Axie Infinity Recaps Their Amazing Journey

Sky Mavis talks about user growth, events, gameplay updates, and leaks for what’s to come.

The Axie Journey

After releasing the thinking behind each Axie Infinity move through their developer insight, Sky Mavis recapped the Axie journey through the December development update.

Sky Mavis, the brilliant minds behind the popular play to earn blockchain game Axie Infinity, shared an update on what’s been happening in Lunacia. The team talked about exponential user growth, events they’ve held or participated in, the performance of their Ronin chain, some gameplay meta rebalancing, and even gave a few leaks on what’s to come. The update was announced on December 10 UTC through Twitter with a link going to their newsletter.

“As we approach the end of the year holiday season, we wanted to start by reflecting a moment in awe of what we’ve accomplished together.  In the past year, Axie Infinity has evolved from a gaming concept into a rapidly growing ecosystem and a movement which hosts fun experiences for all backgrounds and interests,” Axie Infinity thankfully started their update saying. “You collectively make Axie Infinity what it is, and together we will continue to grow our community in ways that will shock the world.  We are becoming a true digital nation, and we are deeply committed to finding ways to empower you and create true collective ownership of what we create together.”


The exponential increase in daily active users playing the game highlights the ecosystem’s growth. The number is slowly nearing the three million mark, an increase of over 5000% from where it was in May of this year. Another milestone that shows this growth is the fact that the ten millionth Axie has been born. 

The team also did various interviews and participated in conferences talking about the play to earn space and Axie Infinity. The first-ever Creator’s cup was also held in the Philippines, where around 40,000 viewers worldwide watched as Hezelya won the title.

The developers also talked about the achievements of their sidechain, Ronin. The team launched a mobile version of their Ronin wallet as well as introduced a decentralized exchange to swap between $SLP, $AXS$WETH, and $USDC, called Katana.Daily transactions on the network also grew to four times that of Ethereum. 

Gameplay Updates and Leaks

The newsletter continued on highlighting the rebalancing of certain cards as a response to community feedback on how certain in-game metas are being used. The team also proposes to set up a balancing council, made up of community members and Sky Mavis officials, to oversee how card combinations are used in the Arena.


Land, named Project Kingdom, and battles V2, titled Axie Infinity: Origin, are two of the most anticipated gameplay updates by the community. Though land gameplay alpha was scheduled to be released in the fourth quarter of this year, the team has decided to push things back after some internal testing. They did share some artwork leaks of how structures in Lunacia might look like.


On the Axie Infinity: Origin front, Sky Mavis revealed that they’re gaining significant progress on the new battle’s experience. They’ve included a new storyline, starter Axies, and will be introducing some temporary power-ups to the game. They released non-final graphics of what these might look like.

A lot happened in Lunacia over the past few months, and a lot is still yet to come. Read the full version of their development update to learn more about what the future might hold.

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