CryptoSlam! Announces Sale of Heavyweight NFTs Including Ashton Kutcher, Hans Zimmer, Steve Jobs, and More

Stoner Cats is sure to shock the list of names with their unique release.

What a Slam Dunk of NFTS

The CryptoSlam! NFT website has announced a tsunami wave of NFTs, including familiar celebrity couple Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, and top intellectual properties from the world of entertainment such as Back to the Future.

In the space of one week, the aforementioned couple of Kutcher and Kunis will launch Stoner Cats, and composer Hans Zimmer will present his music-themed NFT project ‘The Sound of Color.’  The bonanza began on July 20 and runs through July 27.

“If you thought the summer of NFTs couldn’t get any hotter, think again!” read the official announcement. “NFTs On Deck presents an unprecedented array of star-studded new drops that have us convinced NFTs are here in a big way. 


Big names like Steve Jobs, The Trail Blazers, The Nashville Predators, Bill and Ted, Back to the Future, and Chtulhu Idols will all join the growing list of intellectual properties on the virtual guest list of NFTs. 

Stoner Cats

Of the announced upcoming NFTs, the crown jewel is arguably Stoner Cats, an NFT-funded animated show about a Ms. Stoner and her feline friends who, after smoking a mysterious strain of super skunk, find they are imbued with magical marijuana-fueled powers. 

Besides Kutcher and Kunis, a considerable amount of creative talent is involved in the project. Joining will be Hollywood bigshots like comedian Chris Rock and actress Jane Fonda. 

Orchard Farm Productions are also involved, as are creative skills behind such well-known productions as Toy Story 2, Into The Spider-Verse, Happy Feet, and Crypto Kitties, and more.

The CryptoSlam! Site (screenshot)

As for the NFTs themselves, each counts as a subscription to the series with an appropriately numbered 10,420 NFTs in circulation. Seven primary characters of the show will be randomly generated using various rarity features based on the work of Ashton Kutcher, who will be drawing the artwork for the NFTs.

Stoner Cats will launch on on Monday, July 26th, with each stoner cat NFT priced at 0.35 ETH. 

The next major NFT launch which CryptoSlam! covered is “Peanut Butter Jelly Time,” which launches on on Tuesday, July 27th.


Now Live

According to the information provided by CryptoSlam! NFT projects which are now live include:

Hans Zimmer on

Trail Blazers on OpenSea

Steve Jobs on

Nashville Predators on Fanaply

Hyperloop at SuperRare

Mondo, Choices, Bill and Ted, Back to The Future and Call of Cthulhu at VeVe

Of those, perhaps the most intriguing is an old job application by Steve Jobs – with both the physical and NFT version for sale separately. Currently, the physical version is the one that garners the greater interest with the highest bid at $37,000, while the NFT version can only manage $2,000.

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