Aquanee AMA Transcript

“AQUANEE is a real-time Simulation game inspired by sea creatures”

1. Zoe, can you please introduce yourself and the team behind Aquanee?

Zoe Enright

Hi, I’m the Chief Marketing Officer for Aquanee and I am currently based in the United States. I am very excited to introduce the rest of the Aquanee team to you all, many of which are internationally based. We have team members from various countries including from Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Mainland China and the United States. Our team has a very strong experience in the GameFi space, as they have more than 10 years of experience in game development and more than 5 years of experience with blockchain technology. In addition, our team has participated in well-known projects such as Black Desert, Journey and 99 Ji, Given this experience, the team decided to start their first blockchain game, which is Aquanee.

2. Can you tell us about the vision or mission of Aquanee?

Zoe Enright

AQUANEE’s mission is focused on the user experience, ensuring that they have an enjoyable and rewarding time inside our game. In order to optimize the user experience, AQUANEE offers various opportunities including but not limited to adventure and exploration of the ocean-based realm. 

We hope that AQUANEE will create a whole new world for its users, where players, content creators and merchants are offered both tokenized liquidity and a strong community. We are placing a significant amount of effort on developing the AQUANEE community, as community members will continuously develop and govern AQUANEE as it evolves in the future. It is important to note that AQUANEE’s value as a large cross-chain platform allows it to integrate NFT assets from other public chains, creating asset flow and value exchange in the game world. In addition, AQUANEE will launch its own public chain technology system later this year, so stay tuned!

3. I last spoke to you early February, can you tell us about the changes since then?

Zoe Enright

Of course! In the time since we last spoke, we have been intensively working on our project and developing according to the roadmap we shared previously. Let me share a few of the important events that have happened since February. Firstly, in mid-February, we experienced two rounds of cross-chain game internal testing. The group of 200 players involved in this internal game testing are from all areas of the world. All of these players involved in the testing of AQUANEE are still using the game today! Following this testing round, we conducted the first sale of 3,000 blind boxes in Binance’s NFT market on Feburary 28th. Within 72 hours, all 3,000 blind boxes were sold out, causing AQUANEE to be ranked No. 1 in the Binance NFT market for two consecutive weeks. In addition, within 24 hours after the sale of the blind box, we opened the official server of AQUANEE on the BSC chain. A week after the blind box sale, more than 90% of NFTs sold have entered the world of AQUANEE and began to explore according to the data on the chain.

In addition to the launching of various technical products of the game as I just described, we also made significant updates with our financials. We have made our financial information publicly available for the first time. Our financial partners have been very helpful in the development of our game and have provided us with a wealth of resources. 

Finally, the last key update since we last spoke has to do with guilds. We have started the recruitment plan for the AQUANEE global guild node and welcomed the first batch of guilds to join!

So that brings us to today which is a very key day for us, as it is the last community whitelist internal subscription activities will be wrapping up today. Tomorrow, on March 18th at UTC+8, we will launch another mystery box sale on our website. We will be selling 1,000 first-generation AQUA NFTs, which accounts for 10% of the total number of first-generation AQUAs.

4. There are quite a few NFT games on the market at the moment, what separates you from the others?

Zoe Enright

The players who have participated in the test and joined AQUANEE have noted that the biggest difference between AQUANEE and other games is AQUANEE’s quality. AQUANEE is a U3D, SLG game native to GAMEFI with very unique art. Apart from the physical appearance of the game, AQUANEE’s gaming logistics are very adaptable and intuitive. Existing players have noted that it is very easy to start playing the game. Where the challenge arises is with respect to the gaining and protecting of territory, both of which our current players note is very challenging. Protecting territory and playing in the game in general requires a lot of strategy and skill, keeping players consistently engaged and challenged. Finally, given that AQUANEE is completely on the blockchain, it offers game mining and Defi mortgage leasing within the game, increasing appeal to our user base.

5. One aspect of NFT games is the potential to earn rewards, would you class Aquanee as a ‘play to earn’ game?


-Earning tokenomics


Zoe Enright

Absolutely, we do classify AQUANEE as a play to earn game. It is a mature game with its own economic system and ecology. The in-game honors and resources required for battles must be generated by the AQUA NFTs in the game. This leads the low-level NFT assets to become the evolutionary materials of the more valuable, higher-level NFT assets. Finally, the game has a strong deflationary model, which ensures the stability of each asset’s value.

6. I am very interested in your breeding chart in the whitepaper, can you talk us through this and did you base the breeding model of any existing projects?

Zoe Enright

Yes, breeding is central to gameplay within the AQUANEE realm. Any user who owns two adult AQUAs can breed additional AQUAs in AQUANEE’s marketplace. However, a certain amount of AQDC and NEE are required to proceed with the breeding of an AQUA. The number of AQDC and NEE required for breeding is distinct in each civilization stage and reproduction time. Let me provide an example. In the Level 1 civilization, you can breed up to five AQUAs, but the price of breeding each additional AQUA increases. For example, the first AQUA you breed will cost 800 NEE and 20 AQDC but the second AQUA that you breed will cost 1000 NEE and 30 AQDC. The price also increases as you move onto greater civilization levels. In the second civilization level, the price of breeding the first AQUA is 4000 NEE and 120 AQDC. As you can see, the price of breeding any AQUA only increases as you progress through the game.  

It is important to note that players with genesis NFTs will be the first beneficiaries of the breeding function within AQUANEE. Once bred, the new AQUA can be used to obtain income, as it will have naturally greater battle abilities, resulting in greater token rewards. 

Not only does breeding AQUAs further the abilities of a player’s existing assets, but it also provides an evolutionary function inside the AQUANEE realm. As previously noted, AQUANEE has four distinct civilization levels. The breeding of AQUAs helps advance players from the lower civilization levels up until the highest civilization level, the cosmic civilization. The higher civilization level, the greater value the AQUA NFT, as the AQUAs in higher civilization levels are bred with rarer characteristics.

7. Can you talk to us about the P2E/earning mechanics/economics?

Zoe Enright

Absolutely, lets start with the battles within AQUANEE. Players can trigger two different types of battles when exploring, PVE and PVP battles. In addition, various characters, such as the Evil Boss figure, can be encountered when exploring territory in the game. When players encounter such individuals, they can choose to fight this Evil Boss figure and drive it away. Driving away such figures will result in rewards. 

Let’s now discuss the logistics of a singular battle. In a battle, each player can fight with 2+ AQUAs. Each battle has a specific battle grid, with a layout of 8×3. There are different zones within this battle grid that have distinct features. For example, the 3×3 zone in the left is the team’s offensive zone and the 3×3 zone on the right is the team’s defensive zone. Additionally, players must set up their AQUAs before the battle starts, as the AQUAs positions cannot be changed after the battle begins. In terms of scoring throughout the battle, a specific system is employed. One point can be earned by killing the enemy’s combat unit and three points can be earned by breaking through the opponent’s defense at the bottom of the grid. In addition, the first time a player kills an opponent’s combat unit for the first time, three points instead of one are rewarded. If either player’s grid is completely defeated or all the combat units of one player reaches the bottom of their opponent’s grids, the battle is over. In terms of final scoring, the player with the highest number of points wins. However, if the scores are tied at the end of the game, the defending team wins. 

Each AQUA has specific battle attributes that are determined by the AQUA’s genes. A few of these characteristics include, but are not limited to, ATK SPD and Range. We recommend that each player strategizes their AQUA’s positions on the combat grid according with each AQUA’s characteristics. 

NEE Force stones are the reward for winning a PVE battle. However, winning a PVE battle also places a player in position to obtain Ocean Stones, which are of higher value. NEE Force stones are a great reward for winning a battle, as they can be used in the breeding and evolution of the game. Ocean Stones are used to travel throughout the realm and obtain decoration NFTs (e.g., potions). 

A quick plug to everyone here – our decoration NFTs will be sold on March 24th in an INO package with AQDCs, after we finish our mystery box AQUA NFT sale.

8. Large guilds such as YGG, Avacado and GameFi Squad seem very bullish on a few of the current up-and-coming NFT games, are guilds something that Aquanee will accommodate for and if so in what way?

Zoe Enright

Yes, we will accommodate guilds as we have strong channel partners and are constantly expanding the number of partners. Our current partners are located throughout the world, though concentrated in North America, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan. These partners have begun to introduce their users to AQUANEE and get them involved in the game. We also are operating with smart contracts with ingrained distribution and reward mechanisms.

9. Can you talk us through the use and utility of $AQDC and $NEE tokens?

Zoe Enright

Absolutely! Let me provide a quick overview of the game to help our discussion of the tokens. As you already know, the key aspects of AQUANEE include the ability to cultivate and breed AQUAS that can be used to battle for territory and gain token rewards. Players have the ability to explore the world alone or in teams. Battles can occur by bidding in tournaments from season to season or you can join a guild and explore the realm, encountering battles throughout exploration. 

We have two key types of tokens: AQDC and NEE. AQDC tokens can be used in the gaming platform for trading, leasing, lending, investing, or voting (DAO). AQDC will be presented as a multi-chain currency, where we will balance total circulating supply of AQDC by minting and burning.  

The other token in our game is NEE. NEE is akin to smooth love potion in Axie Infinity and is used for mining and game rewards. Additionally, it is required to breed AQUA NFTs, as discussed earlier. One important thing to note, however, is that the NEE required for breeding increases with each civilization level. 

Here is a graphic that helps explain the role of NEE and AQDC in AQUANEE.

10. Marketplace sales are in $AQDC, why have you chosen this over a stable coin?

Zoe Enright

AQDC is our ecological currency. It represents the development direction and future of the ecology. In addition, when we launch our own public chain ecosystem, AQDC is will become the basis for the GAS fee of the entire ecosystem.

11. Can you talk us through how one could start playing Aquanee?

Zoe Enright

It is very easy for someone to get involved! To start, a player needs a Metamask, a computer or Android phone and 2-5 AQUA NFTs which can be purchased during our NFT sales later this week!

The public sale of AQUA NFTs will last for nine hours and occur on our official website ( on March 18th at 12:00pm UTC +8. During this public sale, we will sell 1000 AQUAs at a price of $220 each, and each person can buy up to 5 AQUAs.

12. Is there any exciting news you can announce here today…and…is there anything I have not mentioned you would like to talk about?

Zoe Enright

Yes! In the past month, with the help of Binance NFT market and our current user base, AQUANEE has already sold 6,000 NFTs of first-generation AQUAs. On March 18, at 12:00pm UTC+8, an additional 1,000 AQUA NFTs will be sold on our official website. In addition, Binance NFT will launch its second sale of our NFTs, selling an additional 2,000 AQUAs. Finally, the remaining 1,000 NFTs sale will occur on Houbi’s NFT marketplace.

There is a key ongoing event in our Twitter that I’d like to share. If you go to our Twitter account, you will find that you will have the chance to buy an AQUA NFT at the lowest price available, $199/AQUA. Get this great deal now before the AQUAs are sold on our website at a higher price at $220/AQUA. 

Complete the task through this link and you have a chance to purchase an AQUA NFT at this great discount!

Tom | AMA Host

Thank you again, Zoe, and thank you to all of our listeners and community here at BSC News. Please visit and scroll to the bottom to join their socials.

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