AstroVerse AMA Transcript

“AstroVerse is a Metaverse project which is not only an income-generating gaming ecosystem but also a dramatic race in space exploration”


Hello everyone and welcome to the Astroverse AMA! Today we will have @Hr250601 from Astro Verse joining us to talk about this exciting project. 

Before we begin, just checking you are there @Hr250601 and can send messages on the chat?

Henry | AstroVerse

okay, sir. I have already had the typing right


So how this will work is, the AMA will consist of two rounds. 

The first round will be us going through the questions that I had prepared for you before hand. And then the second round will be a community round where I will open up the room to allow questions to come in. 

The second round is also where we will select the two winners of our giveaway.

Sounds good with you?

Henry | AstroVerse

ok, i got it sir



1. Firstly, please introduce yourself and the team behind Astro Verse.

Henry | AstroVerse

Hi, everyone. My name is Henry. I am the community manager of #AstroVerse.

It’s my honor to stay here today and introduce our AstroVerse project to BSC News community

Our dev team has 7 members and all have at least 3 years of experience in certain related fields as well as outstanding knowledge in Blockchain games.

Our team principal is to build the most unique and longest-lasting product to ensure the benefit and interests for both players and investors. You can find out more about our dev team information on our website:


Great! From looking at your names, are you all from Vietnam? There are some great P2E games with Vietnam devs coming from there currently!

Henry | AstroVerse

yes, our dev team come from VietNam, sir


Great, thank you for the information 🙂

2. What is AstroVerse and how can it help players become investors?

Henry | AstroVerse

AstroVerse is a metaverse project which is not only an income-generating gaming ecosystem but also a dramatic race in space exploration. AstroVerse has a virtual vision built on a blockchain-based game on BSC platform.

With the combination between P2E and Metaverse, players will have opportunities to join in mortal races and collect models of spacecraft, NFT robots and items. In addition to this, players will have the right to transfer, donate or list these NFTs on any NFT Marketplace.

AstroVerse can help players become effective investors by specific earning mechanism including: Governance, staking, trading and farm NFTs. Combining with P2E feature, AstroVerse promises to meet the need of players for a wonderful game experience and sustainable profits.


Sounds very exciting! A lot of P2E games currently offer scholarships which not only are attractive to investors for trading but perhaps encourage more investment and a longer-term hold. Are scholarships something that Astro Verse could offer in the future?

Henry | AstroVerse

We will announce the updates about it soon !


Thank you for letting us know!

3. Can you tell us about $ASV and their utilities?

Henry | AstroVerse

$ASV is AstroVerse token that plays an important role in our ecosystem. You can use $ASV to buy NFTs on #AstroVerse NFT marketplace or stake $ASV to earn NFT items besides buying them.

Players also need $ASV to enter the arena and start their battle. These $ASV used for challenges will be burned periodically to reduce inflation and optimize our investors income.

You can get $ASV token by buying it in our IDO or private sale round for a reasonable price or trading NFTs on any NFT marketplace.


Thank you! Is $ASV the reward token for P2E as well?

Henry | AstroVerse

definitely, $ASV is the reward token for P2E


Thank you again for the clarification.

4. What do you need to get started on AstroVerse?

Henry | AstroVerse

To start your journey with #AstroVerse, you will need at least one spacecraft. Just connect your wallet and go to the NFT marketplace to buy your spacecraft.

You can begin with a normal-class spacecraft, good-class spacecraft or any kinds of spacecraft corresponding to your capital. But for gaining dominance over other players, a high-class spacecraft or a rare-class one is recommended. These kinds of spacecraft have an impressive index and a higher win rate.

But for those who can’t buy this kinds of spacecraft, you can level up your spacecraft when collecting enough items and EXP. You can find out more about our spacecraft level up condition on our channels. We had posts about it before.

A useful way for you to buy #AstroVerse spaceships with a better price is joining our NFTs sale round. It will be definitely a good deal, i promise.


This sounds very exciting from a gaming perspective!

5. What’s the gameplay like?

Henry | AstroVerse

It will be a dramatic space race for sure. Besides racing, players will control spacecraft to attack each other and gain victory.

And for the gameplay step, there will be three steps. Firstly, as i have mentioned, you must connect your wallet and get yourself at least 1 spacecraft. After that you have to choose your opponent suitable for your level.

And next, you will enter to the arena corresponding to your level. There will be 3 arena leagues in total including: Normal, hard and devil arena and after that you will choose the game mode that you want to play. There are 2 game modes for you to choose from, PvP and PvE.

You will be rewarded chest shards when winning and even if you lose, you still receive chest shards but in lesser numbers.

For the game rules, you will have 10 turns per day. You can skip level so that it can’t take up your time. Please note that each turn will consume a certain number of $ASV: 100 $ASV for normal arena, 200 $ASV for hard arena and 400 $ASV for devil arena.


Thank you! I am looking forward to the Devil Arena! Have you got any video teasers of the gameplay at all?

Henry | AstroVerse

Yes. We have posts about the teaser and gameplay. You can see it on our twitter channel.


Very cool, thank you.

6. Can you tell us more about the AstroVerse NFTs, including the chest? (please feel free to share some images of your NFTs – Max ~5 images)

Henry | AstroVerse


One of the most important features of AstroVerse is NFTs. The outstanding NFTs of AstroVerse is spacecraft. There are 4 classes of spacecraft: Normal, good, high and rare class. You can take a look at our spacecraft right below.

Henry | AstroVerse

Besides spacecraft, there are items to level up spacecraft and extra items to increase the power of spacecraft in a certain time period. The level up items will be silver, gold, diamond  and the extra items will be health potions, shield and gem. You can acquire them randomly in the game or buy them in the NFT marketplace.

There are some pictures about our NFTs, then you can take a look at them


These look great! Do you have an in-house 3D designer and also what does the chest contain?

Henry | AstroVerse

The chest contains silver, gold, diamond and spacecraft.


Nice 😎

7. What is the strength of AstroVerse compared to other NFT games?

Henry | AstroVerse

Such an interesting question !

In my opinion, the most outstanding feature of AstroVerse is that AstroVerse can overcome the disadvantages of traditional games and other NFT games with rich storyline and universe genres. In addition to this, AstroVerse will be set up mostly with 3D and animation in the near future giving players the realistic experiences

Furthermore, AstroVerse mechanism of reducing $ASV inflation rate will enable investors to earn stable and long-lasting profits.


Is there a set burn rate or a burning mechanism in place for $ASV?

Henry | AstroVerse

yes, there is a burning mechanism for $ASV


Thank you for letting us know

8. Is there any exciting news you would like to announce today?

Henry | AstroVerse

absolutely !

We are going to make AMA series about AstroVerse with other partners to introduce our project to different communities. We hope that AstroVerse can be the destiny for investors who want to earn sustainable income while experiencing an appealing space war with best-in-class animation and virtual vision.

In the near future, we are planning to optimise our game features and create some interesting events for our investors. To know what the amazing events will be, please keep an eye on our new updates !


Lots of exciting things planned! Before we start phase 2 of the AMA where we ask the audience for questions, can you provide your social media links?

Henry | AstroVerse

Our official channels:







As a gamer myself I am always very interested in NFT gaming projects and will certainly be checking out these links and keeping an eye on your project!

Henry | AstroVerse

thanks for your trust and support !

Source :

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