Prime Numbers: A DAO That Sells NFTs To Support Students

Prime Numbers is the first DAO/NFT project/Game on the XDC blockchain that aims to support students via scholarships.

What is Prime Numbers?

Prime Numbers is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization on the XDC network. The platform is also an NFT lineup followed by a game which might be attractive for investors. Moreover, the DAO sells NFTs to generate scholarships for students. Each NFT is created by the DAO’s code as a unique function of the particular inputs chosen.

“Education is important, but it’s also very expensive. Students have always been challenged with paying tuition for their university studies. Many work hard to raise the needed funds, but COVID 19 has presented new challenges and paying for education has become more difficult than ever,” describes the whitepaper as the reason behind the development of Prime Numbers.

It is also important to note that the main utility token of the platform is $PRNT which can be used for earning side rewards in the game as well as in other ways and means. Holding the token has a huge advantage in the ecosystem.

After selling an NFT, 30% of the initial NFT proceeds will go to the student fund, 30% to a development fund, 35% to reward $PRNT holders, and the remaining 5% to the team. Moreover, under the $PRNT NFT Royalty Standard token holders will get 2.5% of all resales, with an additional 2.5% going to Prime Numbers’ DAO, which will automatically send 1% to the student fund. 

“Buying an NFT, you immediately get access to the corresponding rewards. In this case, you will receive our token and, depending on the strangeness of your figure, the reward could change,” confirms the project. 

NFT Project

The project consists of 4111 NFTs, of which 4096 are generative and 15 are handmade. 


The first 15 Prime Numbers NFTs will be handmade NFTs created by Prime Numbers’ famous Art Director. These are creative paintings that each represent one of the first 15 prime numbers and are unique, and will never be minted again. 


The generative collection will consist of the following elements:

a prime number

sensual vegetation

a geometric figure

a feminine shape

futuristic background lines

A background color fade with complementing colors

The minting will start sequentially starting at the 16th prime number up to the 4111th prime number and each will be unique, never to be minted again. The generative NFTs will increase in prices as more get minted. 



Each NFT will have a rarity level and the higher your level and the higher the rarity, the more rewards can be earned. The rarity will be explained in 5 parts.



“In order to earn various rewards with Prime Numbers, such as a portion of the NFT royaltees, the NFT reward mechanism and ingame rewards, you will need to stake your $PRNT tokens,” confirms the project.

The NFTs can be traded along with the $PRNT tokens on any NFT marketplace as the tokens when staked are staked in the NFTs. Furthermore, there will be an airdrop of 10000 $PRNT into the NFTs every month for a period of 3 years. Resulting to a total of 360.000 $PRNT taken from the foundation’s reward pool. 

Furthermore, the project also has a surprise for early participants in the project: 

“Everyone participating in the presale or earlier and holding the received tokens at least till time of minting will receive an exclusive OG NFT. These NFTs will feature the best reward multiplier possible and will never again be minted making them a truly unique reward to the early supporters of the project.”


The Prime Numbers have expanded into other networks and new exchanges on ETH and BSC are also ready. Moreover, $150,000 liquidity has already been added to these exchanges. It is also important to note that LP rewards will come after the bridge between XDC-ETH-BSC.






Prime Numbers, the first DAO, first NFT project, and first game on XDC network aims to support the students via scholarships. Furthermore, you can learn more about the project via the following links:





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