Baby ETH Looks to Capitalize on Recent “BABY” Token Sh*tcoin Trend

As all the token toddlers come out to play, Baby ETH wants its time to shine.

Are the Babies Growing Up?

Baby ETH confirmed via Twitter that they had surpassed 1500 holders on the 25th of August.

Perhaps no surprise then that Baby ETH is, at the time of writing, trending alongside heavyweights like CardanoXRP and Binance Coin according to CoinMarketCap

The novelty of ‘baby’ tokens seems not to have worn off, especially after the recent success of BabyCake and BabyDoge.

“We have the best contract in the game, period. Join our amazing community..” Baby ETH enthusiastically tweeted.


Replicating Baby Success

As Baby ETH takes its first steps (couldn’t resist), they will be looking eagerly to replicate the success of other similar meme coins like BabyDoge and BabyCake.

Just weeks ago Baby Doge crossed the significant mark of more than 500,000 users and is currently up to more than 573,000 according to a recent announcement on Twitter.

And as BabyCake continues to make strides announcing their app is launching in October and that they’ll be presenting at the Crypto expo in Dubai on October 13th, Baby ETH will take heart. 

It appears that monetary success and indeed attracting attention can sometimes be based on linguistic proximity- or putting the term ‘baby’ before the name of an established project. It may seem quite harsh but this initial attention could result in something more, something tangible, as has clearly been the case for Baby Doge who continue to attract holders and investors. 

Though Baby ETH will be looking to do something similar, we here at BSC News as always urge caution when investing in projects that are relatively new and not quite established. 


What is Baby ETH?

Baby ETH describes itself as an ‘Ethereum reflection token’. The idea being that by simply holding $BABYETH you have the opportunity to get rewarded in Ethereum on every transaction. An autoclaim feature means you’ll be in line to receive Ethereum automatically in your wallet every 60 minutes. 

But with a total supply of 100,000,000,000 tokens, just how much Ethereum you’ll be in line to receive is somewhat of another matter. Again, we urge caution in the decisions you decide to take, but as Baby ETH grows (or doesn’t) we’ll be right there to make sure you’re aware of any progress made.

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