Full Revamp at BurgerSwap: New DEX-CEX, $BURGER Token, And More

Some of the new features came from community feedback, and will give users better utility.

A New Version of Burger

The first DeFi protocol to launch on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), BurgerSwap, has just announced a comprehensive overhaul of its platform. The result of the overhaul is that there is a new BurgerSwap, with many updated features.

“New version of BurgerSwap is Live Now. Go trade to earn $BURGER and RT to join the #Giveaways”, announced in a December 3rd tweet on the platform’s Twitter handle. 

Ever since a flash loan attack hit BurgerSwap, the platform has been striving to recoup the confidence of its community. Days after the attack, the platform signed up with PeckShield for the security audit of its smart contracts. In a Medium post on November 10, BurgerSwap promised its community of milestones to expect in its roadmap:

“Crypto moves fast, and we move fast too. The roadmap of BurgerSwap is here … Ongoing 2021 Q4: DEX aggregator; UI/UX upgrades; Switch Official; Governance upgrade,” the platform assured.


What’s New At BurgerSwap

BurgerSwap has integrated a good number of utilities into its platform. These include:

  • Enhanced User-interface

In coming up with an improved UI, BurgerSwap considered user-opinion from the old version. The menu bar has been shrunk from 12 to 7. The interface now has better visual appeal and looks less cluttered.

  • Cross-chain Swap

The new version of BurgerSwap has a menu for Switch Protocol. Switch Protocol enables users to swap crypto assets from one blockchain to another. Swaps across Ethereum, BSC, HECO, and Polygon are currently supported.

  • DEX-CEX Aggregator

BurgerSwap’s automated market maker (AMM) now uses an aggregator model which supports PancakeSwap, MDEX, Biswap, Apeswap, BakerySwap, Babyswap, WOOFi Swap, and JulSwap. When a user initiates a trade, BurgerSwap chooses the DEXes that will offer the best rates. Additionally, users who trade BNB/WBNB, BUSD, USDT, DAI, ETH, BTCB, CAKE, BURGER are rewarded with 50% of the trading fee in $BURGER.

What’s Cooking Ahead

Dealing with fear, uncertainty, and doubt among the community is usually a slippery situation for most projects. The flash loan attack on BurgerSwap rattled the platform’s stability and left users with various complaints.

BurgerSwap will hope that the community will find its new version appealing. The platform plans to have weekly reports and monthly Questions and Answers sessions to help it stay in touch with its community. 

About BurgerSwap

BurgerSwap is the first DeFi protocol and the first automated market maker on Binance Smart Chain. 

Users who provide liquidity on BurgerSwap receive the platform’s $BURGER token in proportion to their contribution to the liquidity pool. This is unlike most other platforms that issue LP tokens to liquidity providers.

BurgerSwap’s ecosystem token, the $BURGER, is valued at $3 at press time. The token is down by over 80% from its all-time-high value of $28 attained in May 2021. 

Where to find BurgerSwap:

Website | Twitter | Medium | Telegram | Github 

Source : bsc.news

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