The National Development and Reform Commission of China is looking for feedback on whether or not crypto mining should be included on its list of “phased-out” businesses. According to a press statement released on Thursday, the country’s macroeconomic planning body is seeking public feedback.
On the 24th of September, the agency added digital currency mining to its list of outmoded sectors as a result of Beijing’s extensive crackdown on the industry. After a lengthy, inconclusive debate on the matter for the previous two years, the commission finally took a position. The announcement from the agency requested a public opinion from “relevant units” as well as “people from all walks of life” as part of the invitations for public remarks.
The public comment period will run from October 21 through November 21. Members of the public who want to provide input on the topic may do so via four distinct channels, including email, physical mail, and comments sections on the commission’s official website.
According to the commission’s website, the United States has overtaken China as the world’s leading Bitcoin (BTC) mining country. Because of the restriction, Chinese miners have allegedly relocated their equipment to other countries, such as Kazakhstan, with states like Texas and Florida hoping to entice some of these enterprises to locate there as well.
Source : bsctimes
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