PlayPad AMA Transcript

PlayPad, Multi-Chain Supported, Unique Tier Allocation And Fully Decentralized launchpad protocol in Metaverse

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with PlayPad!

Today we have Cyan joining us to talk about their exciting new project. Great to have you here 🙂

Cyan | PlayPad®

I am glad to be here, Hello Andrew & BSC.News Community 👋🏻

Andrew (BSC.News)

Great to have you here

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway 🙂

Sound good?

Cyan | PlayPad®

Good đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

Andrew (BSC.News)

okay great

so to start things off

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind PlayPad.

Cyan | PlayPad®

Hi, I’m Cyan from PlayPad.  I am Head of Community Managers.

Thanks to BSC News for that great opportunity to reach a lot of people today.

Our team is anonymous to the public, it is only open for B2B. It has been verified by partners such as SafeLaunch, Helmet, PeckShield, GlobalB Law, etc.

3 people in our team have worked on different projects before and they are experienced in that area. PlayPad belongs to a company and works completely in accordance with legal processes.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Great to hear that 🙂 and thanks for that introduction

2. What is PlayPad? What is your mission or goal of PlayPad?

Cyan | PlayPad®

PlayPad is the first multi-chain IGO Launchpad platform on Metaverse. The gaming area is growing very fast with GameFi and MetaVerse. Even if the game project is big or small, they need a launchpad. But regular launchpads can not provide all special service for game projects. That’s why we decided to create that platform as a IGO launchpad for specially game projects. Our goal is to develop MetaVerse, to be a unique initial game offering launchpad and support startup game projects.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yeah and it’s a very exciting time for GameFi and MetaVerse!

3. With so many new Play-to-earn projects coming out, how do you select which projects to incubate? Is this chosen by the community?

Cyan | PlayPad® 

Our team excited too ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

How do I say this? Really a lot. Everyday our research team finds and checks new projects. We are doing game hunting now, like gem hunting. But the crypto area is still risky, that’s why we must deeply analyze that. We have a huge checklist, and easy to categorize game projects to submit to management. We have many plans after listing, also involving the community in choosing the next IGO is one of them.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yeah so to touch more on the riskiness of crypto and the huge amounts of projects coming

4. Can you tell us about the vetting process you plan on implementing?

Cyan | PlayPad®

Frankly no, it’s actually one of the hallmarks of being an IGO. But let me try to explain briefly.

Just like researching a gem, fundamental analysis is performed and primarily numerical statistics are looked at. Afterwards, what the game is, what it adds to the game industry, its contextuality and individuality with the metaverse, user experience, user interface, desktop and mobile platform types, etc.

In a way, we are creating the concept of game fundamental analysis in blockchain.

Andrew (BSC.News)


5. What is the PPAD token? How is it used on your platform?

Cyan | PlayPad®

PPAD token is a stake tool. All IDO platforms have a regular tier system. Stake token and get the right to participate in new projects. We are coming to a totally different DQ (Day & Quantity) allocation system for all level holders. That will be more fair on MetaVerse for all members.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Glad you mentioned the allocation system because my next question is…

6. Can you tell us more about your allocation model?

Cyan | PlayPad® 

In our DQ allocation system; staking quantity and stake period will be calculated together. If a holder stakes 10.000 PPAD for 100 days; allocation will be equal for another holder who stakes 100.000 PPAD for 10 days. This system will create more fair DQ allocation for all holders. Also an unique algorithm will calculate allocation on total IGO supply for all holders.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Ah I see, that’s where the day factors in

very interesting

Although GameFi projects have been seeing lots of success lately

7. What measures do you have in place, in the event that a project was to not fulfill their promises or greatly disappoint? Where do you go from there?

Cyan | PlayPad®

We can already understand this situation statistically at the rate of 90% with the first controls. Our team is quite competent in this regard. As I said, as a company, we have a global legal support that is completely compatible with legal processes. We never sit at the table with non-B2B projects anyway. Whatever is required by law will be done.

Andrew (BSC.News)


8. Are your smart contracts audited? And will you ensure that you projects you offer to your community be audited as well?

Cyan | PlayPad® 

Of course, PeckShield is currently auditing our contracts. We will share the report very soon. It is also a major requirement for game projects to be audited for acceptance.

Andrew (BSC.News)


and last but not least

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Cyan | PlayPad®

PlayPad has a really big reputation from all over the world. Private Sale A round was done in 2 minutes in SafeLaunch. Private Sale B round was done in 15 seconds on our webpage. On the 10th of November at 11:00 UTC, public sale will start on our webpage. We are really excited for TGE time. DEX and CEX news coming soon. Please keep following us.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Very nice!

And could you provide us with links to your social media?

Cyan | PlayPad®

Yes sure




Announcement Channel:

Community Global:

Andrew (BSC.News)

Great, make sure to check out PlayPad everyone!

‍This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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