Dark Frontiers Enters the Blockchain Gaming Vortex

Dark Frontiers embarks into the gaming sector after a fundraising round that saw 700x over submissions—indicating their potential.

On the “Dark Side of the Moon”

Dark Frontiers, a blockchain-based game produced by Gamestarter, has revealed the first significant update on the game and its metaverse via a Medium blog post from October 16th.

Dark Frontiers is a gamified metaverse wherein gamers can pilot their own spaceships in order to conquer new planets, defeat oppositions, and find unique NFTs that could either be built on or sold on the open market. The game uses a play-to-earn (P2E) model that incentivizes players with rewards within a metaverse governed by participating community members.

“At the moment, our designers are working hard to deliver amazing environment designs and concepts for the community to grasp and share. The 3D design team is working on building said designs featured inside the game where players will later mine, fight, build, and earn,” explains Dark Frontiers further in the blog on the current stage of progress in the development of the game. 

Source: Dark Frontiers Website

The platform’s fundraising round was extremely successful, attaining oversubscription by 700x on Gate.io. The huge demand shows that users are willing to own these tokens based on their proposed value. DARK is the native token of the metaverse and trades at $0.3869, according to CoinMarketCap

During its Initial Decentralized Exchange (DEX) offering (IDO) launch, the initial investors saw the price of the token peak at 20 times its initial value. The game leverages technology like virtual reality (VR) to enable a virtual world that allows gamers to explore without any restrictions.

In the update, the game also revealed some of the spacesuits that are designed specifically for the player’s characters to give players a visual of their character in the game.

Source: A sneak peek at some of the spacesuits being tailor-made for your character.

About Dark Frontiers

Dark Frontiers is a new gamified space realm governed by a Gamestarter produced Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The platform aims to increase the mainstream adoption of NFTs by enhancing their usability through features like staking, item ownership, and providing real-world value through in-game mechanisms and items.

Find about more the project here:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | Discord | TikTok | 

Source : bsc.news

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