Binance Smart Chain Enjoys Incredible Year as BSC News Soars Alongside

As our 1-year anniversary approaches we take a look back at the incredible progress made by both Binance Smart Chain and BSC News.

Boom in Binance Chain & News

There has been ample reward for the effort and work that has gone into both organizations and as BSC News reaches its one-year milestone, the metrics make for kind reading.  

At the close of 2020, BSC News was averaging just under 1 Million impressions a month on its official Twitter page. That number is now over 20 Million impressions a month, with a following that has sailed over the 320,000 mark and is growing every single day.

Binance Smart Chain has been behind many of the standout metrics that simply eclipse the market’s progress this year. According to DeFi Llama BSCs TVL has seen an increase from the $13 Million mark on November 2nd 2020, to a peak of $32 Billion in May, before settling at around $18 Billion, where it finds itself today. Let that sink in for a hot minute.   


Binance Smart Chain’s market leading progress has not gone unnoticed by the Binance team who have sought to reap the benefits of incredible innovation by initiating huge sums of investment.

BSC has conducted a regional approach whereby they have concentrated focus on blockchain-rich terrain such as India, Russia, South East Asia, Europe, US and South America. They continue to work toward their ambitious targets by working alongside leading fintech companies, blockchain researchers, crypto advisors and people who have influence across the globe to help encourage financial inclusion.

The progress, innovation and user-focused attention to detail has been key in attracting new users from around the world and BSC News has also seen the consequence of these new users through the growing traffic and interest on its webpage. 

Source: BSC NEWS

As growth continues to 2X and 3X in terms of visitors and users on the BSC News webpage, our team is more excited than ever about the future we are working toward. 

We have undergone a huge period of growth that has seen us spout different outlets for news and information that cover varying Chains. From the growth on our adjacent projects like Solana News and Twitter to the pivot toward DeFi Direct, an outlet which will seek to bring you all the blockchain updates you could wish to have. 

As we celebrate our one-year anniversary we want to invite you to celebrations kicking off on November 30th at 4 PM UTC, which will be jovial, rewarding and indeed informative as always. There will also be a gleam giveaway of three BSC News-themed Safepal Wallets. These wallets are hard to come by and are a token of our appreciation to the users who are coming out. 

Happy Birthday, BSC News! Onward to DeFi Direct and Beyond! Remember: Tuesday, November 30th at 4 PM UTC on the DeFi Direct Discord and YouTube channels!

Head over to download the BSC News mobile application on iOS and Android to keep up with all the latest news for Binance Smart Chain and crypto! Be sure to join the DeFi Direct Discord to participate in all the community discussions and events!

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