PantySwap: A Two-Token Yield Farming Platform on Binance Smart Chain

The platform aims to offer a dual token system that provides balance to their slightly risque project.

Introducing PantySwap

PantySwap is a suite of DeFi tools and a yield farming platform on BSC. It introduces a dual token model designed to allow both crypto beginners and advanced users to get the most out of their crypto. PANTY is the inflationary reward token of the ecosystem, while yPANTY is the deflationary community token. 

The PantySwap logo

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming is a way in which crypto holders can earn additional tokens and rewards. In the early days of decentralized finance, protocols suffered from limited liquidity. In order to encourage users to place crypto in their protocol, DeFi platforms began to offer significant rewards for locking capital. One of the first platforms to pioneer this strategy was Compound, supported by its COMP token. Today there are thousands of protocols offering yield farming opportunities with different strategies and reward/risk profiles.

What is PantySwap?

PantySwap is a DeFi platform with a suite of tools including token swapping, yield farming, staking pools and more. Comprising a talented team of DeFi and panty lovers, PantySwap is aiming to bring something new to the yield farming landscape with a two token model for superior farming strategies and increased rewards. The platform also intends to bring games and other fun features into the PANTY ecosystem over time giving users even more reasons to stick around and enjoy PantySwap.

What Are Simp Pools?

Simp Pools are the simplest way to earn rewards in the PantySwap ecosystem. They only require users to lock a single token in order to gain PANTY rewards. In the pools users can choose “Auto PANTY” to automatically compound their staked PANTY or “Manual PANTY” to compound only at their choosing.

Two different types of compounding

Virgin farms are slightly more complex, but are a great way of earning PANTY. Farms demand that users stake two tokens in order to receive LP tokens. Following this LP tokens can be staked on the Farm to earn PANTY.  There are a number of different token combinations which farmers can use on PantySwap including PANTY-BNB, PANTY-BUSD, BUSD-BNB, ETH-BNB, USDT-BNB and CAKE-BNB.

Key Features

-Core DeFi functionality in a humorous format

-A dual token model of both PANTY and yPANTY

-Token swaps, yield farming, and staking

Initial PANTY Offering

To support the ongoing growth and improvement of PantySwap the platform is conducting an Initial PANTY Offering (IPO). The total number of tokens minted for presale is 2,400,000 PANTY tokens, purchasable with BNB.

1 BNB =  4,800 PANTY


Presale: 2,000,000 PANTY tokens

Liquidity Addition 300,000 PANTY tokens

Developers Fund Tokenomics 

An additional 550,000 tokens will be minted by the team for airdrops and community engagement. 

The usage % of tokens is as follows:

Marketing 10% 

Partnerships 10% 

Community Management 10% 

Community Rewards/Contest 20% 

Team Treasury 50%

yPANTY Community Token

Besides the PANTY token, PantySwap is also supported by the yPANTY token. yPANTY is deflationary in nature, meaning that the total supply decreases over time. As a community token, a percentage of every yPANTY transaction is burned. 

The yPANTY tokenomics are as follows:

6.2% of each trade is redistributed between all of the hodlers pro rata.

3.8% of each trade is burned forever.


The PantySwap project has a number of features to roll out to improve the ecosystem over time. These plans are as follows:


Project launch

Audits (in progress)

Apply for listings on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan, etc.


Twitter contests

Telegram contests

Partnerships – will begin right after launch

Full Site Rework

New homepage

Harvest all and stake all

Personal dashboard

Improved UX

Faster site

Mobile friendly

New navigation system

PANTY Staking (Simp Pools)

PANTY staking

Core pools

Community pools: Host BSC community project pools, support with 0.1-0.2x PANTY farms

Auto-compounding PANTY-PANTY Simp Pool

Other products

Panty lottery (core feature)

Panty DAO (voting core feature)

Battle of the PANTY’s (core feature game)

King of PANTY (core feature game)

NFT Marketplace (core feature)

Voting (core feature)

IFO (Initial Farm Offering): Raise funds for your project in PANTY-BNB LP tokens

Fixed-term staking

Customizable user profile

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