SappChat AMA Recap hosts SappChat: The world’s first Decentralized Messaging App with integrated Decentralized Banking powered by Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technology.

BSCdaily – Admin: Hello and welcome to BSC Daily, @ogtothestar! How is your day?

ogtothestar: Hi everyone, nice meet you here

BSCdaily – Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

ogtothestar: Sure, let’s do it now!

BSCdaily – Admin: Nice

Q1: What is SappChat all about? Give us a little summary

ogtothestar: SappChat is the world’s first Decentralized Messaging App with integrated Decentralized Banking powered by Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technology.

SappChat offers a complete, safe, and private ecosystem for mobile communications and operations. Sappchat fully implements Blockchain technology and its bullet-proof encryption to ensure the complete privacy of users. In addition, Sappchat provides an easy and seamless solution for payments and financial transfers.

The project is launched on Binance Smart Chain, and SappChat is an app-based.


Here is an introductory video about SappChat: 

Here is a glimpse of Sappchat features: 

The MVP is ready and it is available as Open testing in Early Access Beta on both  AppStore and Google Play.

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

ogtothestar: SappChat began its journey a few years back with few team members, and today we are blessed with a strong team that brings decades of extensive experience in building successful products and solutions with immense expertise in blockchain development, software architecture, security, business, engineering, security, finance, marketing, and legal.

Kindly check SappChat team’s profile and their corresponding Linkedin here: 

Also you can check our strategic partners here: (scroll to second to last section of the page)

Follow us on social platforms (E.g. Telegram, Twitter: etc.) for more of our strategic partner announcements!

Q3: Why did you and your team decide to build SappChat?

ogtothestar: I will give brief reasons while I will provide links for more details. Mobile applications have become an integral part of today’s phones that contain multimedia features such as text/audio/video chats, group chats, message notifications, status updates, and media sharing.

The use of mobile applications exceeds the use of social networking websites, with the most prominent applications being WhatsApp (with over a billion users), WeChat (with more than 900 million Chinese users), same goes to Facebook, Viber etc.

Today no Interpersonal communications and financial operations are private and safe anymore. More so, mobile payments, money transfers, and shopping are not excluded from these types of privacy violations in most countries worldwide.

For detailed reasons, please check our “ABOUT” Page: and Whitepaper:

Q4: Let’s dive into your token $APP. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of $APP use cases?

ogtothestar: First of all, Sappchat utility token is used for yield farming, staking, and powering products and services within the Sappchat messaging application.

Please find all the necessary info regarding SappChat Tokenomics here:

Q5: Does $APP get audited?

ogtothestar: We have been audited by two reputable Auditing firms (CertiK and QuillAudits). The reason for making two audits is based on the fact that we take security and privacy very seriously.

You can find the two Auditing Reports here: (download and read).

Q6: For people who are interested in your token, where can we buy $APP?

ogtothestar: Actually SappChat Pre-sale Phase 2 is Live and Ongoing …..

There is only limited target of $100K for the Phase

Price will increase in Phase 3 to $0.011

You can participate here: 

Step by step how to join: 

Q7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2021 as a whole?

ogtothestar: Be part of Open Testing of SappChat MVP by filling this google form:

We are making weekly updates and releases.

Kindly follow our roadmap to understand what we are releasing next: 

Currently we have developed SappChat MVP with fewer features to kickstart the journey of our vision on SappChat.

It is now available as Open testing in Early Access Beta on both AppStore and Google Play.

Q8: Where can we find out more about SappChat?

ogtothestar: For More Information About SappChat;




Telegram Group: 

Telegram Announcement Channel: 

Whitepaper, Lightpaper, and Audit report: 

SappChat team: 

SappChat Smart Contract link: 

BSCdaily – Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with SappChat

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community? @ogtothestar

ogtothestar: Yes, thanks for having us today. We really appreciate you and your great community

BSCdaily – Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for SappChat

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