Baked Cake AMA Transcript

“Baked Cake is the newest double rewards token and ecosystem on the BSC!”

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with Baked Cake! 

Today we have Rob the Founder of Baked Cake joining us to talk about their exciting new project… Great to have you here 🙂

BakedCake (

Hi @DrewtheAce thanks for having us on such an amazing channel!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Of course it’s a pleasure

So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway

Sound good?

BakedCake (

all good lets do this 🙂

Andrew (BSC.News)

Alright so to start things off

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind Baked Cake.

BakedCake (

Absolutely 🙂

Hello everyone I am the lead developer and owner of BakedCake and with our team of 8 Developers, Designers & Marketeers we make up The BakedCake Team. We are a core team of 5 cryptocurrency developers and investors, with decades of combined experience within the crypto world.

We have been present in the BSC ecosystem since its for many years and we have seen many projects launch only to be abandoned. Thankfully, we have also seen the launch of BakerySwap and PancakeSwap, they managed to develop a useful innovative product and create a strong community.

If they are still thriving now we know there is a bright future for BSC. This is exactly what we want to do with BakedCake. We are here to grow and prosper for the long term, to create a rich community and a strong project around the BakedCake token.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Okay awesome thank you for that introduction!

2. What is Baked Cake?

BakedCake (

The BakedCake token is an ecosystem on the BSC chain that connects DeFi users together, offering a wide range of innovative tools.

NFTs will be available for purchase and staking, with the tools available to also mint your own unique NFTs already in place. FOR FREE!

Holders can also play our cake themed games to gain more BakedCake! Our Dapp has been released but is awaiting further updates on some of the more involved elements.

Andrew (BSC.News)

Oh wow can you create the NFT as well?

Or have they already been created and free to mint?

BakedCake (

Yes you can go ahead and mint an NFT free on our website

check this out

🍩 Welcome to BakedCake 🥞

We at Baked Cake love rewarding our holders! 🎁

We will now begin holding competitions with chances to win fantastic prizes, rare NFTs and earn even more BakedCake!  

To kick things off our TOP 3 entries will have their NFTs Minted by us as official BakedCake NFTs!

🛠  NFT minting DApp Competition – 13th-20th Nov 🛠

1️⃣ Visit our website 

2️⃣ Use our Minting Dapp to mint your own community NFT free of charge (Walkthrough Above)

3️⃣ Post your entry in our official Telegram community –

4️⃣ Fill in our form 

10 lucky winners will be chosen from our entries and will receive the following prizes!

Top 3  – $500 & their Nft Minted Officially by 🍩BakedCake🥞

4th – 10th ➡️ $100 & 1 legendary Nft

1 Entry per wallet. Must hold minimum 100,000 BakedCake to enter.

Good luck everyone, The BakedCake Team.

Mint an NFT for free on our website

and enter the competition! You can see the steps on the video above how to do so

Andrew (BSC.News)

Very cool! For sure need to go check that out asap!

3. What is the $BAKEDCAKE token and how does it work?


Alright lets get to the juicy stuff!

The Baked Cake token and its symbol BakedCake is the newest double rewards token and ecosystem on the BSC Chain. With an auto-liquidity and auto-buyback system, BakedCake token rewards holders in Bake & Cake simultaneously..

But we are obviously not JUST a rewards token, we are an ecosystem filled with NFTs, marketplace lotteries, Charts, sniping bots, tools for sniping & shilling marketplace, NFT marketplace and many many more things! Many of which you can see in our Dapp Dashboard ( Please note that we only just launched and many of the features are still in development but will be finished very soon!)

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yes I did notice that there were tons of features on your platform

However, before we dive into that’

4. Can you give us the tokenomics behind it?

BakedCake ( 

Yes of course 🙂

The total number of tokens in circulation at launch was 10 Billion  (10,000,000,000). This is broken down into the following:

10% Private sale 

40% Public 

30% Initial burn 

8% Giveaways and Rewards   

8% Marketing and outreach

4% Cex Listings & Developments

From the initial presale, 70% added to the liquidity pool and  locked before launch.  Anti-whale and anti-bot systems were in place to avoid botting, helping to make the launch as fair as possible. Thanks to buybacks we also constantly burn tokens, helping to raise the price floor even further! For each purchase, a 12% tax is levied. This 12% is divided as follows:

3% 🥞 Cake Rewards

3% 🍩 Bake Rewards

3% 💡Marketing Fee

2% 💰Locked Into Liquidity

1% 🚀  buybacks

A fair and rewarding tax system to ensure happy holders, a healthy chart and a strong marketing outreach!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Oh wow a 30% initial burn straight out of the gate

And the token is currently live right?

BakedCake (

Yes ofcourse 🙂 launched not even a week ago 6 days and 4000+ holders

click here to find out more!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Hmmm interesting, sounds like I should pick some up…

5. Why should users hold your token?

BakedCake (

great question Andrew!

Rewarding holders with the latest double rewards contract on the Binance Smart Chain, Baked Cake has a 50/50 auto claim feature meaning Bake and Cake will automatically be sent to your wallet meaning you don’t have to claim on our website if you don’t want to.  

If you check out all the TXs buy and sells it sends rewards to everyone looks beautiful on BSC Scan 🙂

We also have a dashboard incase you do want to claim 🙂

We also love taking care of our community, with 8% of our supply going towards giveaways, competitions and prizes for our BakedCake holders. There will be endless chances to gain rewards in Bake and Cake as well as other exciting prizes. We started taking these tokens out of the locked pinksale tokens and so far in just 48 hours there is a total of…

$5000 Worth Of Bake and Cake to be handed out to community members!


Community Rewards wallet

thats just in 48 hours! all the tokens in that wallet are for our holders!

You can also use your BakedCake native tokens to take part in lotteries to win rare NFTs like the ‘0% buy and sell tax’ exclusive NFT as well as many others which will be coming out very soon!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Oh wow and that’s literally just from holding your token

Pretty amazing

BakedCake (


6. How are you going to maintain liquidity?

BakedCake (

I understand that this is always a concern for holders do not fear!

We added a feature that adds liquidity to our pool, allowing a more stable and less volatile token as it expands. Liquidity is not really our concern as the contract adds to it automatically and we have around  $430k locked in already and it will only get bigger as time goes on!

We also value the safety of our investors’ funds above all else, we’ve taken the time to have our contract audited by

This is an up and coming auditor with many loyal customers, your funds are safu and locked away! in PinkSale LP Lock

Contract: 👉 0xdaef65a2d139893898ac4906dc1965abc1527ecd 👈

The Crossaint


Andrew (BSC.News)

Okay so there is a mechanism in place to constantly be adding liquidity

Very nice

7. Can you tell us more about the BakedCake tools?

BakedCake (

sure thing 🙂

 The BakedCake ecosystem will offer an incredible range of tools and utilities to our holders!

From FREE Nft minting, staking and trading in our marketplace with auctions, to our Nft Treasure chest with special rewards. We have many things planned for our Dapp. Only just 6 days into Launch free NFT minting and the NFT wallet is out 🙂

currently running a competition as posted above offering the top 3 Nfts minted by our community being minted officially by us as well as a prize in BakedCake tokens with $500!    do come and check our channel our if you want to find out about the comp…

Our BakedCake swap will allow holders of certain special Nfts to receive a % off of their buy and sell taxes. We also have an incredible amount of giveaways and other competitions planned from our huge giveaway  which is all thanks to our community rewards wallet as i mentioned above!

🔄 BakedCakeSwap – Innovative New

💎 NFT Treasure Chest with special rewards

🏦 NFT Marketplace with Auctions

🏪 NFT Staking – Get Rewards

🛠 NFT Minting – Create your own NFT’s

💰 Lottery – Weekly Giveaways!

These are just some of the features ontop of this there are games you will be able to play and sections for marketeers, charts and trading tools!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Yeah a ton of features

And I do mean a ton!

BakedCake (

🙂 like a said we are 6 days old and many people working on the tools so it will come quicker than you think

Andrew (BSC.News)

But the most interesting thing that I found on your platform was the BakedCake Games

8. Can you tell us more about BakedCake Games? Do you plan on ever expanding more into the GameFi space?

BakedCake (

Our development team are working flat out getting this all together for our users and once we are finished our community will have plenty of games to play to allow them to earn even more BakedCake. Whilst we expand the inner core team we will be recruiting more game developers who specialize in html5 games development and we can connect these rewards to our community rewards wallet so everyone can earn BakedCake Bake or Cake whilst playing games!

It’s an emerging area of the market with a LOT of potential and anyone would be foolish not to have noticed how many tokens and games have done extremely well in that area. We cannot rule anything out and the idea of expanding further into the GameFi space is certainly on the cards for us but now for we will offer some cool cute HTML5 games to keep people entertained earning rewards!

Andrew (BSC.News)

Awesome and last but not least

9. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

BakedCake (

Yes sure thing!

Our biggest announcement today is our partnership with none other than babyswap where you be able to Farm, Pool, and Trade Mine $BakedCake & $Baby!

We will be offering our own BakedCake staking in the very near future but for now you can take part in staking over at BabySwap!

Stake BakedCake-USDT to earn $BABY

Trade BakedCake-USDT to earn $BABY

Stake BABY earn $BakedCake

With our own DApp to stake Nfts and tokens nearing completion this is just the beginning. Expect huge partnership and collaborations and a lot of PR coverage from our marketing team. Oh and dont forget to enter that free NFT minting Giveaway

Its been less than a week and we have already accomplished so much! Join us to find out more about what we have in store for you!





Andrew (BSC.News)

Great! Make sure that you guys go and check out BakedCake! Their platform offers you exposure to the best projects on BSC all while rewarding you for using their innovative ecosystem !This is a paid Ask Me Anything (AMA), BSC.News does not endorse and is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. The project team has purchased this advertisement AMA for $2000 Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. BSC.News is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services mentioned in the AMA.

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