RareMall AMA Recap

NFTDaily.com hosts RareMall: All-in-one solution for all NFTs Holders, Crypto Traders to break the ice of earning more revenue.ADVERTISEMENT

NFTDaily – Admin: Hello and welcome, @iris_raremall_nfts How are you today? 

Iris Le: Hi @rachelll88 and every member. Yahhh so good and so excited to be in our AMA today.

NFTDaily – Admin: Lovely.

Ready to start our AMA?

Iris Le: Yes. Can’t wait.

NFTDaily – Admin: Let’s go.

Q1: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about RareMall? What is the essence of RareMall? 

Iris Le: Hi everyone, I’m Iris – Co-founder of RareMall NFTs.

RareMall NFT Marketplace with token MALL – a revolutionary marketplace that will change the way NFTs creators sell & buy unique digital goods. It is expected to be the first content creation NFT Marketplace to aim at building the future of digital creation for EVERYONE. The RareMall ecosystem benefits all stakeholders, empowers everyone with hassle-free access to top trending NFTs products and provides tight security for online transactions via NFT technology.

With advanced technology, RareMall is a platform that outperforms existing marketplaces: it is the first platform that allows buyers and sellers of NFTs to interact, optimizing users’ service experience by SOCIAL MODE of newsfeed, profile & collection page and providing tight security for online transactions through an NFT technology to ensure stakeholders’ safety.

NFTDaily – Admin: Interesting

Q2: When did you start to develop your project? And what are the main obstacles you wanted to overcome?

Iris Le: We started researching the market, pain points, and found the way we deliver our solutions, bring more value in June and started to develop marketplace in the early of July 2021.

As a new project, we also have some challenges from the market. The massive arrival of NFT marketplaces in 2021 pushes us to go faster and more strategically. These push us to go faster and more strategically than NFTs marketplace already in the industry. Therefore, we need a sincere advisor with an excellent financial foundation to accompany our passionate team led by a strategic Founder, contribute to develop our RareMall marketplace, run Marketing & PR campaigns in a potential long-term roadmap to acquire more NFT creators.

Q3: We would like to know more about your project. What are the highlights of your project and products that you believe will help you succeed?

Iris Le: Actually, we are so dedicated to believe that we can bring more value to NFT creators and other stakeholders. RareMall is a worth-investing project because first, RareMall can be all-in-one solutions for all existing problems in the NFT market & of all users. Secondly, RareMall possesses many outstanding features that only it has.

Firstly, RareMall outperforms existing marketplaces in both structure and functionality. It offers:

– Completed synthesis of all DeFi functions to increase liquidity for transactions of decentralized exchanges. Also, native tokens MALL offers more applications than any other NFT Token when participating in RareMall exchanges.

– Supportive AR/VR display rooms for the items listing and regular virtual exhibitions.

– Flexible NFTs pricing mechanism to estimate the price of NFTs goods in an equitable manner.

– Appealing Product Pages, Category pages and Collection pages to offer the best aesthetic-usability experience.

– Clear authorized and privacy policies to ensure stakeholders’ safety.

Secondly, RareMall is the pioneer marketplace that prioritizes users’ engagement amidst several revolutionary features:

– Interactive Social media newsfeed, profile and portfolio Page for sellers and buyer

– Dynamic and radically advanced filter and search navigation system

– Live chat in auctions with moderations and algorithms to keep it safe and user friendly

– “NFT bundles Purchase” allows one Wallet to pay for multiple purchases at the same time.

Born with the desire to create a better future for digital creation, the launching of RareMall also opens up the opportunity to participate in the NFTs market in a more accessible way for everyone so that everyone can monetize their NFTs products.

NFTDaily – Admin: Thank you for your clear answer.

Source : bscdaily

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