MetalSwap Partners with ACryptoS on BNB Chain

MetalSwap sets up its first $XMT $BNB liquidity pool farm on the BNB chain on Acsi.Finance.

MetalSwap Farm On BNB

MetalSwap, an Ethereum based protocol aiming to decentralize swapping operations, has teamed up with yield farming optimizer ACryptoS to launch a farm on the BNB Chain.

The MetalSwap team looks to set up its first $XMT $BNB liquidity pool on the BNB Chain and has collaborated with ACryoptoS to launch the pool on the latter protocol’s Acsi.Finance decentralized exchange. ACryptoS took to twitter to officially announce the partnership on February 23.

“A new partnership  with @MetalSwapNet! $80,000 XMT-BNB farm is up  [at] [Players can] farm $XMT + $ACSI at the same time! [There is even a] bonus $XMT for A2B2 Onsen holders. Learn more about our collaboration,” Acryptos said in a tweet.


A dual token farming pool will be setup on the Acsi.Finance decentralized exchange that will contain a total of $80,000 of a mix of $XMT and $ACSI to be distributed over a 90 day period. MetalSwap also invested another 30,000 $XMT to ACryptoS’ A2B2 onsen pool, which will give current investors $XMT rewards for the same 90 day period. Investors lookign to participate in getting a share of the 80,000 rewards pool need to provide liquidity in the $XMT $BNB Liquidity Pool before staking the pool tokens received on the ACryptoS farm.

Check out ACryptoS’ medium post to read get more details on the full announcement of the partnership, or visit MetalSwap’s medium post to learn more about how to $XMT on ACryptoS’ Acsi.Finance decentralized exchange.

What is MetalSwap?

MetalSwap’s goal is to create a decentralized financial hedging specific to metal commodities. It is a decentralized protocol looking to provide financial hedging swaps to commodity traders while giving investment opportunities to those who contribute to the protocol’s liquidity. Learn more about the protocol by visiting their website.

What is ACryptoS?

ACryptoS is a protocol that offers three basic products – a Yield Farming Optimizer in ACryptoS vaults and farms, a decentralized exchange in Acsi.Finance, and a stable coin DEX in ACryptoS StableSwap. The protocol aims to target long term investors that value stable tokenomics and careful risk management. Check out the protocol’s whitepaper or visit their website to learn more about ACryptoS.

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