hosts Platinium Finance: The next #1 DEFI app on Binance Smart ChainADVERTISEMENT
BSCdaily – Admin: Hello and welcome, @Beerus_PF How are you today?
BEERUS: Everyone, Hi @rachelll88, I’m very well I hope you too.
Thank you to the BSC DAILY team, we are delighted and I in particular to be able to exchange with your community.
BSCdaily – Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?
BSCdaily – Admin: Let’s go.
Q1: Welcome to BSC Daily Community. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about Platinium Finance?
BEERUS: I am BEERUS, co-founder of Platinium.Finance
To briefly introduce myself, I am from Western Europe , France. I am a former financial banker. I worked for 4 years as an asset manager in one of the biggest European banks.
I have been a user of blockchain technology since 2017.
And given my passion for finance, I was delighted to see the evolution of technology, and the advent of Defi at the end of 2020, with a real more value
However, we were quickly disappointed with the different monetary policies put in place by the different platforms.
As well as the communication and image policies chosen by its DeFi platforms
Its two black spots questioned us and pushed us to develop our own platform.
Faced with the inconsistency of the chosen monetary policy
We therefore developed Platnium.Finance
BSCdaily – Admin: Great.
Q2: So, when did you start to develop your project? What are the main obstacles you wanted to overcome?
BEERUS: We started to develop our project in May 2021 and we launched the platform on July 4th
As I told you, we launched Platinium.Finance to correct creationist token problems
The fact that DeFi platforms only think about increasing capitalization without thinking about the management of this capital seems meaningless.
Obviously, we encountered some obstacles, in particular with regard to the implementation of a real monetary policy for Platinium
Do not forget that the management of a token and a DeFi platform can be paralleled with the management of a FIAT currency
The same problems will have to be resolved in order to prevent the currency in question from becoming monkey money ?
For us this is the biggest obstacle, and we think we are doing better than 99% of the competitors on this subject
The other obstacles are of an environmental nature, notably the bearish crypto market & pressure from regulators
Q3: The competition on BSC is very intense, what are your advantages?
BEERUS: This is a rather dense and difficult question , I will answer it briefly but know that we will publish on our Blog.Platinium.Finance a set of 3 articles on the platform to develop all the elements that I will briefly mention.
Indeed, the platforms are more numerous than ever and the competition is stiff.
However, many of them do not bring any innovations, they are just copies.
We have several undeniable advantages over our competitors
The first, we do not put exotic coin () on our platform in order to only keep the largest capitalization and limit the various risks associated with the use of Defi
Then, we chose to convey a professional image , Platinium.Finance, a Platinum ingot, a communication focused on a financial blog ,a crypto dictionary and no low-end communication
Unfortunately, all Defi sites are not consistent, in terms of image/marketing. Which bare has the confidence that could be bestowed upon them.
The platforms offer all types of NFTS/DeFi/Lottery/Prediction services (binary option)
This damages their image and worse their monetary policy
Platinium.Finance is a decentralized Finance platform and will not stray from its main goal which is to offer a platform to save its secure and trusted cryptos
We also have an advantage that could pass for a weakness,
We have chosen to take over the front for PCS. For purely technical purposes, bringing liquidity to a Defi platform is not easy at first.
This is why we have taken the most famous system of the BSC, in order to simplify the use of the platform at the beginning.
Moreover, as specified the monetary policy of the Token , is the essential mesh of our platform
BSCdaily – Admin: Interesting
Q4: Also we would like to know more about your project. Could you share with us the monetary policy of the Platinium Token?
BEERUS: Yes, with great pleasure, this is really an essential point that we will discuss with you and your wonderful community
The platinum monetary policy is the keystone of our success
The price and valuation of the PLT token is essential for the viability of the platform and its medium and long term development
I will not be able to develop the whole strategy on the channel, because it is quite complex but an article on the blog will be released shortly on this subject
I will therefore summarize for you this essential point often neglected by DeFi investors. In order to ensure a deflationary PLT Token and an increasing valuation of the price, we have implemented 4 major differences in the management of the Platform
1)Management of the Platinium emission
2)A platform dedicated to the DeFi of BIG CAP
3)A Platinum Burn and Buyback System
4)A platform focused on its objectives
(Provision of liquidity on the blockchain and remuneration for the provision of liquidity by a token which is itself an asset)
Q5: How about the fees which apply on the platform?
BEERUS: This question will be quick, there is no charge on Platinium.Finance
No deposit fees, no withdrawal fees on pools
You only have transaction fees during a swap on the Platinium exchange
The Fees for a swap are 0.25%
* 0.20% for liquidity providers as well as 0.05% for the platform
* 0,05% Which will be used to buy back PLT, invest in marketing
BSCdaily – Admin: Awesome
Q6: So, can you talk about your important partners? And any new cooperation we can expect?
BEERUS: Obviously, with regard to the future partnerships that we are going to set up, I cannot say too much about it but I will give you some revelation
First of all, you will understand, we are focused on a clear, simple and concise concept, a Defi platform with a solid protocol and a perfectly executed monetary policy.
The main thing being given to the Platinum a real value so that they are an asset in itself.
If you do not know, this project will allow the purchase of tokens directly in Bank card (Visa, MasterCard) on the blockchain.
Whether with this partner or another
Total decentralization for us must be done without KYC (Know Your Customer)
BSCdaily – Admin: I can’t wait to see it in the future
Q7: So, are there any airdrop activity to attract community users?
We will no longer be doing, or at least not for the moment, a PLT airdrop.
In order to be attractive and attract investors and users, we will continue our communication via recognized names in the smart chain, such as BSC DAILY
We continue to write a blog, technical on the blockchain and eventually we will offer a daily and weekly analysis of the assets present on the platform
As mentioned above, we will partner with applications and/or cryptocurrencies that have high potential or already recognized by our peers
We want to offer a viable platform in the long term and to do this the issuance of tokens or airdrops must serve a specific purpose and not be a standard that everyone uses in order to grow their community at the expense of real investors
However, for special events, or objectives reached such as the first million in total value locked, there will of course be gifts (t-shirt, goodies, BUSD, etc.)
Q8: Last but not least, could you tell us more about your next move? Anything I can expect from Platinium Finance this year?
BEERUS: As you may have understood during the Platinium.Finance presentation. has ambitions, and we will make sure to achieve them throughout the team
We have a long-term project, which requires more than a year of work to be able to develop its full potential
However, within a year we want to create a bridge with the ERC-20 (ETH) network to develop the potential of investors on the platform
We will also, depending on user requests, set up pools with a timelock. We are not a fan of this system, but it may have some advantages in the context of lending on stable underlying assets
We obviously want to be listed on a lot of exchanges and if possible Binance
And one of the key projects, we are developing a platform fully intended for Defi, and we are going to set up a system of concentration of liquidity.
This system will make’s DeX more flexible and efficient by giving Liquidity Providers granular control over the price brackets to which their capital is allocated. This is obviously an essential point, which will give a competitive advantage to. the specialization in finance and the skills of the team behind.
Finally, it is not once the DeX project is completed we want to make the PLT TOKEN as a governance token, and give the possibility to the entire Platinium community to manage
But if you want non-substantial points of our ambitions and objectives, we obviously have a roadmap and a gitbook as well as our networks
BSCdaily – Admin: Thank you so much for your clear answer
With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Platinium Finance
Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community? @Beerus_PF
BEERUS: Thank you again for your questions, it’s the launch of the project, the platform has been online for only 1 month & we hope to do a lot, with all of you and for the world of blockchain and more specifically decentralized finance We are determined to make this project a success Thank you again for your sympathy and your availability to all
I wish you a good day and, hoping to see you on the TG of Platinium
BSCdaily – Admin: It was a pleasure having you guys @Beerus_PF
Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for Platinium Finance
Source : bscdaily

Founded in 2020, BSCNews is the leading media platform covering decentralized finance (DeFi) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We cover a wide range of blockchain news revolving mainly around the DeFi sector of the crypto markets. BSCNews aims to inform, educate and share information with the global investment community through our website, social media, newsletters, podcasts, research, and live ask me anything (AMA). Our content reaches hundreds of thousands of global investors who are active in the BSC DeFi space.
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