’s ERC-20 Support has announced integration of ERC-20 tokens into its wallet. Buying, selling, receiving, storing, trading, and sending ERC-20 tokens will now get easy and secured.’s wallet is placed among the most user-friendly non-custodial wallets. Now, Ethereum-compatible tokens received by Ethereum addresses of your Wallet would stay safe and secure. Upen opening the wallet app, swift access would be available to the USD stablecoins (e.g., USDT and USDC). The said wallet would also track five famous ERC-20 tokens, such as Uniswap, Wrapped BTC (wBTC), Compound (COMP), Yearn Finance, and Sushiswap.
What are ERC-20 Tokens?
ERC-20 is a technical standard protocol used to develop various tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. As of 2021, around 450,000 ERC-20 tokens’ sets exist. Valued in billions of dollars, these ERC20 tokens exist on Ethereum, benefitting from its robust security. Many Ethereum tokens released today are ERC20-compliant. These include Maker (MKR), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Augur (REP), and OmiseGO (OMG).
USD Stablecoins Profit Locking
Support is now available for USDT and USDC stablecoins. Swapping them from Bitcoin and Ethereum to is possible for realizing profits during a fluctuating market. These can also be then traded again to receive promising tokens.
Cash Trading of Stablecoins
In regions that are catered to by, buying USDT and USDC in the Wallet is facilitated via local currency. US, UK, or EU residents can sell USDT or USDC to avail their domestic currency in their bank account. Sending, receiving, and swapping via the Wallet is well-supported for ERC-20 tokens’ functions. Wallet on Web / Desktop
The Wallet is now available also on desktop or web. You can do portfolio tracking and receive real-time market updates’ data. Receiving, swapping, buying or selling crypto can be done via desktop, or tablet.
Source : bsctimes
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