Babylons AMA Transcript

First community owned NFT marketplace on BSC

All questions answered by Hodja

Lola (AMA HOST): Can the team member of Babylons say Hello?

HODJA: Hello y’all!

Lola (AMA HOST): How’re you doing today?

And how has been your day? If im right. ☺️

HODJA: It’s been a good day so far, so exciting as always 🙂

Lola (AMA HOST): That’s amazing.

HODJA: Each day in this space is quite full of suprises

Lola (AMA HOST): 😅

Shall we go into the first session of the AMA?

HODJA:Yes lets go!

Q1. Can you give us a general introduction of you and Babylons Could you tell us your role in the project?

HODJA: First of all, thank you for having us. It is our first official AMA and we are more than thrilled to be here. Let me briefly introduce myself then

I am the community manager of Babylons coming from an engineering academic background.

I started doing art in my own way after absorbing it for years from various artists all over the world and always had a decentralized lifestyle 🙂

I can say that I am responsible for organic network growth. Simultaneously, I am managing all of the official channels of Babylons setting our tone of voice.

Lola (AMA HOST): Wow! Good. And can you tell us about Babylons too?

HODJA: Babylons is the first ‘truly’ community owned NFT marketplace on Binance Smart Chain

It is quite hard to narrow it down since it is a big project but we publish our longer articles on Medium I will provide you with the links in the end

Lola (AMA HOST): All right. We await that.

Q2. How many team members do you have working with you? And can you also tell us their roles?

HODJA: We are 7 good friends in the core team. I answered for myself on the previous question so let me introduce what others do in Babylons. Furkan is the CEO. Ataberk is responsible for technology behind Babylons. Arda is managing and operating various strategies from business to marketing. Ismail is our solidity master and Yunus is our truly “full-stack” developer and systems architect. Last but not least, Mert is our lead designer responsible for all design matters including the marketplace design. When we are in need for external help, we also always out-source trusted partners for the extra workload.

Q3 Can you tell us about how Babylons works?

HODJA: Well, it’s a decentralized NFT marketplace. You connect with your BSC compliant wallet usually Metamask. You can mint, sell or buy NFTs with extremely low gas fees. Also the %2 commission we take for sales when the sale happens, gets redistributed weekly together with the dedicated rewards as airdrops to the community of active collectors, artists and stakers. Together with buyback and burn mechanism, we designed $BABI token to be a deflationary asset

Q4. Can you tell the Community about the minting Gas fee in Babylons?

HODJA: I love this question really 🙂 Minting costs less than 1 BUSD on Babylons since it is built on Binance Smart Chain which is one of the fastest, cheapest, greenest and most trustable blockchains that exist today.

Lola (AMA HOST):

That’s great. It saves users money ☺️

Q5. What are the benefits or Reward in Babylons?

HODJA: There is a lot to tell! But let me tell you the main ones. We reward both collectors and artists by distributing them 331,500 $BABI each week in accordance with their sales volume fairly with respect to the total weekly volume. These rewards will start to get distributed after TGE for 250 consecutive weeks. In addition to this, we distribute a portion of commission revenues to stakeholders as rewards in $BNB, $BABI OR $BUSD.

Q6. How many Partners do you have? And what do you expect from them?

HODJA: We have only announced 1 partner officially so far which is Ferrum Advisory Services. Although, we have more partners already signed up and we will announce them when the timing is right. What we expect from partners is basically do what they do best. Joining our forces will enable us to thrive far and FAST.

Lola (AMA HOST): While waiting for the future partners. Can you let us know how partnering with Ferrum has helped Babylons?

HODJA: They are pretty experienced in their field. They created the connections within the NFT and crypto space for us. They are working with us on marketing and business development also

I have to say they are great as partners 

Q7. Can you tell us about the Transaction fees in Babylons?

HODJA: Because we are on BSC mainnet; like minting fees, transaction fees are also as low as 6 cents!

Q8. Can you share with our community the plans you and your project have for this year and the coming years?

HODJA: Of course. We have a lot planned this year. You can check our roadmap in detail to see the already planned major events for this year. However, one of the most exciting ones is the VR/AR gallery, we already started working to get this running asap. We have also some partnerships that are not official yet. Another major progress on Babylons will be on crowdfunding by NFTs, remember NFTs can be both non-fungible and semi-fungible. In the long run, we expect to be one of the pioneers in the NFT industry through continuous research together with our wide technology & arts network in both professional world and the academia. Furthermore, we will be creating an Artists’ Fund from our generated revenues to help and incentivize struggling artists anywhere on the world.

Q9. What are the major challenges of Babylons and how do you intend to solve them?

HODJA: Another great question. Our major challenge is to be a pioneer in the NFT industry, thus fueling mass adoption. Our approach here is to diversify the use-cases through continuous experimentation, research and development. A close-knit community is a key factor.

Q10. Share with us all the links about Babylons, so that readers can find out more and also follow the development of the project.

HODJA: Official Babylons Links

Babylons Website

Babylons NFT Marketplace LIVE on BSC Mainnet

Babylons Twitter

Babylons Instagram

Babylons Discord Server Invite Link:

Babylons Medium Blog:

Lola (AMA HOST):

Thank you 😊

Q11. Lastly our favourite question, do you have any alpha or juicy news for us in BSC News today?

HODJA: Thank you! and your welcome 🙂

oh Alpha News, huh?! 🙂

Great wording and yes we do! Let’s just say that we will be doing #IDO from top3 launchpad platforms and exclusive partnerships in #NFT & #DEFI space. It should be juicy enough, heh? 🙂

Lola (AMA HOST): Haha Yeah.

Yeah. That’s great.

Thank you.

HODJA: my pleasure 🙂

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