ClearMoon AMA Transcript

The ClearMoon Network is a community driven viral networking platform dedicated to providing free crypto education for all

Sasha |

Hello everyone.


Hi everyone and welcome to the Clear Moon ama!

Thank you to Sasha for joining us today

1. What was your background prior to ClearMoon and how did that contribute to the development of ClearMoon?

Sasha |

Prior to ClearMoon, my wife and I had moved to Canada just 2 years earlier, in 2019. For me this marked a change in careers as well: moving out of my past in negotiations and international relations and into finance, specifically securities. 

While I had a fair degree of success in the stock markets, the deeper l dove, the more I understood that the securities ecosystem was really a mess of institutionalized cheating. The big banks and exchanges were skinning retail investors left and right, and while there is still enough incentive for many to stay in that game, I decided to look forward, into crypto. Although I had bought some Etherium back in 2017, I had never gotten hugely into crypto until mid-2020 when I really took the plunge. 

And it treated me well! But I saw that institutionalized cheating and regulatory encroachment on the horizons there too, which pushed me one level deeper: to DeFi. What a wonderland! But with DeFi’s explosive and unregulated expansion came a massive wave of corruption, deception and fraud. 

And what can I say? I took it upon myself to clean it up, and in that spirit the ClearMoon Network was born.


That’s awesome

And yeah I see that this bull run attracted a lot of people who may have not been so actively involved with crypto prior to that

Sasha |

Yup. And SafeMoon pulled them into DeFi.



2. Can you give us an introduction into what Clear Moon is and what are your missions/goals with this project?

Sasha |


I like to put it like this — if DeFi is the Wild West, then ClearMoon is the saloon. It’s the place where people can get out of the dust and grit and come relax, learn from the pros, and emerge better prepared to both defend themselves and to prosper in the DeFi landscape.

My mission? To become the sheriff of DeFi.


Hahaha I like that the Sheriff of DeFi

So before we touch on why you are the Sheriff

3. Tell us more about your native token and what its utilities are on ClearMoon.

Sasha |

There’s a fun question! Our token has no utility case other than monetization. Same as 99.99% of others being launched on BSC. To claim otherwise would be false, like strapping a horn onto a common horse and calling it a unicorn.

So, like the rest, our contract is a fairly simple SafeMoon fork. Yes, we’ve taken it cross-chain onto Harmony and we’ll be the first deflationary token with a bridge, and yes, holding ClearMoon will be a prerequisite for whitelisting on all of our future projects within the ecosystem, but the token itself is nothing novel in and of itself.


Exactly, most tokens now are all in essence to make money anyways

Oh really your token will be deflationary?

Sasha |

To be honest, the OG crypto guys who claim that making money isn’t part of why they’re in crypto and whine about « wuT uSE cASe dOEs it HavE » are lying through their teeth. I think many of us love this technology, and support the idea of democratizing finance… but fundamentally we want to make money, right?

Yes it is. And Meter lets us maintain reflection cross-chain, whereas bridging (for example with our MochiSwap bridge) does not.



4. There was something unique that I saw and that was your values. Can you tell us more about those values and what they mean to you?

Sasha |

You can read more on our website, but the values of our Network that resonate the most heavily with me personally are those of empowerment, transparency and safety, as applicable to the DeFi landscape.

Let me explain further.

Empowerment, to me, is something achieved through education – or DemystiFication as we like to say – in that investors have the knowledge toolkit at their fingertips to navigate DeFi confidently and profitably, without falling prey to its many dangers.

Transparency is a subset of knowledge, and it’s the Clarity with which investors may see and perceive the projects they invest in – something that is cultivated by the projects themselves. At ClearMoon, we’re all out in the open, accessible, every day. And we want to shine that light into DeFi as a whole.

Finally, safety, which is the fundamental that underpins it all. While nothing is guaranteed in life and in investing in particular – I believe that people have the right to expect that they won’t be outright scammed, and by giving people the tools to prevent that, we hope to diminish or eliminate those chances.


Yes of course and especially with so many security concerns surrounding the BSC ecosystem today, I feel as though users are attracted to projects that are transparent and safe

Sasha |

Seems many are pretty hot for gambling. They get rugged and scammed 5 times in a week and then go back for #6, always chasing that quick 3x or 5x. I see wallets every day with 100s of shitcoins. 95% of them rugs. It’s just 🤦🏼‍♂️. 

But we’re there for these people. Like Alcoholics Anonymous for the victims of shitcoin addiction.


Hahaha I see

But yes so this leads me into my next question of how you came up with a tool people can utilize to avoid these scam coins

5. What is the “Clear Moon Academy”?

Sasha |

The ClearMoon Academy is our main educational resource hub, which will be opening in a few days.

There our instructor Corina will be guiding people through DeFi with easily graspable lessons on everything from the basics, to the technicals of analyzing a token, to the deeper psychological aspects of trading in the DeFi space.

These lessons will be videos hosted on YouTube as well as on our website. Written materials, quizzes and other educational content will also be available.

The idea is to create the first comprehensive resource for true deep learning about the DeFi space.

And of course it will always be free for all to access. Not only to holders. Education should be free, and we support this heavily (including via our donations to Khan Academy).


Oh that is interesting!

And how long do you think you will be posting videos for?

Is there a set amount you want to cover and that is it or will you be putting out consistent content for the years to come?

Sasha |

We’ll be posting videos for as long as DeFi continues to evolve. Currently we have almost 50 videos in line for production, and we’ll be releasing them at a rate of about 4-5 per week for the first couple months (as we backtrack and cover a lot of the basics).


Very impressive

Sasha |

Later we also have some integrations coming up with our upcoming ICO in terms of content that will be more specialized. So yes, we’ll be putting out content for years to come.


6. What other features will your project contain?

Sasha |

Our project will contain our Ambassador squad – our own in-house Tik Tok influencer network that works directly for us. They’ll be doing short forms of the longer-format content being put out on YouTube by the Academy, as well as taking advantage of all the Tik Tok trends and challenges, so as to take advantage of the algorithm.

These will be our local stars, as all Ambassadors will take part in the Telegram channel, and our community there in turn will support the growth of our Ambassadors on the Tik Tok platform. We think it’s quite ingenious really!


Yeah it is

And seeing that tiktok is filled with these crypto “experts” shilling scam coins, I also noticed the need for this

But glad to see this is in the works to actually educate people

7. How do you feel as though Clear Moon is contributing to the DeFi space and the future of all decentralized financing?

Sasha |


We’re here to make DeFi accessible to the masses of retail investors pouring into our beloved little corner of crypto, and to give them a safe means of entering the space.

I will note that we are building a larger ecosystem to better support this, with an ICO and some other new products coming out, so you’ll just have to see what more we have in store. That being said, we expect to revolutionize and Clear up the DeFi landscape.

Pun fully intended.


Okay I see and this leads me into the next question

8. What makes the ClearMoon Network unique compared to the hundreds of other projects that are already established on the BSC ecosystem?

Sasha |

Many things make us unique, and I’ve covered many of them in previous questions. But most of all, I’d say that our team is unique. We have a large team of extremely dedicated and talented individuals who are here for the long haul to make our project a success.

We have the people, time and funding not just to achieve our goals as a project, but to bring SafeMoon level virality to our token as well over time. We’re also aiming for that 1B$ market cap.


How large is your team?

Sasha |, [Jul 5, 2021 at 8:59:49 AM]:

We have over 20 people on the team. Developers, marketers, content creators, analysts. The executive management is handled by about 5 of us. You can find more information and bios on many of us on our website.

Sasha |

And of course, we’re all active in our Telegram chat, and we’re always glad to meet and interact with the community.


Wow so a pretty large team

9. Any new and exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Sasha |

Yes! I want to announce that our new product, a secret ICO that top vetted ClearMoon holders will be given priority whitelisting for, will be revealed soon!

It’s going to absolutely revolutionise the DeFi landscape as we know it.



Sasha |

So I advise people to get in ClearMoon now, as there will be no presale for the new product, only whitelisting, and ClearMoon holders will benefit greatly from it!


Yes yes

and can you drop a link to where everyone here can go get the latest updates from your social media accounts?

Sasha |


I’ll provide you with links to our Telegram and our website — all information about us can be found there, as well as links to and live feeds from other other social media. And I’ll also drop a link to our investor presentation.



Investor presentation


Andrew: Great so that wraps up the AMA. Thank you again Sasha for joining us today and good luck on future developments with ClearMoon! Have a great day everyone 🙂

‍This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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