Hot Cross Provide Mic Drop Moment at BSC.News AMAChella

One stand-out moment at the event was an explanation of how the Hot Cross team handles bear and bull markets.

AMAchella Recap

The BSC.News AMAChella took place on Friday September 17th, at 15:00 UTC with participation from key industry players, including Hot Cross, a team that builds infrastructure for ETH and EVM networks like Binance Smart Chain

The project has also been keen to place products ahead of promotion. BSC.News was eager to question Hot Cross on how they dealt with the hype cycle and the pendulum of bear and bull markets.

“Bear markets don’t exist for builders. We rarely discuss the market and in fact, it’s not allowed at work. We chat about code, building, solutions, and product-market-fit. Crypto is wacky. Sometimes up. Sometimes down. It never affects our mood,” Hot Cross told BSCNews

The most recent BSCNews AMAChella passed with participation from Hot Cross, AlturaDvisionMoonpot, and RealFevr. But it was the mic drop moment from the Hot Cross team—and one of the key comments—which stood out at the latest BSCNews AMAChella. 

The slick interface of the Hot Cross staking pool page | Source

The Hot Cross team has already produced several powerful financial and blockchain tools, including token staking, LP mining, NFT minting, and ETH to EVM networking bridging. Throughout the AMA, the team displayed an almost rabid love for what they do. 

Hot Cross added: “We fight about code and UI and UX but have not once ever said ‘oh, the market is up or do.’’ This is not for us to focus on. Build like a crazy mad man (and woman!), and the market will do what it wants to do. We have enough firepower to last for some time so it’s game on. Bring it. Bull or bear we are ready to tackle all issues that face us.” 

The AMAchella was full of more interesting information for all the participants. If you want to follow the AMAChella from the start, simply head to the BSCNews Telegram page.

About Hot Cross

Hot Cross is a multi-chain tool suite designed for both blockchain developers and their communities. Hot Cross’s team consists of web3, iOS, and Android builders whose competencies range across many disciplines. The main goal of Hot Cross is to be a toolbox for Ethereum Virtual Machine networks. While Hot Cross is a company and an ecosystem in and of itself, their goals align towards allowing niche communities to flourish using the tools and technologies they provide. The team at Hot Cross are some of the unsung heroes behind the scenes of crypto and decentralized finance.

Follow Hot Cross at their socials:

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