On April 12th, ApeSwap introduced a way for users to be part of the long-term growth of the platform and for other crypto projects to raise funds for their treasuries!
Inspired by the combination of DeFi, TradFi, and NFT products, ApeSwap’s Treasury bills give access to users to purchase tokens at a discounted price in exchange for their liquidity provider (LP) tokens!
Meaning, you would buy their tokens and would have them staked to provide liquidity to the protocol and in return, you get yield.
ApeSwap Treasury Bills will come in 2 formats: BANANA Bills and Jungle Bills.
Each Treasury Bills acts as an NFT, representing the tokens that you have purchased that vest over a given period.
What is ApeSwap?
ApeSwap is one of the leading and prominent DEXs on BSC, which is the best haven for traders and investors alike. ApeSwap consists of staking, yield farming, and an Automated Market Maker (AMM), which is common for DEXs.
Once users partake in its liquidity pool via yield farming, they would be earning its native token ‘BANANA’, which you can sell for profits, stake, or unlock deluxe features!
For more information, you can visit their website: apeswap.finance
Source : bsctimes.com
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