Chain Legion: On-Chain PFP GameFi RPG on BNB Chain

By owning a legionnaire NFT, Chain Legion offers gamers access to its on-chain gaming world.

Meet Chain Legion

Deployed on BNB ChainChain Le­gion is a role-playing gaming (RPG) pro­ject which, through its mintable NFTs – known as legionnaires – aims to provide an immersive role-playing gaming experience for gamers on the platform. 

Source: Chain Legion

What are Legionnaires:

According to the project’s Litepaper, each legionnaire represents playable in-game char­ac­ters. By owning a Legionnaire, a player can access all the features embedded in the gaming world. 

With 7,777 uniquely crafted legionnaires available to be minted, each legionnaire starts off as a level 1 character on a clean slate. A holder of a legionnaire is allowed to customize the same as they may desire as they further interact with the rest of the virtual gaming world. 

“Each le­gion­naire is able to com­plete a des­ig­nated num­ber of quests per day, all of which grant a cer­tain amount of ex­pe­ri­ence points,” the Litepaper explains. “By ac­quir­ing these points, they gain lev­els, which in turn grant more at­tribute points to con­tribute to their builds.”

Speaking on the current state of the project, in a Twitter Spaces event on July 21, a developer on the project confirmed that the Legionnaires had been deployed on the testnet for minting. The developer added that the game’s beta version had been made available on the testnet for gamers to test it out and give feedback.

What is Chain Legion:

Chain Le­gion is an RPG pro­ject housed on BNB Chain. With its 7,777 uniquely crafted NFTs collection, gamers are able to enjoy the immersive role-playing gaming experience that the project offers. Additionally, by holding an NFT (legionnaire) from the collection, play­ers are able to in­ter­act with the gaming world on the chain.

Where to find Chain Legion:

Website | Twitter | Telegram  | Docs 

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