FEED: Charity on Binance Smart Chain

Blockchain technology today continues to demonstrate it’s enormous potential with the launch of various projects that aspire to make the world a better and more transparent place. Blockchain technology nowadays makes its way into the musical, food, environmental and charitable fields every day. Humanitarian awareness in particular is penetrating the business world, and some projects have already entered that make us look to the future from a hopeful perspective in terms of humanitarian aid. One that intrigues me in particular is a project called FEED, which is a charity project based on the Binance Smart Chain network, committed to working with organizations around the world to help people in need. It’s cool, isn’t it?

As we already mentioned, FEED is a charitable project that is based on blockchain and is working with organizations to eradicate hunger and help the most vulnerable communities, with people in need in the world. With a mission to reduce hunger, improve nutrition and help prevent food waste, donating to those who need it most and eventually funding projects that help find a solution. The team is doing hard work every day to partner with recognized anti-hunger organizations and scheduling donations.

FEED already functions as an official legal entity, allowing it to partner with any charity. Showing the real world that they are a real and serious project. A long-term project, with a high commitment of the team members to the community, who seek the objective of financing research and development of projects against hunger.

FEED has allocated 5% of its total offer in an exclusive wallet for donations. And every month 10% of the tokens in that wallet will be donated to the foundations that the team and the community select. In fact the team has already started making donations, there are records that on May 3 they made a donation to a charitable foundation in Venezuela. You can watch the video about it, below.www.youtube.com/embed/UiL_1UZNSLQ?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=1&fs=1&playsinline=0&controls=1&color=red&cc_lang_pref=&rel=0&autohide=2&theme=dark&

Not only cash donations have contributed the equipment, they also donate supplies. FEED is undoubtedly showing the community that they are a serious project and that investing in it would be safe, it is a challenge that the same team is achieving, committed to this long-term project. In addition to this the contract has been audited twice before launch, first with TechRate and then with Solidity Finance, which helps investors confidence in the platforms security.

The total supply is set at 100 million tokens. The token can currently be purchased at Pancakeswap (V2). According to the development team, they will begin to work to list the token in CEX exchanges, look for more associations and announcements in the main media, to try to involve more people in the world of cryptocurrencies, reach more regions, especially those that have been hardest hit by COVID-19.

Source : bsctimes

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