New Open-Source Zoogenes Asset Pack

A new open-source 3D asset pack has been released, containing a wide variety of ZOOGENES — 3D animals with accessories, all in FBX file format.

This pack is perfect for game developers looking to add unique, cartoon-style animal characters to their projects. It also includes a variety of accessories, such as hats and glasses, that can be used to customize the animals and make them even more unique.

This is a great opportunity for developers to save time and resources by using these pre-made assets, instead of having to create them from scratch. Get your hands on this pack today and take your game development to the next level!

Link to the asset pack:

Don’t forget to credit the ZooEcosystem team when using it!

Reminder of important links and socials:

Official ZOO Ecosystem Website: Zoo.One

Official ZooKeeper Website:
* Documentation:

Official OpenZoo Website:
* Documentation:

Official ZooGames Website: Zoo.Games
* Documentation: docs.Zoo.Games/

Official ZooGenes Website:
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