Binance Smart Chain Launches Martian Program

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has experienced rapid growth since its inception. It’s built a blockchain that allows for faster and reliable transactions. The BSC Community is stronger than ever and is increasing every day.

BSC has launched the Martian Program to “present career-driven opportunities to the enthusiasts of this emerging space.” With so many blockchains out there, BSC wants to set themselves apart by taking the #BSCToTheMars! Driven by decentralization and community, BSC wants in on the “financial revolution” and wants to include the community as they innovate their platform.

You may be asking yourself, do I qualify for this? Well if you live on planet Earth you do! BSC is rapidly growing and touches almost every part of this world. If you debated taking the leap into the cryptospace, the time is now. 

BSC is looking for interested parties to participate in the Martian Program. Do you have a passion for crypto? Then submit an application. 

<<< Apply for BSC’s Community Builder Program >>>

They are also looking for BSC Martian Ambassadors made up of “micro influencers and key opinion leaders.” Use this link if you qualify.

Overall, there are great benefits to joining the Martian Program. Not only do you join the BSC Community as it expands and innovates, but you also receive support, gain networking connections, develop your crypto career, rock some cool merch, and gain access to BSC events. 

Consider joining the Binance Smart Chain Martian Program!

Source : bsctimes

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