LittleBabyDoge AMA Transcript

“Little Baby Doge is a hyper-deflationary decentralized buyback token”

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with LittleBabyDoge! Today we have Karl from LittleBabyDoge joining us to talk about their exciting platform. Great to have you here Karl 🙂


Thanks, happy to be here

Stephanie (BSC.News)

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you beforehand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway

So to kick things off

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind LittleBabyDoge.


My name is Karl and I am the spokesperson for the LittleBabyDoge project. I’ve been working with the team for several months now. The team is based in Stockholm, Sweden but they are composed of activists and crypto enthusiasts from across the globe.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great to hear that 🙂 and thanks for that introduction.

2. What is LittleBabyDoge (LBD) and how do you contribute to the BSC ecosystem? How is LBD different from older brothers such as BabyDogeCoin and father DogeCoin?


LittleBabyDoge is a hyper-deflationary token that is focused on fighting against climate change. LittleBabyDoge is one of the most innovative crypto projects to date – integrating charity with cryptocurrency.

The main difference is the charity aspect which is once of LittleBabyDoge main priorities.

Also that it’s possible to stake and farm LittleBabyDoge

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Yes, I noticed your charity activity supporting Greta Thunburg and you guys are based in Stockholm 🙂

That’s quite amazing

3. What are the LittleBabyDoge’s unique features?


Buyback – This function is a major part of the LBD’s strategy. It lowers supply and raises demand, which results in an immediate effect on price when activated.

The tokens bought through buyback are immediately burned.

Then we also have the yield farm, this is where people will be able to stake and farm LBD.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Okay neat, so to dive even deeper into that

4. What is $LBD and how are they used on your platform?


It’s our token and only currency for the platform. On the platform you can use it for staking/farming (to be launched the weekend before Xmas), Lottery, NFT Marketplace, and our Merchandise store.

Stephanie (BSC.News)


5. How can users benefit by using the LittleBabyDoge ecosystem?


One of the most beneficial utilities are of course the staking and farming since you can gain profits by holding tokens. This combined with that 1% of all transactions will go directly to charity, so you are also doing something good for the world.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Sounds good!

6. Please tell us more about your NFT market. 


When people bought the NFT:s then we donated 50% directly to a charity chosen by the buyer.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Wow you donate 50%! For sure need to check more NFTs in your platform

7. What are anti-whale features in LittleBabyDoge?


Our anti-whale feature will protect $LBD holders from losing their money. This feature is designed such that every sell order is charged at a higher transaction rate than buy orders thus removing the incentive for whales to sell.

Stephanie (BSC.News)


Moving on…

8. Is your platform audited or has another safeguard layer in security? How can you ensure users that your platform is safe to use?


Yes, our contract was audited by DessertSwap and thus, safe to use. However, we are planning to get an audit done by a bigger audit company soon.

The larger audit is planned for when we reach 10k holders that we expect to do in the coming weeks.

Our developers have worked on large and small projects and are some of the most experienced in the crypto industry.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Super! Last but not least…

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?


Thank you very much! We are taking the world by storm in an upward projection. We will launch our farming/staking the weekend before Xmas.

Furthermore, Little Baby Doge is going all out in MARKETING and we will invest BIG in influencers across the world on WEIBO, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, TG, FB, REDDIT, and even BTOK (a platform that has over 10 million active users in China).

Youtuber: we were doing mid-tier YouTubers for the past few days. We will collaborate with big YouTubers for the staking and Xmas event.

Telegram: we are going to storm all telegram channels with our shilling team and put our names on the telegram crypto-community channel with a huge community

Ads: we are going to do double the budgets for ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram

Mods and Team: We will hire people that are experienced in handling communities and managing the mass for better raid and keep the vibes positive

All we can say is, this is the best time to join $LBD Community. We have the budget to do all of this marketing. we just need you to hold and support the project.


Stephanie (BSC.News)

How exciting! Would you be able to provide us with social media links so that our community could follow?





Stephanie (BSC.News)

Awesome! If you haven’t already, make sure to go and check out LittleBabyDoge everyone! They are launching farming and staking a weekend before Christmas! Super exciting project that you don’t want to miss out on 🙂

‍This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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