MoonLift Officially Launches its Brand New DEX

Decentralized finance is as hot as it has ever been and the massive growth has led to a plethora of innovations that continually improve on the previous generations of DApps. There is, however, one thing projects don’t focus enough on enough, the community. Community input is crucial to the prosperity of any DeFi ecosystem. From providing liquidity, voting, promoting and even assisting in other ways, the community has never been more important than today.

One very interesting new community driven project that seems to understand this is MoonLift.

MoonLift, which “aims to be a next generation decentralized exchange on both BSC and Polygon”, has officially launched their new DEX, and said it’s “Our very own uniquely designed swap” and it initially it will include “Farming, as individuals will be able to stake their tokens to generate rewards in the MLTPX/BNB, MLTPX/BUSD and BNB/BUSD pools.”

According to the development team, this will only be the beginning of a longer process of launching additional features to their platform. Some of the first additions planned to come to MoonLift Protocol are a lottery system, tournaments, an NFT marketplace, and even an exciting new concept “Supernova” and a gaming platform “Play & Earn”.

“Supernova” is a very interesting feature that allows participants to bet the protocol’s native token, and receive rewards in the form of a multitude of other tokens. Other external projects will also contribute tokens to participate in the group and, once accepted, will join the SuperNova group. Really cool stuff.

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What is MoonLift Protocol?

MoonLift is a community-driven passive income generator that runs on Binance Smart Chain and soon Polygon. Users can perform various operations on its DEX, including LP creation/removal, token swaps, yield farming, and soon to also include; a lottery, tournaments, Supernovas, NFT trading and more.

MoonLift provides users with convenient services and encourages the community to engage in ecological governance through reasonable and feasible operational mechanisms. Compared to other models, MoonLift encourages more flexible community autonomy and does not restrict the growth of the community through cumbersome and complicated rules, allowing the community to have more of a voice.

Moonlift recently announced in a Medium post that they would also be airdropping Polygon MoonLift tokens to BSC MoonLift holders, proving they listen to and care for their community.

Finally, the MoonLift DEX will be launched right away once the new token is live. Together with the recently announced Polygon integration, every single MLTPX holder will also be air dropped tokens to use on Polygon as soon as we go live on their chain.

This is exciting because with the launch of the DEX, Moonlift Protocol will attract the attention of more users to the ecosystem and will allow the team to continue innovating, with community adoption as a

The project’s native token is $MLTPX, and it is available for purchase on MoonLifts DEX. The native token information can be found by going to its BSCSCAN page here.

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Source : bsctimes

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