Abi Galaverse AMA Transcript

” A community-driven GameFi platform that empowers users by rewarding them for their engagement and enjoyment”

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Hello everyone and welcome to the AMA with ABI Galaverse: Galaxy Attack – Revolution! Today we have @brnxnt joining us to talk about their exciting new project. Great to have you here 🙂

Stephen Nguyen

Hi Stephanie, Nice to meet you everyone! My name is Stephen – CMO of ABI Galaverse, with my pleasure today I have a chance to do the AMA with BSC.News

Hope we can have plenty of time together!


Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great, so to kick things off, for those who may be unfamiliar…

1. Please introduce yourself and the team behind ABI Galaverse

Stephen Nguyen

As I mentioned above: I’m Stephen Nguyen, CMO of ABI Galaverse project.

Our project is supported by 150 high-quality employees of ABI Game Studio in many fields: game, blockchain, marketing, and so on.

ABI Galaverse is a gaming ecosystem where blockchain technology is applied to the game along with Free to Play and Play to Earn.

Unlike many other NFT Games, ABI platform is where NFT and Defi meet together.

We focus on building the ecosystem that many Games can grow together.

Galaxy Attack Revolution (GAR) is the first NFTs game in the ABI Galaverse ecosystem.

GAR is inspired by Galaxy Attack Alien Shooter which was published by ABI Game Studio with more than 150 mil global downloads and 2 mil daily active users.

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Okay nice. Thank you for that intro!

2. What is ABI Galaverse and what’s the vision and mission of your team?

Stephen Nguyen

Thanks very nice question Stephanie!

What is ABI Galaverse:

ABI Galaverse is a community-driven GameFi platform that empowers users by rewarding them for their engagement and enjoyment. ABI Galaverse implements the innovative ABI tokenomics that combines finance and game and uses the best of DeFi and NFTs to create a truly unique and everlasting FREE TO PLAY, PLAY FOR FUN, PLAY TO EARN ECOSYSTEM.

Players can earn by:

Competing in PVP battles to win betting prizes.

Participating in tournaments to earn prizes.

Fabricating spaceships and selling them on marketplace.

Collecting and speculating on rare NFT such as Mystics and Legendary.

Yield farming or staking existing NFT Token to earn rewards.

We believe in a game built and led by its community.

We believe in a place where your entertainment can be turned into a source of income.

We believe in a future where players truly own what they collect.

ABI aims to become the first game platform powered by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. We are bringing four new dimensions to the gaming industry through the ABI native token, $ABI:

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Okay neat! Let’s unpack a bit as there was a lot I wanted to touch on. So first let’s talk about your token

3. Can you tell us more about the $ABI token?

a. Utility

b. Tokenomics

Stephen Nguyen

Cool – that’s exactly what I proud to share with everyone

For the ABI Token:

Decentralization is the keyword here. ABI Galaverse uses a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) enabled through the $ABI governance token.

$ABI develops synergy between the community and the team and allows a community-driven model for decision making.

Each token represents a voice that can be expressed through votes on the future decisions of the platform. In short, a decentralized board of directors is created for this project, and you can become part of it.

Actually in the very first phase, ABI Token will be used in acquire the Blind Box and Earning via Economy Features inside Galaxy Attack Revolution

For the GAR token:

It will be earned via:

– PvP versus another ppl

– Go the the campaign

– Join the Big Tournament

– Join the special event

And GAR can be used in:

– Buy the NFT Box

– Trade on Dex

FYI the Ecosystem cap

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Okay awesome so to touch more on the ecosystem using your token

4. Can you tell us about your unique play modes & features?

Stephen Nguyen

Sure for the Play Modes and Features of Galaxy Attack Revolution will be:

Campaign Mode – everyone can acquire 3 space ships to join in this mode!

This mode will be autoplayed – you should prepare the best Ships on your own.

The higher level your ships can go – the more token you can get – it will depend on rarity and power of your ship

PvP Mode – you can directly compete with other player and get the token / win the prize!

Pick the right ships for your battle!

Tournament mode:

In the very limited time, you should play versus another player (top ranking) and win the biggest prize per week or per month!

I truly believe that all of this mode will be very interesting for everyone to play!



Stephanie (BSC.News)

Okay nice! Thanks for that clarification. I like how you explained with the images. Sometimes it’s better to show than tell

Stephen Nguyen

Lol thanks Stephanie

5. What do you need to get started on Galaxy Attack Revolution?

Stephen Nguyen

A BEP-20 wallet address, a phone, a PC or a laptop, and the Internet connection to download.

Our game will be available in: Web-base, Android, iOS and Window Install Package

Or you may prepare some money to buy some tokens in case you want to get stronger to beat the evils.

Our game is free to play but if you want to earn fast and get the best ROI – you should look for NFT Ship

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great! The barrier to entry on some of the projects coming out is way to high but it’s very low for your project

6. Can you tell us about your NFTs?

Stephen Nguyen

Inside our game there are 2 main type of NFTs:

First: Ship – the main product you need to order and use for playing!

You can acquire Ship with:

– ABI Token for Mystery Box

– ABI Token trade on market place

– If you don’t like your current ship, can Fusion and get the better one

Another NFTs will be:

– Weapon Facilities

– Some other parts for your ship

You can only get this with:

– Use GAR token to acquire this one

– Trade on Marketplace with ABI Token

Stephanie (BSC.News)


7. Can you briefly describe to us all of the various rewards you offer on your platform?

Stephen Nguyen

Haha that’s cool – what’s the reward to join in the Galaxy Attack Revolution – easy:

1. Play to earn – when you have time – turn on the game and play with campaign or PvP mode

2. Sleep to earn – you don’t have to be online, your ship can earn for you although you are sleeping

3. Battle to Earn – prepare your skills and ships  – join the big tournament and win the big prize!

8. Any exciting news you would like to announce here today?

Stephen Nguyen

We are glad to appear in many famous newspapers in many languages all around the world such as BSC News, MarketWatcher, or Yahoo! Finance.

We are trying to finalize the last steps to deliver the best of our project to all supporters.

And there is a special upcoming event so don’t forget to follow our communities in order to not miss out on any interesting news.

Don’t forget to join our community / Play our game and Earn!


Stephanie (BSC.News)

It’s definitely some exciting stuff! Would you be able to provide us with social media links so that our community could follow?

Stephen Nguyen

“Please join our communities to update the latest news:

🌟 Telegram:

🌎 Announcement Channel:

💬 Group Chat:

🌟 Twitter:

🌟 Discord:  

🌟 Facebook:

🌟 Medium:

🌟 Youtube:

Last but not least – please enjoy our Trailer:

Stephanie (BSC.News)

Great! Make sure that you guys go and check out Galaxy Attack: Revolution! Their platform offers you exposure to the best projects on BSC all while rewarding you for using their innovative ecosystem!

Source : bsc.news

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