Monsta Infinite is a decentralized gaming world in which anybody may earn tokens by playing the game competitively or recreationally.
Based on observations from the gaming industry, the Monsta Infinite team has identified three major issues that may influence consumers’ gaming experiences:
Pay-to-Win: The traditional MMORPG dilemma of veterans losing competitiveness to wealthy players with less ability would result in a rapid increase in the inequality between the affluent and the poor.
Overpopulated Pets/ Characters: Overpopulation will undoubtedly occur if a suitable balancing mechanism is not in place, and the value of weaker pets will finally fall, leaving little liquidity.
Lack of player hierarchy: The MOBA game has been a big success since it gives fun to all various levels of players. Players get to match with other players who have similar talents.
Furthermore, as Axie Infinity gains popularity, blockchain gaming with the play-to-earn idea expands rapidly, attracting a large number of interested investors to the game sector.
Monsta Infinite was inspired by these concepts and difficulties. It was created in order to stand out in the gaming business and improve the playing experience of its customers.
What makes Monsta Infinite special?
STT optimized for in-game trading
When the marketplace launches, they will create a liquidity pool on MONI – STT. It will be one-way, with users only able to buy STT with MONI and not sell STT. STT is utilized for all NFT purchases and in-game requirements. MONI will have a fixed supply and function more like corporate stock, with users purchasing it to vote and receive dividends.
STT will be coined and sold in exchange for MONI, and the MONI will be transferred to the staking treasury, thus greater demand for STT equals more MONI in the staking treasury and more revenue for MONI holders who stake. Their goal is to reach the Economic Equilibrium.
Solving the overpopulation problem
Augmentation necessitates the sacrifice of both Monsta and STT in order to address the overpopulation problem and generate adequate demand for STT. The level-up function is essential since people will be vying to grow stronger.
Exciting Gameplay
The level-up function makes it more competitive and encourages spending. By default, there are no strong or weak Monsta. Match three puzzles demand response rather than thought and are ideal for anti-bot.
Project Roadmap
Idea Phase: 28th Feb, 2021
Talent Sourcing: 15th Mar, 2021
Smart Contract Prep: 1st Apr, 2021
Game Logic Planing: 28th May, 2021
Theme & Art Creation: 5th Jun, 2021
Premarketing: 30th Jul, 2021
Website & Whitepaper: 12th Aug, 2021
Private Sale Round
Whitelisting: 26th Aug, 2021
Trailer: 29th Aug, 2021
Monsta Barter: 1st Sep, 2021
Contract Audit: 7th Sep, 2021
PreSale 1.0: 8th Sep, 2021
GamePlay Detail & Strategy: 12th Sep, 2021
PreSale 2.0: 15th Sep, 2021
TGE & IDO: 16th Sep, 2021
Marketplace Launch: 12th Oct, 2021
Minigame: 30th Oct, 2021
Alpha Testing: 30th Nov, 2021
Beta Testing: 15th Dec, 2021
Game Public Launch: Q1 2022
More Game Features: Q2 2022
Land Chest Sale: Q2 2022
MONI Staking: Q3 2022
Land Gameplay Beta: Q4 2022
MONI Governance: Q4 2022
Project Tokenomics
Total Supply: 270,000,000 MONI
Presale 1.0
Token for Sale: 540,000 $MONI
Discount: 10%
Price: 1 $BNB = 2,700 $MONI
Unlock on TGE: 10%
Vesting: 90% on 16th Nov 2021
Presale 2.0
Token for Sale: 7,560,000 $MONI
Discount: None
Price: 1 $BNB = 2,400 $MONI
Unlock on TGE: 25%
Vesting: 25% on 30th Sep 2021, 50% on 15th Oct 2021
Monsta Infinite is a game that depends on strategy and skill, with endless potential for growth, to provide a pleasant and engaging experience to players all over the world. Outstanding players will also be given $STT or $MONI tokens, establishing a benchmark for friendly competition among participants.
What is Monsta?
MONSTA is an intriguing and strange species; no one knows where they came from or who created them. They have lost the capacity to fertilize for reproduction and do not identify as either gender. Nonetheless, life has a tremendous responsibility to generate the next generation and carry on its genetic heritage. Every being on the planet is designed to have inherent survival instincts in the face of extinction. As a result, they tried a range of methods, some of which used the planet’s resources for study, some of which merged with the energy of the elements, and some of which evolved via harsh environmental circumstances.
Monsta Cloning & Augmentation
Monsta from the Shani Planet, unlike humans, does not have a reproductive system. To reproduce, the genes of the two Monstas must be united in a Critus Furnace using Stamen Tellus to undergo Synthesis Cloning.
Monstas have six bodily parts that may be supplemented by utilizing other Monstas as a sacrificial offering to Shani’s God. A new unique skill card will be assigned to augmented bodily parts.
The augmentation mechanism overcomes the overcrowding problem by requiring players to sacrifice Monsta in order to enhance their Monsta team. As a result, the supply and demand for Monsta will remain balanced. With less Monsta in circulation, we may issue a new beginning Monsta, lowering the barrier to entry for new players.
Monsta Infinite mixes a turn-based card battle system with a match-three puzzle element to provide a more competitive and engaging dueling experience. Each Monsta squad has exactly three Monstas to help you win. Each Monsta has six card abilities, two attack cards, and two defense cards.
Open World
One of the most important aspects of Monsta Infinite that will bring out the finest in the virtual world is its open-world feature. It will not only increase the number of contact chances between players, but it also fulfills a social component that goes well beyond the game. Players may interact with their audience via live streaming platforms, and they can develop their own network by hosting or participating in mini-games and live events.
Source : bscdaily