Discover Binance’s Leading Coin-M Futures Trader: Gains 9.2511 BTC (2.35%) in Just One Week!

Discover Binance's Leading Coin-M Futures Trader: Gains 9.2511 BTC (2.35%) in Just One Week!

Strategic Positions Lead to Notable Gains

The top trader on Binance’s Coin-M Futures platform managed to secure significant gains through a series of calculated positions. Among these, the SOLUSD CM Perpetual Long and the BTCUSD CM Perpetual Long positions stood out, despite the former facing a notable loss of 41%. Conversely, their short position in BNBUSD CM Perpetual and long positions in ETHUSD CM and BTCUSD CM Perpetual demonstrated strategic diversity, resulting in an overall positive weekly return.

Active Positions Overview

The trader currently holds active positions in four key cryptocurrency markets on the COIN-M platform, demonstrating a well-rounded strategy aimed at capitalizing on market movements. The positions are as follows:

  • SOLUSD CM Perpetual Long with a size of 148,816 SOL, an entry price of 192.925, and a current price of 172.824, resulting in a PNL of -897 SOL (-41%).
  • ETHUSD CM Perpetual Long with a size of 666,686 ETH, an entry price of 3420, and a current price of 3.326, resulting in a PNL of -55 ETH (-8.23%).
  • BNBUSD CM Perpetual Short with a size of 276,251 BNB, an entry price of 566, and a current price of 552.190, resulting in a PNL of 127.5 BNB (5.07%).
  • BTCUSD CM Perpetual Long with a size of 138,154 BTC, an entry price of 62.972, and a current price of 64.226, resulting in a PNL of 4.2721 BTC (7.94%).

The Role of Market Volatility

Market volatility plays a significant role in the futures trading landscape, with price fluctuations offering opportunities for strategic traders to capitalize on. This week’s performance by the top trader on Binance’s Coin-M Futures platform underscores the potential for high returns, even in a market known for its rapid and unpredictable movements. By carefully selecting entry and exit points, the trader demonstrated the potential to turn market volatility into a valuable asset.

A Closer Look at Daily and Weekly Performance

The trader’s daily and weekly performance metrics offer insights into the disciplined approach required for successful futures trading. With a daily ROI of 0.25% and a weekly ROI of 2.35%, the results reflect both the challenges and rewards of navigating the crypto futures market. Such performance not only highlights the trader’s skill and strategic planning but also the inherent risks and opportunities present in the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading.


This week’s achievements by Binance’s top Coin-M Futures trader serve as a compelling case study in the effectiveness of careful planning, strategic diversity, and risk management in the volatile cryptocurrency market. Their success, marked by a significant weekly gain of 9.2511 BTC, reinforces the importance of preparedness and strategic execution in achieving positive trading outcomes. As the market continues to evolve, the lessons drawn from this trader’s approach will undoubtedly provide valuable insights for both novice and experienced traders alike.

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