Participate in the SafeSwap Airdrop
We are aiming for 3500 wallet holders in order to have a proper spread. In order for participants to receive 1 of a million SWAP Tokens 3500 participants.
A least 4 points are needed to get the Airdrop.
A least 6 points are needed to enter the lucky draw.
All tokens will come directly from the founder wallet
Valid until 22/08/2022 or until 3500 wallets are submitted.
We are aiming for 3500 wallet holders in order to have a proper spread. In order for participants to receive 1 of a million SWAP Tokens 3500 participants will have the ability to collect 1 token. There will be a lucky draw to 5 wallet holders that will receive an additional 25 SWAP Tokens.
🔵All tokens will come directly from the founder wallet⚪️
Valid until 22/08/2022
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