Nobility Adds a Glytch to Their System

This weekend in Vegas, the Nobility crew announced a new partnership with esports disrupters Glytch. Glytch, whose main business is the creation of physical esports arenas across the US, is the ideal teammate for the play2earn flagship cryptocurrency, Nobility Token.

“They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but we’re hoping that’s just a myth because what happened to Nobility Token last week in Nevada was awesome. We met up with the Glytch crew and got to see their Arena plan firsthand. Teaming up with such an important player in the esports field is a great coup for Nobility. With partners like Alienware, Cisco, and Twitch already onboard, Glytch is a serious player. Of course, now with Nobility Token on board together we can take Gamefi  and esports to the next level.” – Kyle McDougal, CEO, Nobility Token 

A Powerful Ally 

Glytch is a leading light in the esports space with ambitious plans to launch many 32 multi-million-dollar arenas over the next eight years. These massive tournament centres will also feature location-based entertainment as well as live streaming on site. The arenas will each cover between 90,000 to 120,000 square feet. Each of them will feature multiple game environments including mixed reality zones, retro arcades, laser-tag, multiple tournament centres, and a huge esports stadium.

Insert Coin to Continue

Play2earn pioneers Nobility Token add a new dynamic to Glytch’s operation. While details are vague, we can be certain that the combination of a leading esports player like Glytch and the esports focussed cryptocurrency $NBL is set to be a gamechanger. We don’t know for sure, but it’s not hard to imagine how a rewards-based token with a prize pool ‘transaction tax’ might fit into an organisation that hosts competitive esports tournaments.

Game On

The partnership is the cherry on the cake for the Nobility crew who were already celebrating the successful launch of their Noble Knights NFT collection earlier in the year. Nobility made the announcement on Twitter after the event in Vegas and we expect more information will follow. To find out more about GlytchNobility Token, or the new partnership, you can follow $NBL’s social media channels.







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