Bitcoin mugging: Kent’s freshman student robbed in Canterbury
Eight thugs, one freshman student, and the Bitcoin mugging “fishing week” in Canterbury (Kent, UK), left the cryptoverse shaken. “Terrified, emasculated, humiliated and abused.” The lad’s mother stated to the Sun that he was forcefully asked by the thugs to disclose his financial apps’ passwords.
She went on to convey to the police officials that five days prior to the commencement of his studies. Her son began discussing cryptocurrencies with a school friend. That very discussion triggered the school friend to march a group of his other East London friends to the student’s room.
The incident that resulted in the nascent lad losing Bitcoin (BTC) worth US$8.2K (£6,000) then, US$93K (£68000) now is chilling. Even beyond that, the thugs went on to steal US$3000 in grant money from the student in question, as well.
Ironic it is to realize that upon the lad running to the security hut to talk to the guards, they didn’t actually come to the scene. The police also never reached the crime scene to assess the incident and take action. The reason being the existence of much more pressing issues to be dealt with by the police that day. Despite the Canterbury Christ Church University offering safer accommodations, the said student chose to move back home. No refunds and even justice was never served to the suffering student. The police investigation was dropped eight months later.
Source : bsctimes
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