ApeSwap Celebrates Birthday with Plethora of Giveaways

The protocol celebrated one year in the industry filled with memorable achievements.

ApeSwap Celebrates First Anniversary 

Multi-chain Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and yield farming platform, ApeSwap, just turned one on February 13th. The protocol celebrated its first anniversary, with numerous activities announced via Twitter and social media. 

From the Twitter announcement on February 13th, the DEX held a team giveaway birthday burn event, announced its DeFi 2.0 innovation, and hosted a Twitter Spaces with core team members on February 13. ApeSwap also hosted the giveaway to appreciate the incredible community for being a part of its growth in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space. 

“ApeSwap’s growth, durability, and trajectory has exceeded our wildest dreams over the past year. Our birthday celebration was a lovely way to cap it off and remember all of the exciting events from the past 12 months,” Harambe Nakamoto, Lead Frontend Dev from ApeSwap, told BSC News.

The ApeSwap anniversary Twitter space featured five of its core team members, who shared their favorite memories of being a part of ApeSwap’s immense growth in the industry. The DEX also gave out $50 in its native $BANANA token. 


ApeSwap enjoyed a prosperous first year in the industry. In 2021, the protocol recorded significant achievements, including its first Non-fungible Ape (NFA) sale, first Initial Ape Offering (IAO) announcement, Twitter verification, expanding to Polygon, and emerging as the MVBII winner. In addition, the protocol recently crossed 250K followers on Twitter, demonstrating its huge social recognition on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). 

“Launching the project as a humble little experiment with everything bootstrapped and seeing it grow into a pillar of DeFi on BSC has been an incredible journey that we’ve enjoyed every step of. Looking forward to many years to come,” Harambe Nakamoto added.

Without a doubt, ApeSwap is a force to reckon with on BSC. One year in, and the protocol is amongst the leading names in the industry. BSC News expects the DEX to continue its growth and give its users one of the best services in the crypto space. Be sure to check out the ApeSwap Twitter to catch some of the favorite moments from some of the core team members.cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Ftracks%252F1187005180%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&display_name=SoundCloud&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fcrypto-rap%2Fharambenakamoto&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-CoopbNObm0HswYfv-L8azkA-t500x500.jpg&key=96f1f04c5f4143bcb0f2e68c87d65feb&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=soundcloud

About ApeSwap

ApeSwap is a leading DEX on the BSC, which offers users the best trading experience. ApeSwap is a blend of a decentralized exchange, yield farming, staking, and an automated market maker (AMM). ApeSwap users are urged to partake in its liquidity pool offerings via yield farming to earn its native BANANA token. What’s more, these earned tokens can be used to stake and earn other tokens and unlock deluxe features. 

For more information about ApeSwap, visit the platform’s media links: 

Website | Twitter | Medium | Telegram

Source : bsc.news

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