Fundi Finance AMA Transcript


Stephanie (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Fundi Finance! Today we have @NifftyDes joining us to talk about their exciting new project. Great to have you here 🙂

Des Prout

Ty great to be here

Stephanie (BSC.News)

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you beforehand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in.

Des Prout

sounds great

Stephanie (BSC.News)

👍For today’s giveaway, you can complete the tasks and get a chance to win a portion from the prize pot – $200 and 50FF tokens. We will choose 20 winners! I will share the link after the 2nd round is finished.

Des Prout 


Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great 😃 so to kick things off, for those who may be unfamiliar…

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind Fundi Finance.

Des Prout


Hello, I am Des Prout, a founding member of Fundi Finance, and first, thank you for having me here; it’s great to communicate to new people about our protocol.

Let’s start with the team; we are getting a large group now with about 20 strong, including community admins; we are always looking to add to the team and grow with the project. As to the team skills, we are very fortunate to have something many crypto projects don’t have, outside industry experience. One of the best things about working in the Fundi team is experience from across industries. This has been a particular advantage to a project bridging defi and cefi; the team has excellent knowledge in the sectors Fundi is building a platform for. We have a solid real estate team from construction development to development management, project control, and consultancy, as well as a law specialist; some of the us have been responsible for the management of multi-million-dollar developments, and some have built them. Most of the team either own or have owned, managed, or are managing a business and have been doing so for 20 years or more in cases. We are a multi-Jurisdictional team that spans across the globe, team members from Europe, India, the USA, UK, Hong Kong, Australia. 

The team’s experience in crypto is also extensive, with some of the team’s past experiences dating back to 2009, which was BTC’s opening year. We have a strong tech team from Blockchain developers to graphics developers; 99% of them have crypto-related experience, and this is not the first project they worked on. We also have an excellent front-of-house team; some members have been involved in other crypto projects working as community mods, admins, marketing, etc. 

Fundi boasts a public doxed and KYC team; from the very start, the team feels strongly about being verified with this project. We are building a platform for digitalizing physical assets/ security tokens/ real estate; we think our ID verification was an absolute must. 

We like to think of ourselves as an innovative team capable of building our vision.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Well awesome! Sounds like you guys have a great team so let’s talk about the project itself

2. What is Fundi Finance and what is the vision and mission of your team?

Des Prout 

Great question

Fundi Finance is a cross-chain, DAO-based digital ecosystem that allows the tokenization of physical assets on a platform that gives investors financial opportunities for those very same assets. Our vision is a totally decentralized autonomous organization owned by investors and holders of the 2 DAO tokens. Fundi Finance has a fully automated governance dapp where governance proposals and voting are performed; this dapp is an example of our vision in creating a true DAO governed system and giving ownership to investors. 

Fundi Finance’s goal is a secure, easy-to-use platform that bridges everyday finance and digital finance, a platform where users can easily maneuver between the 2. It gives users access to their total wealth, even the physical assets they own in the real world. We believe an explosion of the outside industry is waiting to enter digital markets, industries like real estate where some Fundi team have tremendous experience. These areas have substantial market caps, and we believe the ecosystem we have designed is ideally suited to help not just the average everyday person but also everyday businesses.

Formed, this dapp is an example of our vision in creating a true DAO governed system. 

Our visioned platform key points:

Tokenization of physical assets such as Real estate/ land/ art/ gold/ silver 

Yield Optimizers for digital tokens and security tokens

Collateral backed digital loans for digital and physical assets 

Security tokens 


Real estate launchpad and accelerator 

Crowd Funding 

ID verification 

Cross Chain abilities 

Community Governed Venture investments. 

100% DAO investor controlled. 

You can see a flow chart of the ecosystem we vision here


Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great! The chart definitely helped my understanding when I was researching for your company. so to dive even deeper into that

Des Prout 

great we intended to break it down for all

3. What are $FF, $CRA and $FFST and what are their utilities?

Des Prout 

great we intended to break it down for all

$FF,$FFST, and $CRA are the primary tokens within the Fundi Finance protocol; each token has its unique utility use cases. Here is a short brief on them before more detailed analysis is below.

$FF is a DAO governance token designed to give a user voting power over the protocol while choosing to keep the right of being an anonymous, decentralized investor. FF is not a security token and does NOT require KYC. For those who prefer to stay anon appreciate it, there are some clauses to the power in voting and rewards a FF holder can have. Those limitations are due to regulation and securities laws; FF voting will be solely on decentralized finance products and digital token-related areas. The same with rewards FF holders will receive a rewards income from decentralized finance fees and products.

$FFST is a DAO governance token. First, FFST will be a security token and require KYC; $ FFST function will give users dividend rewards from centralized finance areas of Fundi Finance FFST holders can peacefully claim rewards from fees taken for services in security tokens/ real estate/ physical assets. Holders can even be given a representative of shares, trade-in securities, and invest in real estate crowdfunding. Most importantly, when it comes to governance, $FFST holders can be treated as shareholders and vote on any securities or centralized related financial decisions. 

Ultimately both these tokens give a simple DAO system that complies with regulation and laws; Fundi Finance, as far as we know, is the first DAO of this kind. 

$CRA is a digital currency that physical assets will partially back, also a new concept, and we feel a much safer one. There are many cryptos out there, but you can arguably say when things go wrong what they backed by are? Recent USDT news is a prime example here; with Fundi, our digital exchange token is partially supported by physical assets such as real estate, land, and gold. Sound interesting enough for you.


Fundi Finance Token (FF) is a governance token in the Fundi Finance protocol. Its primary function is giving its community investors control over their invested finance within the protocol and control as part of a DAO collective. By holding FF, investors will be able to participate in the governance of the Fundi Finance decentralized system. Only FF holders can vote on proposals and motions based on critical areas of interest such as partnerships, new liquidity pools, or reward systems related to the non-KYC decentralized side of the Fundi protocol.

The voting power of FF is weighted at a ratio of 1 to 1.

Another benefit of holding FF is gaining access to a rewards system. This system is built on rewarding community investors for their services in the protocol’s governance. 

Holding FF and investing is as easy as making a cup of coffee. Deposit and vote to receive rewards from the tax system that’s integrated across the Fundi Finance ecosystem. After liquidity suppliers are rewarded, the entire tax wallet balance to the Defi area is split between rewarding FF holders and buy-back-and-burn CRA.


FFST is the second governance token in the Fundi Finance protocol. Like FF, its primary function is giving community investors control over their finance invested within the protocol. However, by holding FFST, investors may participate in Fundi Finance’s centralized system (rather than the decentralized one). Only FFST holders can vote on proposals and motions based on critical areas of interest such as partnerships, new liquidity pools, or reward systems in centralized securities projects. 

FFST also grants holders access to a rewards system. The FFST rewards system is built on dividends and rewards from securities and centralized finance within the Fundi ecosystem. To participate and claim bonuses from this system, users will have to hold a KYC passport available through Fundi Finance. 

Holders of FFST can also feel the benefits of more apparent regulation and legal frameworks for investments with this option. Again, rewards are collected from an internal tax system smart contract, which contains fees for using products and services across the Fundi Finance ecosystem.

CREATION ($CRA) is a digital currency used to exchange on the Fundi Finance protocol. With functions print and burn. These functions make CRA a highly adaptable digital currency, perfect for a financial ecosystem. With community governance and voting, investors can quickly adapt the Fundi economy to unforeseen circumstances or new opportunities by either expanding or reducing the bankroll of the economy. CRA will be liquid to users of multiple networks and available across chains for various purposes. 

CRA has no finite total supply; 150 million tokens were minted at creation with the intention of this figure being the ideal peg for investor price and economic power to start. This figure can be expanded or reduced, but neither action can be taken by the Fundi team alone: The bankroll is 100% governed by the FF token holders. Only their vote can authorize additional print and burn features.

Intended functions of CRA token: 

A digital currency for use in digital assets as an exchange token

A digital currency for use in digital assets as a cheap, transferable digital asset 

A bridge currency to multiple networks

A bridge currency to fiat, CRA can be bridged to fiat currency for use and investment outside the crypto industry.

A reward token for liquidity investors; creating a healthy reward policy for liquidity providers will keep a healthy economic base in the Fundi protocol. 

A loanable digital asset; CRA can be used as a loanable asset to applicants that require collateralized short-term/fixed-term/long-term digital loans.

An investment token; CRA, can be used to supply liquidity into other investments creating wealth for the Fundi ecosystem 

Purchasing; CRA can be used to buy goods, security audits, and expand protocol and services.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Thanks for the clarification!

4. Why should investors use Fundi DAO and what are the key aspects of the protocol?

Des Prout

Good questions; we ultimately believe people will use the platform because of the utility we have designed; our whole protocol is designed to solve problematic areas of industries with huge demand. 

We are also the only platform with this designed product; we are early and ahead of the show. In my experience, this is a good thing. Being able to tokenize property or even land with development ideas will help people find investors and capital quickly; the digital markets will have options into safer traditional assets and make physical assets very liquid. This solves a massive problem as physical assets are often very illiquid. Using your owned assets as liquidity and gaining a rewards income from that is a no-brainer once we get this up and running; I feel real estate funds and hedge funds will be eying our product up for use.

> Here are some key points 

Tokenization of physical assets such as Real estate/ land/ art/ gold/ silver 

Yield Optimizers for digital tokens and security tokens

Collateral backed digital loans for digital and physical assets 

Security tokens 


Real estate launchpad and accelerator 

Crowd Funding 

 ID verification  

cross Chain abilities 

Community Governed Venture investments. 

100% DAO investor controlled.

Real estate-backed tokenomics 

> Here are some problems and solutions we solve 

(P) Physical assets have traditionally been viewed as safer investments; however, they are often highly illiquid. Most physical assets are only liquid at purchase and sale. In the case of land or real estate, assets are non-liquid for long periods.

(S) With Fundi Finance, holders of physical assets can quickly collateralize them to create liquid value at any time. They can then leverage that liquidity, even depositing it into saving pools. 

(P) Physical assets such as real estate or land can be prohibitively expensive (and development even more so). The larger the project, the more challenging it can be to find investors. 

(S)With Fundi Finance, everyone wins. Developers gain access to a global, digital market where assets can quickly be turned into funds. And with so many willing investors, developers can offer lower entry: Retail investors who typically don’t have access to significant development can invest as little as $50 a share and gain safe, longer-term assets with their digital capital. 

(P) Development of land and real estate can be costly, especially for big projects.

(S) With Fundi Finance, developers and landowners can tokenize their assets and divide them between investors to raise funds.


Stephanie (BSC.News)


5. Please tell us about your tax system and it’s 4 key areas

Des Prout

no problem, 

Our tax system is a smart contract that designed to reward investing community 

read about it here 

Smart tax contracts are designed to evolve with the Fundi Finance system. Each new development will include an intelligent tax system contract to keep the Fundi Finance economic system flowing for its most influential people, the investing and voting community. Governance voters and liquidity suppliers alike will always have a reason to stay with Fundi Finance: a healthy economy that encourages a diverse front of loyal investors. All tax revenue is 100% allocated back to investors or project; the team takes NO extra % of tax revenue; the Fundi team receives rewards for the DAO tokens they hold just like every other investor. 

All pool taxes will be taken from launch, and rewards will be locked in the tax wallet until farming of FF has finished. After this point, a new pool sill opens for FF holders, and prizes will be allocated from the tax wallet. The tax system is also 100% controlled by the DAO system, and token holders can vote or propose new revenue ideas or adjustments to tax revenue income. 

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Very cool!

6. What are some barriers that investors face and how can Fundi Finance help with this? Can you give us an example? (e.g., investors with their physical assets locked)

Des Prout

Here are some problems and solutions we solve 

(P) Physical assets have traditionally been viewed as safer investments; however, they are often highly illiquid. Most physical assets are only liquid at purchase and sale. In the case of land or real estate, assets are non-liquid for long periods.

(S) With Fundi Finance, holders of physical assets can quickly collateralize them to create liquid value at any time. They can then leverage that liquidity, even depositing it into saving pools. 

(P) Physical assets such as real estate or land can be prohibitively expensive (and development even more so). The larger the project, the more challenging it can be to find investors. 

(S)With Fundi Finance, everyone wins. Developers gain access to a global, digital market where assets can quickly be turned into funds. And with so many willing investors, developers can offer lower entry: Retail investors who typically don’t have access to significant development can invest as little as $50 a share and gain safe, longer-term assets with their digital capital. 

(P) Development of land and real estate can be costly, especially for big projects.

(S) With Fundi Finance, developers and landowners can tokenize their assets and divide them between investors to raise funds.

Here are some flow charts that show some technical to how these problems are solved

Real estate-backed loan 

Supply real estate as liquidity 

Digital Collateral Loan 

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Thank you for the explanation and the flow charts!

7. Is your platform audited? How can you ensure users that your platform is safe to use?

Yes, we are audited three times on various contracts now; we have constantly audited before any smart contract goes live to the public, and we will continue this example. You can check all Fundi Finance Smart contracts audits here

We have used RDauditors every time so far outstanding support from the team there very helpful, and one of our strategic partners

A list of our partners can be found in our pitch deck here is a graphic for all to view

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Sounds good! Last but not least

8. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Des Prout

Sure lots I try keep it short as possible

Yes, we have several exciting news updates to share with the world

Firstly our DAO token FF is now live on BSC. You can find the smart contract here

We are currently line on DODO DEX, and once you and the FF contract address, you can purchase here

We currently have 60 promotional POOLS on DODO for good APY rewards 

You can supply BUSD/FF here  The current provider fee is 8% which is very high; you can then stake your LP in our reward pool which is also on DODO. If the link does work, quickly enter the pool contract address here (0x78f3c868b1cdeb37c256f30c65730f1c06fa5e76)

You can also compound those rewards and stake naked FF also on DODO

again sometimes the link does not work, so use the contract address if this happens, which can be found here (0x897611baba794d22d0a10f4c60a136baf298128d)

Any questions come to our telegram

Other exciting news is the Fundi NFT concept degen apes have merged with a gaming company 3C board games, and work is already underway to create an NFT game that combines Fundi Degen Apes with 3C board games multiverse war. The merge has given Fundi a royalty package for the Fundi tax wallet on future game NFT’s and merchandise opening the doors to a Fundi concept becoming a fully functional NFT game with access to the metaverse. More details can be found in our TG of the idea, the merge, and some spoiler artwork. 

Here is a short video spoiler

I would like to end here with some vital Docu on our project 


Governance DAPP








Deposit LP to reward pool  

Naked Staking



Stephanie (BSC.News)

It’s definitely some exciting stuff! If you haven’t already, make sure to go and check out Fundi Finance everyone!! Super exciting project that you don’t want to miss out on!

‍This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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