Welcome to WINLAMBO. A smarter way to RFI!
The past few months has seen very a popular trend of RFI-forked tokens popping up, and some of them have gone absolutely parabolic. The success of the early projects, led to a large amount of copycats being launched, that soon led to the genre getting stale. Enter Winlambo. Winlambo, besides having a very “hype” name, actually has mad-genius level tokenomics that could do wonders to help it succeed where others have failed. The Winlambo token launches on Pancakeswap today, May 16th at 14:00pm UTC.
What is Winlambo?
To begin, it’s important to note that WINLAMBO is a reflective type token and has a transaction tax of 13% and the way the tax is allocated and used is extremely intriguing.
4% goes to the Lambo Fund (when this fund reaches $210k, it’s randomly sent to a wallet)
4% goes to the Daily Jackpot Fund (this gives out rewards to multiple users daily)
2% gets redistributed to all WINLAMBO holders
2% gets sent to the WINLAMBO-BNB Liquidity Pool (maintaining liquidity)
1% goes to the team
I mentioned the Lambo Fund and the Daily Jackpot Fund so allow me to explain how they will work. When you buy or receive WINLAMBO you get tickets, and when you sell or send WINLAMBO your tickets are destroyed and the more tickets you hold at the time of the raffle draw, the greater the chances of winning a prize. The lottery system has been explained in detail by the team on their Medium.
To make sure everyone gets the chance to stack tickets on the ground floor, there will be a max transaction limit of 200,000 WINLAMBO during the first day of listing. This helps guarantee a more diverse group of holders at launch. So when you go to buy, do it in chunks of 200,000. On day 2, the max transaction limit will be raised to 5,000,000 WINLAMBO.
Lambo Fund
As I previously mentioned, 4% of each transaction goes to the Lambo Fund, which will collect the taxes and once the Lambo Fund has $210,000 in it, there will be a draw to see who will take it all. The Lambo Fund will continue to collect and randomly select a wallet to send the $210k to, and it uses Chainlink’s Randomizer to select the winners. The winners can then take their winnings and get themselves a sweet, sweet Lamborghini Huracan or you know, whatever they want.
It’s important to note that the Lambo Fund is a multisig contract. It can only send funds when the majority of the people on the multisig approve and the people on the multisig are 5 different trusted members of the community.
Daily Jackpot Fund
Most RFI type token projects end up struggling from low volume, so the team at Winlambo has developed their tokenomics such that volume and hodling is super incentivized. 4% of each transaction is going to get sent to the Daily Jackpot Fund and will get allocated in the following manner.
70% of the daily jackpot will go to the top 3 users in terms of volume for that day. Volume is the total # of WINLAMBO sent & received. Distributed as follows:
40% to 1st place
20% to 2nd place
10% to 3rd place
30% will be distributed in raffle mode similar to the Lambo Fund. 6 draws will happen each paying 5% of the daily jackpot. To qualify for these draws, you will have to be in the top 4–20 users in terms of volume for that day. Positions 1–3 are excluded from the daily raffle.
So basically, the top 3 wallet addresses in volume will receive 70% of the Daily Jackpot, and then the volume leaders ranked 4-20 will receive 30% that’s distributed using a raffle system. Really cool stuff.
Team Allocation
1% of each transaction will go to the team fund. This will ensure the team stays motivated and their incentives are aligned with the continued success of the protocol and growth of the community.
Locked Liquidity Forever
60% of raised funds will be added to liquidity with half of the token supply. The LP tokens will be sent to the zero/dead address, i.e liquidity will be locked forever. In addition 2% of every transaction is sent to the WINLAMBO-BNB Liquidity Pool for good. This will help ensure liquidity will never be an issue for investors.
1 Billion total tokens;
500M will go to Liquidity.
350M will go to Presale.
150M will be burned as marketing milestones are reached!
The Presale funds will be used as follows:
60% to fund liquidity, LP Tokens will be sent to the burn address (locked forever).
40% for marketing/operations
Launch Details
Sunday, May 16th at 14:00 UTC the token will go live on Pancakeswap, and the first 24 hours there will be a 200,000 token limit on transactions. The token address will be announced shortly before launch on their Telegram that can be reached by clicking here.
Important Links
Website: winlambo.fund/
Medium: winlambo.medium.com/
Telegram: t.me/winlambo_official
Twitter: twitter.com/Winlambos
Source : bsctimes
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