Elemon Launches Month-Long Boss Guild

$20,000 in total cash prizes are up for grabs in the blockchain game’s one-month event.

Boss Guild Event

Elemon, a PlayandEarn project on BNB Chain, has officially launched a one month boss fighting guild event that will last till June 30.

The team kicked off the festivities through a Tweet on May 31 announcing the mechanics of the event. The inaugural boss guild event has a total of $20,000 in cash prizes, apart from in-game items and guild points that players receive. $18,000 has been allocated to ticket rewards while $2,000 goes to the guilds that summoned the most bosses, with an exclusive avatar guild that will go to the top ranked guild during the event.

“Boss Guild is an important feature that the community has been waiting for,” the project team told BSC News. “The Elemon team has spent a lot of time perfecting this feature [in order] to bring joy [in the participation of] every Boss Guild battle. Guild members, when fighting Guild Bosses, have the opportunity to receive cash rewards with a total value of up to $20,000.”


Three free guild bosses can be summoned by the guild each week. Any succeeding summons would need enough Boss Summon Cards, which can be purchased using $ELMON, or donated by a guild member to the guild. Guild members looking to participate should be a member of the guild for more than seven days before they can take part in the Boss Guild battles. Defeating the boss gives in-game items, such as skill cards, EXP cards, or crafting items, guild points, and  redemption tickets. Players who collect all three types of tickets can claim $10 worth of $BUSD through the elemeon event page.

“After the Boss Guild [event, there ] will be many attractive new features to come,” The team continued. “Challenge 2.0 is a breakthrough in gameplay that the team devotes a lot of effort in.”

Check out Elemon’s substack post for more details on their month-long Boss Guild event.teams.bogged.finance/embeds/chart?address=0xE3233fdb23F1c27aB37Bd66A19a1f1762fCf5f3F&chain=bsc&charttype=candles&theme=dark&defaultinterval=15m&showchartbutton=true

What is Elemon: 

Elemon is a protocol built on BNB Chain with many Play-to-Earn features. The protocol combines the most significant aspects of gaming and digital collectibles. Elemon’s mission is to build a comprehensive platform of digital monsters that will enable millions of individuals to participate in the NFT and blockchain-based gaming world in a simple, creative, and enjoyable way. 

The native $ELMON token also has utility on the protocol. Users can use the token to farm and make payments in its NFT marketplace along with other tokens. Elemon will also add more use-cases for $ELMON in the future.

For more about Elemon:

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Source : bsc.news

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