” A based web3 DAO Gamefi aggregation platform “

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with SEEKTIGER! Today we have @McKensie7 joining us to talk about their exciting new project. Great to have you here 🙂

David Stephen

Hello @stephanie992 happy to be here, hello everyone!

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Welcome to the AMA 🙂

We will dive right into the questions

So to kick things off, for those who may be unfamiliar…

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind SeekTiger.

David Stephen

Yes, the SeekTiger team comprises reputed developers who have had successful project experience, senior operators, and experts who have been engaged in the game industry for years. The team is dedicated to implementing and applying blockchain games and has developed nearly 200 blockchain research, technical, and operation members worldwide.

Seek Tiger team includes;

Kevin Steen who is the CO-Founder, having been engaged in development in many industries for years, including telecom operators, game, network security, etc.

Sikander Alex, is also a CO-Founder in the team, who is the IT/IS master of Western Oregon University. Sikander Alex won the title of outstanding teenager of Oregon in the university and once participated in development in GOOGLE AI laboratory. He is familiar with technical development, channels, blockchain underlying technology, ecosystem construction, issuing and data operation of games.  

David Stephen is also a Co-founder, who Graduated from the University of California, USA, and was a system architect for an industry-leading automated trading company, where he designed and optimised the infrastructure for large-scale high-frequency trading. Has extensive skills in cloud computing, SAAS, blockchain technology and networking, including Solidity contracts and overall architecture, and is an avid cross-platform engineer and player.

Robert Garner is CO-Founder

20+ years experience as a solution / integration architect, designer, developer and development/project manager for blue-chip companies and more recently start-ups. Extensive VC experience in investing and supercharging late seed and Series A category winners across the US and U.K.

Ryan Lynch is CO-Founder

With over 16 years experience in digital transformation and being an early stage venture capitalist across Europe and North America. I know how to both provide capital (debt and equity) as well as coach management teams into being growth stage companies.

Matt Pistone also a CO-Founder in the team has ten years of working experience in IT technical planning and management and took charge of technical system planning in many famous enterprises. Matt Pistone has been dedicated to AI and blockchain technology development for a long time.

Xavier Sanderson is CO-Founder

Experienced C-level international leader, with a proven track record of strong performance delivery in operational and strategic commercial roles across international markets, covering B2B and B2C sectors, from large blue chip to fast growth start-ups. ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome! Thank you for that amazing introduction, sounds like you have an amazing team behind you

2. What is SeekTiger and what’s the vision and mission of your team?

David Stephen

Sure thing, Seek Tiger is a decentralised chain game platform, that is focused on making a GameFi chain game aggregation platform in view of the idea of Web 3.0, incorporating brilliant agreement requirements and Dao voting governance for worldwide users, GameFi chain game aggregation platform is primarily answerable for making players available with a cross chain aggregation game environment

Depending on the enormous meta cosmic ecosystem of Seek Tiger, we can create solid financial centripetal power, meeting the internal necessities of chain game and structure an interior economic cycle. Seek tiger takes on the most perceived idea of decentralised autonomy organisation (DAO).

Relying on the huge meta cosmic ecosystem of SEEK TIGER, SEEK TIGER can generate strong economic centripetal force, meet the internal needs of chain game and form an internal economic cycle. SEEK TIGER adopts the most recognized concept of decentralized community autonomy (DAO).

SEEK TIGER is aimed at providing both developers(non-Gamers) and Gamers with an easy-to-use game aggregation platform that provides interesting experiences for all users. Promote the development of GAMEFI ecology, and SEEK TIGER DAO makes decisions and actions to promote development, and encourages everyone to build, govern and share. Thanks! ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great ! Let’s unpack a bit as there was a lot I wanted to touch on. So first let’s talk about your token

3. Can you tell us about the $STI token?

a. Utility

b. Tokenomics

David Stephen

My pleasure, so STI is the governance token of SeekTiger.

STI has a total supply of 1 Billion and the distribution of the supply is as follows;

5% to IDO

10% to institutions

15% to DAO

20% to DEX

50% Play To Earn ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)


4. Can you briefly describe to us all of the various rewards or advantages you offer on your platform?

David Stephen

Being a Gamefi project, naturally users are rewarded for their game time on the games we have on our platform, but the most important reward system we have set up is from the DAO medal of Honor NFTs

holders of these NFTs get to influence the decisions of the project, earn dividends from time to time and to top it all off, the NFT itself would be worth a lot should the holder decide to liquidate it. ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Sounds good!

5. What do you need to get started on each game on your platform?

David Stephen

Good question, SEEKtiger has built a chain game market for all our users and if you’re interested in playing or getting started with the game, and you want to play the chain games but don’t know which one to play, just visit the SeekTiger website and log in to the SEEKTIGER platform and play whichever game you would like to play.

Players can play to earn while playing in the game. The longer you stay online, the more games you play and the higher your level! ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

What kind of items do you need to have in order to start the game? Do you have to buy a mystery box? If you do, how much are they?

David Stephen

Yes, you will need to buy a mystery box. It will contain any of the following:

BTC tiger

The most powerful digital tiger on earth, with the most comprehensive strength. It originates from bitcoin, the ancestor of cryptocurrency, and is also a necessary digital tiger for the Dao Medal of honor (NFT) of Satoshi Nakamoto’s avatar. The total supply is only 100 which makes it very scarce.

Eth tiger

It has an extraordinary appearance and can stand out among tigers. Ethereum’s system is the most widely used public blockchain system supporting complete application development. The ETH mage Tiger Born from the concept of Ethereum is the most popular role in the digital tiger and a necessary digital tiger for the Dao Medal of honor (NFT) of synthesizing the face of Vitalik Buterin.

Total supply is 1000

BNB tiger

With strong strength, he is a potential strong hand. The strength and ambition of the pirate tiger shows that it is unwilling to be ordinary. The design concept comes from BNB cryptocurrency. It is also a necessary digital tiger to synthesize the Dao like Medal of honor (NFT) of CZ’s face.

Total supply is 10000 in number.

Sol tiger

A rock tiger to be always found in the rock scene. Rock tiger is full of passion. Its flexible and bold character and the form of expressing emotion with music rhythm are designed from Solana. Its ultra-high TPS processing speed makes people experience speed and rock.

Total supply is 50000.

ADA tiger

Wearing a felt hat and riding boots, this is a cowboy tiger from the western United States. Although the cowboy era has passed, the cowboy spirit and culture it breeds have continued. The design inspiration of cowboy Tiger comes from Cardano, just as cowboy is mentioned

The concept of “layered” of Cardano reminds people of the concept of “ecological blockchain”.

Total supply is 50000 in number.

DOGE tiger

Heyyo ~ this is Doge hip hop tiger. The characteristics of hip hop culture — the pursuit of individuality, rebellion and freedom. Doge is a social experiment to satirize BTC. It has an amazing growth rate, making it the largest user volume in the world. This has also become the design inspiration of hip hop tiger.

Total supply is 100000 in number.

TRX tiger

It is both good and evil. It is a unique wizard tiger. People believe that the wizard is a person with the ability between that of ghosts and that of gods. The wizard tiger is such a digital tiger with unique magic. The design of wizard tiger is inspired by wave field Tron. With extraordinary strength, Sun Yuchen, founder of wave field, built Tron into one of the three public chains in the world.

Total supply is 100000.

Candy tiger

Sweet and interesting, she is a candy tiger full of wonderful surprises, and is the only female tiger in the whole tiger family. Everyone likes the joy of candy. The candy tiger is a tiger who likes to surprise others. Her design inspiration comes from representing candy’s essence of airdrop and gift, and brings surprise and pleasure to everyone at the same time.

Total supply is 688900.

Binance special edition NFT

We issued 1,000 pirate tigers on the Binance NFT market, minted through the BEP721 protocol, which can be deposited into our mystery box system, exchanged 1:1 with BNB TIGER, and can also directly participate in the synthesis of badges! ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great! Is there any images of tigers you can share with us?

David Stephen

Yes, and you can see many more across our social media!

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome! Sometimes it’s better to show than tell 😃

6. Please tell us about the three different sectors about your NFT markets

David Stephen

Yes, these are our big three:

1. Mystery Box Game

It is a special area for asset trading in the game.

It contains a variety of NFT series products in the game, and there are amazing hidden products. After issuing the hidden money, you can trade in the collector’s trading field in addition to your own collection.

2. NFT Auction:

A trading platform for NFT digital art. The NFT auction field of NFT exchange will select high-quality NFT digital artworks with great collection and investment value. The auction mode adopts the unique German auction system, which will become the highlight of NFT.

3. Collectors Trading Field:

It’s an online NFT collection. Whether you are a novice collector or a senior collector, you can conduct CtoC transactions here. Everyone can buy and sell NFT art on the free market. In the future, NFT will inject liquidity into the collector’s trading field, so that NFT collections can continue to show their value. ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Thank you for the info!

7. Can you please introduce some of the games on your platform?

David Stephen

Yes, we have 13 and growing Online Games at the moment with over a Hundred Million STI accumulated from this Game with 6876 Online players. Our Play To Earn game comprises Games that rewards the Skills of Players worldwide.

Some of these online games include;





And so on which you can access on our website. Joining our Game Guild, The more people join the guild, the higher the level. Guild members receive rewards in all games and Recharge of all guild members in the game is done.

For the latest challenge of the Game Players, The longer you stay online, the more games you play and the higher your level! The level of top players is being displayed on the recent game challenges and contest. ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Like this right? 😃

joining guilds brings users more rewards

David Stephen

Yes exactly!

Stephanie (BSC.News)


8. Where are you on the roadmap? What are the future developments we can be looking forward to?

David Stephen

We are in the first quarter of the year and we’ve concentrated on building our identity and solidifying our stand in the NFT world. Considering the success that our collection and mystery box has achieved so far, I would say we’re taking the right steps.

For what to expect in the future, we will start our IDO presale very soon,you can also look forward to the establishment of Tiger capital, our CEX exchange and a lot more. ✅

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Cool! Last but not least

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

David Stephen

I’m glad you asked! We have just finalized a partnership with Kingdom Game, this brand brings a new solution to blockchain games, details about the partnership are here

You can also visit their official twitter account @KingdomGame_KDG


Stephanie (BSC.News)

How exciting! Would you be able to provide us with social media links so that our community could follow?

David Stephen

Yes my pleasure

Seektiger is based on Web3 0’s Dao chain game aggregation platform, we innovatively combine the blind box, digital tiger and Dao to present you an interesting meta universe ecology of NFT + Dao + gamefi.



Official Twitter:  

DAO  twitter:    






Also lastly a few more sneak peaks of the Tigers!

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome! If you haven’t already make sure to go and check out SEEKTIGER everyone! Super exciting project that you don’t want to miss out on 🙂

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