MacaronSwap is #BUIDL’ing Decentralized Exchange and Farm on #BSC!
All questions answered by Luke
Lola(AMA HOST): Hello @LukeKvalheim and @macaronchef
Hope you’re doing good today.
Luke: Thanks for asking Lola, good. Hope you’re doing fine as well.
Macaron Chef: All is well thanks, What about you?
Lola(AMA HOST): I’m good too 😊
Hope you are ready for the first session
Luke: exactly. 😊
Macaron Chef: Yes We are, Lets begin!
Lola(AMA HOST): Shall we start?
Luke: yes please
Q1. Can you give us a general introduction of you and Macaronswap ? Could you tell us your role in the project?
Luke: I’m Luke who is an enthusiast for Information Technologies for 15 years. I have worked for enterprise companies entire my career. Individually i have done some technical contributions/advisory to some cryptocurrency projects for 5 years.
And last year we decided to build a project with MacaronChef who is co-founder of the project like me.
MacaronChef also has 14 years of experience in IT industry. He has more software developments/planning skills than me. 😊 I’m quiet focusing to the big picture and the management side.
MacaronSwap is a decentralized farm&staking platform and will be a Cross-Chain Exchange. MacaronSwap will use an automated market maker (AMM) model.
Lola(AMA HOST): Wow! 15 years? How has been your experience? What have you learnt?
I have graduated Computer Science, started my professional career as a software developer. And worked both coding and systems engineering side at senior expert level.
Lola(AMA HOST): Great!
Q2. How many team members do you have working with you? And can you also tell us their roles?
Luke: We have 8 team members including me, Chef, 1 Solidity Dev, 1 Fullstack Dev, 1 frontend dev, 1 mobile developer and 2 volunteer devs from our community. We’re still eager to expand to the team.
Q3. Can you tell the Community about the trading on Macaronswap Finance?
Luke: MacaronSwap exchange platform supports every tradable assets on PancakeSwap, we still use PancakeSwap router for trading. Additionally, we support every reputable BSC projects for exchange whitelisting if they apply(reach) to us. As you know users needs to type token contract addresses to Pancake exchange screen if token is not whitelisted and many projects are not whitelisted there even if projects are reputable. We allow users to trade these assets without confusion. If projects exist on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap, their token ticker and logo is added after project teams’ listing application. We’re eager to build accessible and decentralized platform to every defi users as much as possible.
Q4. Can you tell us about how Macaronswap Fianance works generally?
Luke: MacaronSwap comes forward with its farm and staking opportunities nowadays. We provide some farms to the users which allow them to earn our platform and governance token MCRN. By MCRN token, our community members are able to cast their votes to decide future of the project and can deposit these tokens to staking pools to earn more. We actually have farms for MCRN, CAKE, TWT, DOGE, WIN, ETH, BTCB, BUSD with BNB pairs and BUSD-USDT pair.
Lola(AMA HOST): Can users also gain by Holding?
Luke: exactly, we have staking opportunities for MCRN holders. And we provide Cake staking, Cake autostaking on our platform without fee.
Lola(AMA HOST): Good.😊
Q5. How many Partners do you have and how have they helped your Project Macaronswap Finance?
Luke: We’ve built a community focused project. We didn’t make any seed, private sale. Our biggest supporter has been our community so far. But we’re planning to build some partnerships for marketing and business development after this stage, as we want to enlarge our scope.
Lola(AMA HOST): Having the Community as your support is really a good one. If I may ask, by when do you plan to have partnerships with others
Luke: After our audit report to be honest. It will be published soon. Waiting to get the report from Certik in a week i suppose.
Lola(AMA HOST): All right.
Luke: We’re auditing all our contracts, so it took quiet longer than other projects’ auditing.
Q6. In your github site, it was stated that Macaronswap is an exchange for swapping Bep20 tokens. Why did you
Choose Bep20? And not Erc tokens?
Luke: You know the situations and congestion issues on Ethereum network. Because of more frequent blocks, BSC allows much more transactions, it avoids congestions alike Etherum network. By the way, BSC allows users to make transactions faster and cheaper.
After Ethereum 2.0 goes live, we will implement our platform on Ethereum network as well. MacaronSwap will able to work cross-chain. And we’re considering to deploy our platform on one or two more EVM compatible network too.
I want to note that, even if MacaronSwap will exist multiple chains, we won’t multiply our governance token MCRN supply, it will continue how our community decided which can be seen on our governance page
Lola(AMA HOST): Yeah that’s true. Good one there👍
Q7. Can you tell us about the exchange fees in Macaronswap?
Luke: We don’t get any exchange fee from users, we’re using PancakeSwap v2 router. All exchange fees are going to Pancake team and users nowadays.
When we launch our native router, its big proportion will go to Liquidity Providers and it won’t be higher than %0.3
Q8. Can you share with our community the plans you and your project have for this year and the coming years?
Luke: We will build a real defi, real decentralized platform which is really decentralized one; mentality of Uniswap, not centralized like Pancake. We’re open to build collaboration with every reputable and serious defi projects.
We’re planning to build a decentralized cross-chain exchange with limit orders and and some advanced trading features as long as smart contracts’ capabilities allow.
Lola(AMA HOST): And how many months or weeks will it take to achieve this? And are these also in your roadmaps?
Luke: Yes, all these big milestones has been written on our roadmap. Our cross-chain AMM will be ready up to Q4 2021. As the team we’re working best effort, if we can build earlier, we will release it earlier we hope. Roadmap
Lola(AMA HOST): Okay.
Q9. What are the major challenges of Macaronswap Finance and how do you intend to solve them?
Luke: To be honest it’s hard to prove or selling ideas after huge platforms like Uniswap, Sushiswap, Pancake, Bake etc. Variety increases and market conditions are getting harder for new project teams day by day. But have confidence and experience to reach our targets. We did what we promise to our community without any delay so far.
Q10. Share with us all the links about Macaronswap finance, so that readers can find out more and also follow the development of the project.
Luke: Users can visit our landing page to get our links, features, whitepaper, roadmap and initial token distribution schema.
CertiK – Skynet(Realtime contract tracking):
Lola(AMA HOST): Can you tell us what makes Macaronswap different from other exchanges?
Luke: We really focused to make accessible to every defi users. We’ll have limit orders on our dex, we’ll build a mobile app on both IOS and Android market. And we’re building our in-house Analytics dApp for farm&staking users. It will be able to be used by other platforms’ users as well.
Lola(AMA HOST): That’s great!
Q11. Lastly our favourite question, do you have any alpha or juicy news for us in BSC News today?
Luke: We have a few thrilling news 🤞
a. We will launch ⭐️PoolTogether⭐️ on MacaronSwap, it will be the first on Binance Smart Chain, it will allow users lossless lottery.
b. We will get our audit report from CertiK, they couldn’t find any major issue on our current contracts, but we may fix something to make enhancements especially for gas optimizations.
and the other one,
c. We will declare a transparent marketing strategy for influencers, content creators and community members in this week.
Lola(AMA HOST): Thank you so much Luke for this wonderful session
Luke: It was a pleasure for me Lola, thanks
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