Crodex Metaverse Hub Adventure: ‘The Arrival’ of Space Crxillions, MHUB

Crodex launches its first Metaverse Hub Adventure with “The Arrival” of Space Crxillion NFTs and the release of the new MHUB token.

Crodex Debuts New NFT Collection, MHUB Token

Crodex unveiled its first Metaverse Hub Adventure, called “The Arrival” on Oct. 6.

The development creates two significant components of the new Metaverse Hub – the $MHUB token and the Space Crxillions Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection.

“On a very technical level, they are special DeFi instruments with customized contracts to match the mechanics of the story, Cesar, a core team member at Crodex, told BSC News. “They deliberately reveal the grand story of the Hub, and they will allow you to be a part of it while having a proper DeFi experience.”

The NFTs will serve as avatars in the Adventures. As of right now, 97% of Space Crxillions NFTs are already sold out, with mint prices ranging from 600-700 $CRO ($64-$74).

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Those who buy Space Crxillions NFTs earlier have the advantage of having easier access to resources. A lower ID indicates an earlier arrival.

You can see below how each Space Crxillion participates in the adventure and gets its share of resources:


Earn $MHUB With Crxillion NFTs

The Arrival Adventure is the first of many planned, where owners of Space Crxillion NFTs will earn returns. The first $MHUB tokens will be commissioned following the launch. The Adventures are part of a strategy to support $MHUB’s positive price action, according to the Crodex team.

The team said will introduce side stories/quests to the Metaverse Hub 2.0 as they bring new projects to the Metaverse Hub 2.0, even though the main adventures will be accessible only to Crxillion (Original or Space) owners. With new partners, Crxillion NFTs will receive special benefits, such as whitelist spots, giveaways, and partner quests (mini-adventures).

“There are going to be various kinds of Adventures throughout this journey with many innovative aspects,” Cesar said. “The scope of the adventures will vary from simple, long-term reward emitters to temporally limited events that will require active supervision of the users.”


It is expected that early Space Crxillion NFT minters and those who received Airdrops for holding OG Crxillions will have an advantage over relatively late minters. It will also apply to the Space Crxillions yet to be minted.

“Both OG and Space Crxillions NFTs are going to be your ticket to the Adventures. It’s their story, after all,” Cesar shared with BSC News. “Moreover, they are the only assets that are able to earn you $MHUB tokens, which then also going to be needed to participate in certain adventures and mini-games.”

You can learn about the Crodex Metaverse Hub Adventure mechanics here.

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