Metakings: A Battle World Powered By Artificial Intelligence

Metakings is an artificial intelligence-powered battle world where players can sign up and earn rewards by battling and contributing to the game.

What is Metakings?

Metakings is a play-to-earn game wherein users can earn rewards for playing the game. Users can pick their characters and set forth on their own journey by acquiring resources and improving their characters. 

Furthermore, third-party developers can easily access all art assets and Metakings genetic data, allowing them to create their own tools and experiences in the Metakings Metaverse.

“While Metakings is a fun game, it has evolved into a social network and job platform as a result of the strong community and chances for play to earn that have resulted from its early popularity,” claim the official documents.

Source: Website

There is a big difference between traditional games and Metakings as it allows players to earn by completing quests and tasks and battling it out with other players. Also, the governance token of the platform is the $MTK token.

Earnings are possible through the following methods:

Participating in PVP fights with the chance to earn leaderboard awards.

Breeding $MTK with the purpose of reselling them on the market.

Collecting and speculating on rare Mystics and Origins.

Farming to obtain the love potions required to breed Metakings.

Players may gain this token through gameplay, a Ready Player One-style quest evolves in which players can earn a piece of the universe. These tasks, on the other hand, are not winner-take-all and reward players based on their work and talent.



The documents describe the game as a digital war world and the core team produced the initial fighting system in August 2020. The fighting system was modeled by the “unique battle” method seen in games such as “Demon Souls” and “God of War.” 

Tournaments and Rewards

Metakings combat system is well-suited for competitive play and e-sports because of its skill-based and competitive character, i.e., the game tests the best of players with rewards as incentives. 

With rewards to be won with each game session, the players can expect a competitive touch in the game.

“Players of Metakings have already won thousands of dollars in Binance rewards via a variety of events run by the core team or third-party sponsors,” boasts the Metakings team.


Source: Docs

ARENAS are the habitats for Metakings (MTK) that are present in the form of non-fungible tokens or NFTs and can be acquired or created via $MTK, BUSD, or Crystals. Furthermore, ARENAS enable a player to create MTK Crystals directly and earn BUSD via games.

Also, the characteristics of ARENAS include:

ARENAS of different sorts have varying effects on Metakings character abilities and MTK Crystal crafting prices.

Players may generate cash by leasing their Habitat to other players. Each Habitat may host a maximum of one Metaking character at a time.

A Player’s Habitat must be maintained on a regular basis using crystals otherwise, it will deteriorate and cease producing BUSD.


Here are the characters in the game: 








There is a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 $MTK tokens. Liquidity will be locked, and the Game rewards will be vested for 6 months, as per the official docs.

The tokens will be distributed as explained in the image below.

Source: Distribution


Here are the completed events of the entire roadmap:

Source: Roadmap

Here are the events yet to be completed. 

Source: Roadmap

Presale/IDO details

Here are the presale/IDO details that investors should be alert of: 

Source: Presale data

Final Thoughts

Metakings seems to improve the quality of play-to-earn gaming with gameplay inspired by popular games like God of Eyes. Players can earn additional rewards and buy and sell NFTs on the marketplace that is integrated with the platform. 

Moreover, the Metakings metaverse is backed by AI technology and despite being in the early stages of development, the game aims to become the“#1 BSC game in terms of daily, weekly, and monthly active players, as per their Medium.





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