause, a special event in Slam’s casino where the proceedings will be donated to the charity.

Slam Token X SavePlanetEarth Partnership | Source


SLAM Token Total Supply – 1,000,000,000,000 $SLAM 

Presale: 300,000,000,000 $SLAM 

Locked Liquidity: 225,000,000,000 $SLAM / Until April 2022 

Burn Wallet: 245,000,000,000 • Initial Burn: 125,000,000,000 / Burned 

Manual Burn: 120,000,000,000 / %50 Burned 

Casino Bankroll: 150,000,000,000 / Vesting Schedule – %50 Still Locked

Dev/Marketing/Team: 74,000,000,000 / Vesting Schedule – %50 Still Locked

TechRate Contract Audit

SLAM Token Smart Contract

Locked DXSALES Wallet

SLAM Token has both reflectionary and deflationary properties. There is a 10% transaction fee to buy or sell $SLAM. 5% goes to the liquidity pool, while 5% is redistributed to SLAM holders. This ensures that holders are always rewarded while the LP is being supplied liquidity with each transaction.


Platform Roadmap | Source

The following are the plans for the next 4 quarters;


Exchange Listing 

Slam Crash V2

Slam Charts Mobile Apps

Slam Vegas and Bankroll Investment

Token Collaborations



Slam Swap V2

Aggressive Marketing 

Las Vegas Billboard Advert


Slam Vegas Exclusive Tournament

Certik Audit

Token Collabs

Q1 2022

Slam Swap Bridge

Major Exchange Listing 

This month is packed with the launch of the core feature Slam Crash V2, which is currently under update. Slam Vegas and Bankroll investment, new partnerships, and starting Q3 are also on the slate. There will be aggressive marketing of the platform and its token, and the roadmap is packed with exciting plans for the project.

In Conclusion

One platform embedded with DeFi attributes and a casino platform with simplicity at its core could strongly attract the BSC DeFi community. The casino industry is a multi-billion dollar investment; having one around in the blockchain under the scalable platform of BSC will expand the global reach of cryptocurrency technology.

Source :

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